Banished Prime Ministers are an irritation. They clog the airwaves of punditry with their views about how things were and how things should be. But even there, degrees of severity and competence should be observed. The more noble sorts would pursue the goals of peace, even as they bag large wads of cash in stating the obvious. With former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and his disgraced counterpart from the UK, Boris Johnson, the cash is being forked out for war.
That Israeli authorities thought it suitable to invite these two men to bolster their war against Hamas shows a degree of deep desperation. Johnson, a serial rule breaker when it came to his own government’s pandemic regulations, was forced to resign as PM by his own Conservative party in June this year. He proved to be persistently and pathologically mendacious, a ragtag mix of contemptuousness and buffoonery.
Only Australia’s own Morrison could have possibly kept up, secretly commandeering, without knowledge of his own Cabinet, up to five different ministries in addition to his own. Despite losing the May 2022 election to Labor’s Anthony Albanese, he remains a sitting federal member, when not avidly think-tanking for anti-China causes and the US imperium.
As Gaza City is being systematically liquidated, pulverised, demolished and destroyed by Israeli firepower, these two men have decided to cheer matters on with their equivalent of pompoms and drums. The Israeli Defence Force needs all the help it can get in destroying any vestige of Palestinian political power in the small settlement, and history lessons are not what interests them. While Johnson is infinitely more informed about history than Morrison, both were united in their cheap showboating exercise.
Their Israeli hosts, assured that they would never be questioned, took the men to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, the place where 100 residents met their fate at the hands of the al-Qassam Brigade, the military wing of Hamas, on October 7. Here was a chance to compress and cleanse history, to give it that ethical clarity Morrison and Johnson always resisted as prime ministers. It was Johnson’s wish that the world would be able to see what had taken place “so people could be under no illusion about the savagery, the sadism, the lack of humanity of Hamas terrorists.”
That word, again: humanity. The humanity exorcised from any assessment of Palestinian worth, sovereignty, liberty. A humanity reserved for a certain type of privileged victimhood, one rarified in the cool atmosphere of exceptionalism known as God’s chosen people drawn from a document part fiction, part history. It follows that the retaliatory steps taken in prosecuting any response will be justified. “Of course,” Johnson emphasises, “it is right for Israel to take the necessary steps… to stop that happening again.”
On Channel 12 news, Johnson stressed the need to keep the moral compass steady and free of any regard for the Palestinians or their cause: “[S]ince that appalling massacre of October 7, you’re seeing a kind of fog descend, a moral fog, and I just want to remind people of the absolute barbarism of what took place and to make it clear that Israel has the right to defend itself.” With emphasis, he stated that, “There can be no moral equivalence between the terrorism of Hamas and the actions of the Israeli Defence Forces.”
When given the chance to talk about pursuing a ceasefire in the name of ecumenical grace, Johnson was curt. Think of those 240 hostages held by Hamas. “[W]hen you have a crime of this scale, and when there’s the possibility of it happening again, I don’t think it’s the business of the world to tell Israel to stop.” Forget international law, humanitarian restraint on the use of force, proportionate response, and conduct might just find itself within the margins of the tolerable.
Morrison, for his part, saw the trip as “an opportunity to understand firsthand what is occurring on the ground, honour those who have been lost, show support for those who have suffered and are now engaged in this terrible conflict and discuss how to move forward.” He also argued against a ceasefire, as this would only “advantage Hamas to be able to strengthen their positions and make this war go on for even longer.”
As for the matter of making sure the attacks of October 7 are never repeated, the point is all too obvious. It will keep happening again with dreary, bloody predictability. If not next year, then the next decade. Or generation. Eliminating Hamas will simply be a bloody pruning exercise verging on genocide, allowing fresh vegetation to thrive. The forest of vengeance will continue to grow; the thousands of children who survive will never forgive the IDF for what they have done and continue to do. Each dead family brings with it a family of converts for the Palestinian cause. Israel’s publicity relations wonks would be best advised to pay Johnson and Morrison and wish them on their merry way.
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Two incompetent pollies who are struggling for relevance at ant level. YUK!!
Festering Filth Morrison, an airheaded ex-nobody of no skills, charm, honesty, integrity or decency, and accompanied by Mouldering Maggotty Johnson, a farcical poor cartoon character from beyond satire, are “telling us” the glimmerng glows of their on the ground wisdom, no doubt having been rented for much needed cash. Why are these shitheads over there, when there are too many already imparting propagandist errors and false conclusions?? Only the impossible dream, lost by 1948, of a two state solution, will even vaguely hope to solve much of this galactic superstitious murdering shit. Where is the positive leadership anywhere in negotiation, diplomacy, compromise, agreements, discussion, concessions, balance??
Their incompetence and duplicity in office knew no bounds. Still desperate for a headline and relevance. A pair of king Cnuts (sorry about the spelling mistake).
As it’s said amongst the hard-headed realists who deeply acquaint themselves with the muck & misery of much of the human experience, ‘you can’t make this shit up!’
