In his press conference today, Prime Minister Scott Morrison was asked about allegations pertaining to the anal rape of a child, allegedly perpetrated by one of his current cabinet ministers in 1988.
Mr Morrison replied:
“We have a rule of law in this country and it’s appropriate that these things were referred to the federal police – they have been…the police are the ones who do that, and the police have had this matter referred to them…”
Let us interrogate the Prime Minister’s statement.
The Australian Federal Police have no authority to investigate an alleged crime of sexual assault that was allegedly committed in NSW. The Prime Minister must know this. If he doesn’t, he should perhaps seek advice from his Attorney General, Christian Porter, who would certainly be aware of this.
Either mistakenly or deliberately the Prime Minister is not observing the “rule of law” in referring the allegations to the Federal Police. He should have referred them to the NSW Police. He should still refer them to the NSW Police if he is interested in respecting the rule of law and intends to continue to claim he is abiding by that rule. Morrison has done nothing by referring the matter to the AFP other than provide a smokescreen, and some breathing space for himself and the alleged rapist in his cabinet.
It does beggar belief that in the current climate, the Prime Minister would not inform himself of a fact as basic as this. Of course, it’s only about rape, a matter that so conspicuously fails to exercise his concern (he didn’t know about the alleged rape of Ms Higgins for two years, though practically everyone around him did) that one is reminded of the infamous comment by George Pell on hearing allegations of child sexual abuse by former priest, Gerald Ridsdale. It was, Pell observed, “a sad story and it isn’t of much interest to me.”
Mr Morrison went on to claim that he had conducted a “discussion” with the “individual” (cabinet minister) involved, who vehemently rejected the allegations.
No surprises there.
“At this stage,” the Prime Minister pompously concluded,” there are no matters that require my immediate attention.”
In other words the Prime Minister is prepared to accept the alleged rapist’s denial, and is satisfied with having referred the matter to a police agency that cannot do anything at all about it.
I don’t know what the rules are about the Prime Minister speaking with the alleged offender on the matter after he has referred allegations to police, let alone announcing his innocence to the country, but I’m sure somebody does.
We just watched the Prime Minister tell the entire country that he didn't think a well documented and credible allegation of a serious, brutal rape, allegedly perpetrated by one of his most senior ministers was serious enough to stand the minister aside, while it's investigated.
— Glen Schaefer (@hardenuppete) March 1, 2021
But wait, there’s more. When asked if he had read the detailed accounts of the alleged rape written by the victim, who has since taken her life, and sent to him and other politicians by a group of her friends and colleagues, Morrison said he’d “been briefed” on their content.
In other words, the Prime Minister did not consider it worth his time to read the victim’s account of her alleged rape, and correspondence that supports her claims, but he is prepared to speak with the alleged perpetrator and accept his assurances of innocence, which he then relays to the country.
The implication that the Prime Minister accepts his denial is supported by his refusal to stand the man aside from his cabinet position while police review the matter.
Oh wait. Police will not review the matter because Morrison sent the allegations to the wrong police & has shown no interest in sending them to the right ones.
We will shortly be able to identify the alleged rapist as Morrison sends out one cabinet minister after another to face the media. Just observe who doesn’t appear.
On another note, veteran journalist Paul Bongiorno observed this morning that legal circles in Canberra are buzzing after Attorney-General Christian Porter failed to appear at the historic swearing-in of newest High Court member, Jacqueline Gleeson. Apparently the AG had appointments in Perth.
Legal circles are buzzing in Canberra by the fact the Attorney General @cporterwa was a no show at the swearing in of the newest member of the High Court.Jacqueline Gleeson is the daughter of former Chief Justice Murray Gleeson.
His office says the A-G had appointments in Perth.— Paul Bongiorno (@PaulBongiorno) March 1, 2021
What the Prime Minister has achieved today is to send yet another message to women (in case we missed a million others) that in Australia, a perpetrator has more credibility than his victim. Not only that, a perpetrator will be listened to while his female victim will not, at least by the Prime Minister who unfortunately sets the tone. And what a tone it is.
The Prime Minister and his government, our legislators, are currently protecting an alleged rapist. Our most senior legislators are seemingly unaware of the requirements of the very laws they make, and are sworn to uphold.
This article was originally published on No Place For Sheep.
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The nsw police could publicly invite the pm to pass the case to them . That way the evasion tactic used by referring to the federal police is outmanoeuvred.
To claim a case is cold if the victim is dead would mean murderers never face justice either.
This pm takes us for fools.
so I bonked a lass…
“did anyone see you?”
apart from the security guards and the CCTV … no one
“good. we can fix that”
ah great, btw, there are a few serial complaints about you know who surfacing again
“got drunk again did he?”
yeh, you know what he is like hahaha
“no worries…. we will refer it to the AFP, alert the commissioner that his tenure is up for renewal soon,
release a presser stating that an investigation is underway and commission a review to corroborate whatever we want them to say
and then…
release Barnaby and Craig and George and Matt and well, all the nats for starters
that will take the heat off for a while
The vomitous P M, a Pustular Misfit, A Primitive Maggot, A Poxed Moron, a Preposterous Merdivore, a Slippery slut for pose, notice, future preferment, a long slithery slimy serpent of SIN, and filthy hypocrite, a liar beyond reason, an unwiped anus of antagonistic atrocity, Filth coated in filth and drenched in filth, then stuffed with more filth, the end result of perverted, deluded, shitty superstition.
The PM was pretty unconvincing.
