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Senate Splits On International Education Bill

Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) Media Release

Independent skills training and higher education providers delivering quality outcomes to international students express deep concern over the lack of clear direction in the Senate’s review of the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024. The Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) says many members face a threat to their existence if the Bill passes in its current form and the Australian Government uses its newfound draconian powers without appropriate guardrails and oversight.

“There’s no doubt that this legislation will be disastrous for independent skills training and higher education providers, as well as Australia’s reputation as a welcoming destination for international students,” said Troy Williams, ITECA Chief Executive.

The Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee reviewed the proposed legislation, and their report highlights that the Bill is poorly considered and not presented in a form that should be passed, according to ITECA.

“It was great to see the federal Opposition, the Australian Greens, and cross-bench senators acknowledge the concerns of ITECA members in the report. Sadly, Australian Government Senators have put politics before good policy and ignored the views of quality tertiary education providers,” Mr Williams said.

The Bill, if passed in its present form, will pave the way for introducing international student caps that most damage independent Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and higher education institutions.

“Despite the strong evidence provided to Senators by quality RTOs and higher education providers about the damage the proposed legislation will do to their institutions, the Australian Government looks set to proceed with a cavalier disregard for the employees in the sector that will lose their jobs,” Mr Williams said.

ITECA has endorsed the recommendations of the Australian Greens, calling on the Australian Government to withdraw the current Bill and begin a comprehensive consultation process with the tertiary education sector.

“The aim would be to develop a sustainable plan that supports the integrity of Australia’s migration and education systems, rather than pursuing what is rushed and reckless migration policy,” Mr Williams said.

In response to the ongoing concerns, ITECA has entered into crisis talks with its members, departmental officials, state and territory governments, plus stakeholders in the skills training and higher education sectors.

“These discussions seek to chart a path forward that mitigates the impact of the Bill on high-quality providers and their employees, ensuring that Australia’s international education system remains competitive and reputable,” Mr Williams said.


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1 comment

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  1. Andrew Smith

    While the rest of the developed world seek more international students as temporary migrants and budget contributors, plus modest permanent migrant program (like ours with current cap 190k pa), Australia an immigrant nation says no….

    Unlike US, UK etc. with hard right and white Christian nationalist proponents, Australia does bipartisan on nativist migration policies…?

    Since Howard became PM, Murdoch has done PR/comms, Koch ie. IPA etc. climate science denial and social Darwinism for business, while SPA does social Darwinism on humanity for a post ‘white Australia’, too easy…..

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