The sight of these two bogan sociopaths ballsing around in a war zone and fronting themselves for photo-ops will achieve exactly zero, or less than, if that’s possible, with respect to either their credibility – in both cases already utterly destroyed – or in providing anything approaching the positive side of the ledger either in relation to the plight of the Palestinians currently being bombed back into the dark ages by the wrathful Israelis intent on the most massive overkill possible, courtesy of the American body politic and its incestuous relationship to the commercial suppliers of hardware that has only one singular function, to kill people and destroy infrastructure, or the nominal support of the Israeli government helmed by the criminal Benjie Netanyahu, an avaricious warmonger if ever there was and an utter disgrace of a human being whose fantasy of being a ‘leader’ belies at every step the pathology that underpins his existence.
Scummy & Bojo… it would have been totally appropriate if they kitted up in clown suits with Charlie Chaplin shoes and big red noses and ponced around telling porkies & wisecracking to all and sundry rather than their faux seriousness from behind their bulletproof vests. Sick-making, nauseous behaviour.
‘Eliminating Hamas will simply be a bloody pruning exercise verging on genocide, allowing fresh vegetation to thrive. The forest of vengeance will continue to grow; the thousands of children who survive will never forgive the IDF for what they have done and continue to do. Each dead family brings with it a family of converts for the Palestinian cause.’
At risk of belabouring the point, it is rare for any media to winkle out – as Mr Kampmark has done so trenchantly here – the ‘transgenerational’ trauma that encapsulates the human psyche and the seeds of its own destruction.
Though the Old Testament die has been well and truly recast here, reconceptualising Original Sin as Original Trauma might not be an idle exercise.
Morrison is no doubt salivating at the thought of Armageddon and his immediate bodily rapturing. The sooner a stray bullet finds him, or a piece of masonry collapses on him, the better. How dare he turn up smirking in this horrible war zone. I am sure he will learn nothing by being there. From 11 years ago: https://youtu.be/-evIyrrjTTY?si=n93zsnflYPnKbwqt
But let’s make sure we don’t mention Iran’s support for the terrorist attacks, including gang rape of women and murder of children, on 7 October…
“This operation … is the spontaneous movement of resistance groups and Palestine’s oppressed people in defence of their inalienable rights and their natural reaction to the Zionists’ warmongering and provocative policies,” Iranian state media quoted ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani as saying.”
If those two are backing Israel in this conflict, only their god can help them win against HMAS, and the two treacherous has-beens advice should completely ignored, they have failed in every thing they have participated in.
What a treacherous pair of political sharpsters, both this pair should be jailed for their dancing to the tune of the USA’s military bugles rather than hiding in desperate anonymity for their overrated capacity, regarding their attempted but failed role as Prime Ministers governing for the nation’s they were supposed to represent.
How many were their of their “stabbed in the back” ministerial colleagues?
As I have stated, people of their sly dog ilk are no more than political predatory lying back slappers regardless of each selling themselves to the benefit of the US hegemonic war-inciting murderers of 40+ million civilian people in distant external countries.
Toss in 250 lashes with the cat o’ nine tails on the back of each of ’em, the treacherous bastards.
morrison should don the uniform and go and fight……….oh sorry, another coward with a big mouth.
a commentator, to be sure both sides are guilty in this war of personal relevance. Blaming the other side whilst holding your self up as blameless is pretty insulting to the rest of us.
What a repusive, horrible and disgusting sight, Sluggo and Smuggo getting in the way by pretending they care about something. It will pretty much guarantee them being lauded in the sleaze meedja. Two single braincells surrounded by compacted faeces in thick skulls!
Yes, andyfiftysix. Blaming the other side is exactly what Iran does.
It might also help if Hamas wasn’t committed to the elimination of Israel
‘scomo’ has enough innocent blood on his hands from his efforts at civil administration of Australia (ROBODEBT, lest we forget) without the ‘bit of a bulldozer’ dabbling in ME geo-politics.
Morrison, the shadow-backbencher for the seat of Cook, is truanting his local representative duties in order to voluntarily ghoul-tour around a warzone and bray arguments against any ceasefire, this at exactly the same time as diplomatic agents from the (perpetually warmongering) USA are lobbying for Gaza-bound aid contributions from Syria & Turkey in an attempt to gleverage Israel into some kind of ‘humanitarian pause’ (diplomatic-speak for ceasefire).
‘How good’s unrestrained warfare conducted in densely populated areas without any realistic option of civilian evacuation? (🤡👍)
I would not shed a single tear if an AD from an IDF Galil popped scomo square in his smirk-hole.
Ps, on a more local note, methinks people who willingly allow their cats out to slaughter native wildlife are not only active enablers of cruel torture and the extinction of the irreplaceable,, but they seem to be operating without a shred of a clue about social or environmental responsibilities.
Waiting for Kim Kardashian to turn up and critique the apparel of the maimed and dead, in the context of the killing fields,the ambient light,and the beckoning possibilty of future profits.
Why do proven cretins even get the time of day? Oh yeah,lies are the currency de jour.
It’s his Biggles pose. There’s no other way to describe it.
Whist straya was burning I said “aloha”.
