Why is it that every time the Coalition are caught out it is a witch hunt?
Kelly O’Dwyer, in a very ordinary and predictable display of meaningless bluster on Insiders, thinks expecting politicians to answer truthfully on the nomination declaration they sign before running for office is unreasonable. Any assertion that they may be ineligible is just a dirty smear campaign. Anyone with any doubts would of course immediately admit.
Ummmm….Kelly…..they didn’t fess up of their own accord. They didn’t bother checking their eligibility before signing a form declaring they complied with section 44 of the constitution.
The nomination form actually states:
Please read the candidate statement and declaration carefully before signing the nomination form. Your attention is drawn in particular to section 44 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia (which it quotes).
Candidates who have any doubts about their eligibility, by virtue of section 44 of the Constitution, are advised to obtain their own legal advice. For further information refer to the Candidates Handbook and the Nomination Guide.
*Answering ‘Yes’ to the question about eligibility under section 44 of the Constitution asserts eligibility. Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
Is it really that hard for those who were born overseas or had a parent born overseas to check?
Since this parliament was elected we have seen Senators Culleton, Day, Ludlum, Waters, Nash, Roberts and Parry all found ineligible along with Barnaby Joyce in the lower house.
All indications are that there are others who will join them.
And then there is Senator Barry O’Sullivan whose company is profiting from road construction funded using Federal money.
The hypocrisy from the Coalition is astonishing.
Have they forgotten about the dirt files on Labor politicians that now Senator James McGrath paid for which detailed a minister’s epilepsy and childhood adoption, claims about some politicians’ sexuality, sex lives, drinking habits and health matters, and included details of the schools of the children of government MPs?
What about Peta Credlin’s voluminous AWU file compiled to try to get Julia Gillard for legal work she did decades ago?
Who tipped off the media to be present when Craig Thomson was arrested and then strip searched?
Who referred Peter Slipper to the AFP instead of allowing him to pay back the $900 as he had offered to do?
Why did we pay tens of millions for a 9th inquiry into the home insulation program in an attempt to besmirch Kevin Rudd?
Why did the Trade Union Royal Commission spend so much time trying unsuccessfully to find dirt on Bill Shorten?
Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin made the very conscious strategic decision to play the man/woman rather than come up with better policies. Turnbull has happily continued in the same vein.
When Sally McManus suggested our industrial laws were unjust all hell broke loose with Christopher Pyne stating “The reality is the rule of law is required to be followed by all Australians otherwise we’ll have chaos.”
Well right back atcha buddy!