The AIM Network

Religion and Politics: A Letter to Scott Morrison

Image from (AAP photo)

By Annasis Liz Kelly  

Take me by the hand and let me tell you a story of a man who thought he was God’s gift to, well, Australia. There is a certain person who has a very high position in the government who believes that he was anointed to this position because of the God that he pays lip service to.

Whilst I have no issues with a person’s personal belief system, as I hope none take issue with mine. I do, however find it disgraceful to this very country to stand as the Prime Minister and give sermons while flaunting his lip servicing beliefs. You, Mr. Morrison can claim to be Christian all you want but you need to practice it as if it is Jesus who you were helping. The very fundamental aspect of Christendom. To be like Christ. The man who walked with the hopeless and gave them hope. The man who walked with the sick and healed them. The man who fed the poor and hungry because it was the right thing to do. The man who rebuked those who paid lip service and knew that those who did, their hearts weren’t pure.

You, Mr. Morrison have forgotten the words of Christ, so here is some to remind you.

Mark 10:25; “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” As a man of faith, you believe that you are going to go into heaven because you believe in Jesus?

Yet, you have, Matthew 19:14; “but Jesus said suffer little children and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven”. Made children suffer.

And forsaken one of his greatest commandments “love thy neighbor as thyself”. It is that important in that it is cited three times in the New Testament in Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-34 and Luke 10:27.

Basically Mr. Morrison, as a Christian, a man of Christ, you at the very core of it, are capable of helping every one of the children in this country to not be poor. You are in the right position but you choose to follow the money. It is something that you should not do and you should love and treat everyone as you love and treat yourself. As a Christian, you should be focusing on helping the less fortunate not focusing the rich people like you have since taking the position of Prime Minister.

If I was still a Christian, I would be so ashamed that you are what others view Christians. I am ashamed as it is that you lead a country that has many different religious beliefs, while bringing your beliefs to your PMship. It is fine to allow them guide you, but not take over. And no this is not a form of persecution for being a Christian, like I know many would be thinking when reading this. This is someone who is sick of seeing empty promises and lies (another broken commandment, the 9th one) and a complete disregard to human life that is not your own.

Why not bring home the Tamil Family (including two Australian children) living on Christmas Island for the past three years to the tune of 2.5 million dollars, at the 16/09/2019 Senate? That would be the Christian thing to do. Why not bring real change to the issues facing the Indigenous of the land? Why not let the Sacred Sites of the Indigenous mobs stay in their hands? That would be the Christian thing to do. Why not get rid of the Indue Cashless Debit Card and the Basics Card? That would be the Christian thing to do.

The Christian thing is to literally do what Christ himself would have done. In fact, in Matthew 25:35-40 35 it says; “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” So what you do, Mr. Morrison, to the poor of the land, you do unto Christ, himself. Not very Christian-like.

How can you call yourself a man of God, a good Christian man, when we rarely see you behave like him? I have in fact seen the poor Aboriginal man give away his last coin to a child just so that child could buy a sweet. The look of pure joy in his eyes knowing he made that child happy is one of my favourite memories. Yet you cannot give that to a child? That is who we are supposed to be to help our fellow human beings. We are not garbage. We are not children to be dictated to by an authorial man. We are, going by Christian beliefs, God’s wonderful creation, yet you do not treat us as such.

Your religion is not the be all and end all in who we are as Australians. We are and always will have many different beliefs and quite frankly your choice on merging the two is indicative of where you want Australia to head into the future. Which may follow a similar path seen by the Romans. Collapsed into smithereens. Simply put, your religious freedoms don’t allow for other religious freedoms. Our basis of government should remain the confounds of science and a person’s belief should only be a guide the individual and nothing more.

You can say you are a Christian but the public does not need photo opportunities seeing your arm stretched in praise to your Abrahamic God. Would you like the same for a Muslim to praise their Abrahamic God? No, you wouldn’t. What about any other belief say the Dreaming? Again, you wouldn’t. Why? Because you have been led to believe that by allowing this to happen is an attack on your beliefs but it isn’t.

Remember how I said that I was once a part of the Church? Yeah, well I know what gets taught. What we get “programmed” to believe. There is no attack on you or Christianity, just your attack on everyone else’s right to believe in something else other than Christ, as per your personal beliefs. No, we will not go to hell due to a differing perspective on faith. And if you are right and there is a Heaven and Hell, and you went to heaven, well I would prefer to go to hell. Simply because people like you, and others I have met who claim to be Christian, would apparently go to heaven and I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of eternity with the likes of you. With all the people you lot claim to “are going to hell” because they are, gay, trans, unwedded mothers, and any other versions of “undesirable”, hell is going to be fun.

You do not get to dictate to us if we have sinned, when you have not removed the plank in your own eye. And remember, pride comes before a fall, you sir, are that full of pride that it is floating up like a hot air balloon and when your fall comes, believe me it will come sooner than you think, that balloon will pop, and how does a popped balloon go? Mmmm, just like that. You will become so deflated in the fall; your ego will have no other choice but to lash out.

The fact remains, if Christ was to have a second coming, he would dine with me before he would with you. Because when a child was hungry, you kept a card in play that allowed rich people to feed upon. When a homeless person needed help, you made it difficult for them to gain a home. When someone cried out for a job, you allowed business to close whilst allowing your rich mates to profit. When the sick cried for their much-needed medication, you couldn’t, nay wouldn’t deliver the medication. When our elderly in aged care were wringing their hands due to the traumatic experience of their lives, you turned but a blind eye. When the country burnt, you were not here, “coz you needed a holiday”, yet there were thousands who lost their homes and are still waiting for financial aid.

And worse of all, when women cried out for justice, you closed your ears. When Ministers show severe misconduct in their performance, you give them a free pass by doing an “online empathy course”. Newsflash, you gain empathy as you grow up, interacting with your peers, you cannot gain empathy by doing an online course and have a certificate saying that you have empathy. The biggest con job, every lie you have told.

From the appearance of the heart you show, your actions are evident. You are only Christian by your words, not by heart.

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