Whilst Gaza was burning I said “aliyah”.
To draw away attention from the massacre.
Relics like Johnson a nd Morrison, would have been paid a packet for them make such Wallys of themselves, unless they were black mailed ..or believe their own bs, which is likely.
No sign of the Donald tho?
Otherwise detained?
Would run a mile at the first hint of grape shot, lot of them.
That maggoty misfit mental midget Morrison, a reffo from a loose bowel, turns up, paid as a guest, with Blowjobhaired Boris the bonko bullshitter in excelsis, and we have to tolerate this level of dishonest fascisitic fraudery and dishonesty? Vomit….
Two murderous fraudy stupendously dishonest ridiculous superstitions, murderous, righteous, utterly unbelievable, relying on ancient lies of dogma, indoctination, fantasy and myth, want to kill all unbelievers, i e, everyone else, because they “know”… well, they know nought except lies, for all religious arsehole idiots KNOW that everyone ELSE IS wrong. They are all WRONG.
The Biggles pose. Lostmo’s sopwith pup is primed and ready.
CB, agree on cats, keep them contained !! Pity we can’t keep cane toads contained.
The only thing missing from that more than obvious staged pose is the flying scarf around his neck wafting in a breeze. He’s a fucking useless waste of space back bencher and the merde sleaze media is still giving him coverage. Makes you want to vomit copiously into a bucket. I almost get the feeling that he’s trying to set himself up for a run at Der Spud at some stage.
Bojo,Bibi and the Bullshitter….another version of the Three Stooges…sans humour.Relevance deprivation writ large.
Are you referring to the Cane Toad of Cane Toad Hall seat of Cook CL?
If so, an ancestor was a first fleeter convict (done for some yarn) at which point the species rapidly unravelled to its present uncontrolled status.
Anyone who thinks this horror only started on October 7 is a certifiable moron or a conniving liar https://pazzoredento.wordpress.com/2023/11/08/genocidal-zionism/
@ Max Gross: 100% correct. I note that Zionists are always ”the victim” and never ”the oppressor”. Balfour was suckered when dealing with European banks for war finance in 1916.
@ ac: Truth is the first victim of warfare. I am amazed that you fell for this propaganda.
@ PP: Once again a delightfully accurate description of Scummo of the Secret Seven Ministries, Australia’s first attempt at a dictatorship.
Information (for those who seek);
The original 1988 Hamas Charter.
Quite explicit about extinguishing Israel as a nation, and making Palestine an exclusively Islamist state.
The modified 2017 Charter.
Less extremist, but entirely dismissive of any historical Jewish presence within the region.
Worth reading both.
Opinion; I suspect that some of the worst atrocities committed on Oct 7 were likely carried out by hamas’ ‘ij’ allies, who are not only way more extremist (doomsday fundo whackjobs) but also have far worse levels of training and discipline.
For those that don’t accept that Hamas is committed to the elimination of Israel, please familiarise yourself with the English translation of its charter.
It should also be noted that Hamas is also committed to the oppression of women and totally rejects any compromise. https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-charter-%E2%80%93-ideology-behind-massacre
AC, I’m disappointed with your comment. It sounds as though you’re offering a justification for shooting anything that moves.
I apologise if I read it wrong.
Palestinians have had a horrific history since the annexation of their lands and the subsequent gifting to the Zionists, plenty of murder, dispossession, ongoing brutality directed at all levels of their communities – men, women, children, old & young, strong & weak, healthy & infirmed – along with the ever-present undercurrent of hatred, abuse, racism, alienation, belittling… a century of constant suffering & deprivation at the hands of the Jews.
A Commentator’s constant flag-flying for the Israelis show little evidence of any insight into just how that century of being belittled, ghosted, and edged towards genocidal annihilation might have impacted the generations of Palestinians who are the living testimony to this never-ending parade of cruelty and oppression under the hateful watch of the Jewish imperialists who zealously guard their stolen lands.
Perhaps if AC were to swap his comfortable chair in front of the screen for a sabbatical in Gaza or the West Bank for, say, a year or two, and actually get to witness & experience the intolerable burdens & sufferings placed upon these people by the Zionist overlords, he might then realise that a little bit of nuance is necessarily a good thing – that old saw of having to walk in someone else’s shoes before it is possible to understand them.
And as for the Hamas commitment to the elimination of Israel goes… I hate to remind the Commentator but that view’s as old as history itself, or even prehistory, likely. Kick the dog on the chain every time you walk by and it’ll eventually be maddened and if given the opportunity, will kill you…. a perfectly normalised response to a perfectly abnormal situation. Doesn’t make it right, doesn’t make it wrong, it just is what it is. If the Israelis don’t like it, then it’s up to them to change their tune, as unlikely as that seems.
Not at all MT, I’m critical of Israel’s actions. They should heed calls for a ceasefire.
But there was a comment directed to me that suggested I’d fallen for propaganda
I’m providing the evidence that Hamas is specifically committed to the elimination of Israel and officially rejects any efforts of the international community to find a solution
It seems that war is the preferred option of both sides
Pleased to hear that, AC. 👍