The AIM Network

So many issues that it is hard to prioritise

Image from (Photo by Richard Wainwright / AAP)

The following list of issues is in no way implying an order of priority when it comes to dealing with them, nor is the list necessarily complete, but each entry highlights the extent to which the Coalition government is failing to improve life for those in most need of help:

And there are assuredly many others that readers might want to add but let us just take a look at the ones above.

Climate change is being accepted as a reality by the majority of people but the urgent need for action is being supported by too few who are in a position to actual develop the necessary processes..

Every day that goes by, without realistic efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, is a day which increases the likelihood that future generations will find their world less comfortable than they realistically are entitled to expect.

Death rates will increase, medical resources will be in heavy demand, and many current occupations will become impossible to follow because of local climate changes and shortage of relevant resources.

Respect for women is abysmally low at present, and has been exacerbated by misplaced blame. Men and women are all people, whose bodies are designed to fulfill different purposes, who have different hormones affecting their behaviours, yet who need those differences – and their accompanying similarities – to ensure survival of the species.

Because education about sexuality has been distorted by pornography and the refusal of too many adults to approach the issue in an intelligent way, we now have arrived at a situation where immature adults are behaving irresponsibly.

Having treated the environment with a level of irresponsibility, which has resulted in a massive loss of species, it seems we are now working just as hard to destroy our own species.

In the middle of writing this, I watched the ABC discussion with Kate Ellis, which left me feeling pretty sick at the significant effect on this country of the people we elect to lead us!

Realistic support for those damaged by government’s actions in the pandemic has not been made available because the Coalition government policies refuse to acknowledge that the current, massive and global disruption of business and commerce has been caused by the government itself.

While the actual plans made to try to limit spread of the COVID-19 virus were good, the government has sought to get back to a ‘normal’ which is not, in fact,  possible in a world which is anything but normal.

The initial policies were predicated on the assumption that, once the fight against the corona virus was won, then the special policies were no longer required.

But Australia is well ahead of most of the world, and international business cannot yet begin to return to ‘normal’ because the virus is far from under control in most of the world.

In consequence, many businesses have no hope of getting going again for some, unknown, time to come. And it is positively insane to punish business owners and their employees because they cannot find work to do!

Add to the loss of JobKeeper, the reintroduction of payment of delayed rent and mortgage payments, for people who  – as of Monday 29/03/21 – no longer have any income from a job, and we shall rapidly descend into a massive soup kitchen with homelessness becoming more severe by the day.

And we really need that money which was paid to big businesses which went into extra dividends for shareholders!

COVID-19 is far from being beaten. It may never be, if the present model, of wealthy countries buying up supplies of vaccine, and failing to share them with poorer countries, is to continue.

As a country which is an island, and therefore has control over its borders, Australia has been able to take great strides in reducing the level of community transmission, but the vaccination program here still has a long was to go before we reach an appropriate level.

We rely on a level of vaccination which we have not yet reached – I am 85 and have yet to be offered vaccination, although for me it is not urgent as I am in the NT, which (to date) has been COVID free – and the government’s tendency to set hard timelines in a fluid situation does not bode well for the future.

Superannuation increases need to continue if today’s young people are to have any hope of a reasonable retirement.

That, of course, assumes that they do not have to wait too long before they can find a job, and can be vaccinated against COVID-19!

How can the national government take the attitude to superannuation that it does, when former MPs have a better superannuation scheme that the vast majority of workers???

NDIS is rapidly changing from the promised dream to going down the same path as those seeking work have experienced.

The government pays people to establish a business to help people, but does not listen to the needs of those needing the help

So the ones being paid by the government to do a job, in circumstances which severely limits their ability to do so in a meaningful way, will end up fine, while those needing the help, will be highly unlikely to get what they need.

Promises were made – and those promises MUST be honoured!

The housing market is firing up again – causing prices to rise in such a way, that those most in need of accommodation, will be highly unlikely to be able to find it.

Housing is the most urgent issue, after climate change, for the national government, but the current one fobs it off to the states and territories.

Public housing in in short supply and management of it is in dire straits, so what are we waiting for?

The increasingly wealthy continue to get richer, because once you have enough money to save, your can invest it to grow.

So why do we not have a wealth tax brought in – at the same time as donations to political parties are barred?

There is so much that could be done, or done better.

So much discussion and consultation with experts – not snake oil salesmen – which should be done.

BUT – we have a government whose leader IS a snake oil salesman, none of whose members have the guts to displace him – all while Australia slides further and further away from its status as the Lucky Country!

And all the above is ignoring external pressures like China’s global ambitions!

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