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In response to a comment on Twitter from Mr Denmore:

“I’m older than Barnaby & ScoMo, but these guys are more like my father’s generation: sexist, patriarchal, anti-intellectual, frightened of difference, their self-confidence inversely correlated to their ability. They seem completely out of time. I simply do not get it.”

I wrote the following:

I have continued learning throughout life, from a maths degree at 21 to a law degree at 71, with other qualifications including a Masters in between. I have been a teacher (and even an insurance representative) as well as a lawyer and a mediator and have raised 3 children who are also all well-qualified.

In this process I have met thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds and believe I have earned respect from most of them.

But I do not think I would survive in the doghouse which is occupied by our politicians. They lack respect for others, they are too often inflexible, and, clearly, too many of them are there for their own benefit not ours.

They are outright dishonest over claiming their ‘entitlements’ while trampling on the helpless over issues like RoboDebt and current family polices. They live in a parallel universe where the helpless are further deprived, the dishonest get a slap on the wrist or even a reward for effort and, as for small children, the biggest crime is being found out.

The system is corrupt and I wonder whether it can ever be put right.

Global warming is an issue of major urgency and those we have elected are putting future children’s lives at risk by failing to take action. It is far more important than most of the issues Parliament is fighting over, and, as for our treatment of refugees – words fail me!


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