The writer wonders what he is going to say to his daughters when he attempts to explain away his nonsenses to them over or after dinner.
I think must be a F of lot warehoused over time as to the PM and the recalcitrant cabinet minister and believe not one iota that the nation’s leader knew nothing of his ministers antics until recently.
Scott Morrison and the truth are like a virgin and sex…next time will be the first time.
if you never read anything that may challenge your beliefs and when your staff filter effectively before briefing you on any content that is acceptable, then you can be a christian PM like a rabbott or a scummo
ps josephus, this PM doesn’t need us he has enough fools for 60%
So, Scott Morrison apparently had to consult his wife as to how to respond to the Brittany Higgins allegations; she advised him to consider how his daughters may have felt at being similarly violated and he consequently fronted the media and related this touching homily, hamming his way through an apparently empathetic performance in his typically slippery routine of appearing to be concerned whilst not actually shedding a scintilla of real care except for how he could best manage this clusterfuck with as little damage to himself, primarily, and his governmental colleagues, secondarily.
Well, everyday vanilla rape may be one thing, and understandably he may have been momentarily concerned at the imaginative notion of one of his daughters suffering in a similar fashion to Ms Higgins, but anal rape is another thing altogether, an upramping in viciousness and cruelty and the unfettered willingness of a priapic male to dominate a helpless female; one shudders at the likeliness of the events unfolding at the scene of the crime; the terror, the pain, the anguish, along with the sense of satisfaction of the satiated assailant after his abhorrent invasion of his victim.
That this person now sits within the highest echelon of political power in this country, apparantly untouched and unrepentant and secure in the knowledge that he is beyond the reach of the law after the tragic suicide of his three decades ago target, and one may assume, also unmoved by the fact that he evidently played a major role in her tragic trajectory following his ugly act of bestial aggression, would seem to be an unfathomable outcome worthy of Shakespearean significance. One may hope that the hubristic consequences are allowed expression.
As to the PM’s position, with his preference for the ostrich position or perhaps the posturing of the three wise monkeys with their see, hear & speak no evil, perhaps he needs to consult the missus a second time and see what she has to say about anal rape of female children, and then take a long hard look at himself in the mirror and ask, for perhaps the first time, what it is that he truly stands for. History will not remember him kindly if he fails this crucial test.
It would appear Morrison has stopped thinking “like a father”?
But then,he dosen’t hold a hose, he doesn’t wear a badge, he knows nothing.
As someone on this site astutely named him (and apologies for not remembering who)
Job Shirker is at it again.
Not my problem.
Now f**k off until the next election!
“The Australian Federal Police have no authority to investigate an alleged crime of sexual assault that was allegedly committed in NSW. The Prime Minister must know this. If he doesn’t, he should perhaps seek advice from his Attorney General, Christian Porter, who would certainly be aware of this.”
Is the NSW police Force a branch of the liberal party in the same way as the AFP is. This might be the reason for the prime minister’s preference for the AFP ?
Is it also possible the alleged crime could have been committed by one of the multiple happy clappers in the cabinet, and is therefore qualified to receive the normal concealment afforded to prominent christians ?
Shudder to think what would be if he “thought like a father” given this era.
There is no way anyone is going to come out of this with clean underwear.Who is giving the P.M. advise? Does he listen if you do?What is Jen’s opinion of child anal rape?This is a shambles.
Dave G.
I reckon Scotty looks at his reflection in the mirror and asks, “What would Scotty do?”
In the end, comeuppance.
The minister and his PM are subject to laws of karma the same as the rest of us whether this is welcomed or not.
They are so inured of their own “cleverness” they can’t fathom yet that reality has intruded- some things you cannot necessarily get away with. Looking back over their shoulders at what they think they have put over, they walk headlong into a brick wall.
Their troubles will continue as long as they remain in denial of what has really happened.
Nsw cops have dropped the case due to insufficient admissible evidence. What does the script call for now, scotty? Fck sake, scotty, you follow the nrl, you must be aware of the player stood down over sexual assault allegations, what is it, 2 years now, first trial kaput, he now awaits second trial. Nowhere near good enough, scotty the rapist protector, that godly baggage handler is a gutless coward as are you and all that enable this culture to proliferate. This is not going away, scotty. Tick tock scotty.
In the fastest investigation known to mankind, NSW Police said in a statement today it had sought legal advice about the case which determined there was “insufficient admissible evidence to proceed”.
Morrison says “”I mean, we have a rule of law in this country and it’s appropriate that these things were referred to the Federal Police. They have been.”
But this morning, AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw told 2GB’s Ray Hadley the claims did not fall within the jurisdiction of the Federal Police.
Wasn’t Reece Kershaw the guy who said don’t use the media yet he’s on Ray Hadley’s show?
Morrison clearly ignores one of the key facets of the rule of law, that it provides the alleged criminal the opportunity to prove his or her innocence.
Morrison, it seems, is playing judge and jury.
The verdict? Innocent.
Journalist : Prime Minister the Statement of Ministerial standards says that :
7.1.Ministers must accept that it is for the Prime Minister to decide whether and when a Minister should stand aside if that Minister becomes the subject of an official investigation of alleged illegal or improper conduct.
So will you stand aside the minister in question.
Prime minister : I do not accept the premise of your question : I have ‘phoned the Commissioner for the Australian federal police and the Commissioners for the New South Wales Police and the South Australia police. All three have assured me that there are no official investigations taking place. So clearly there is no question of anybody being stood aside.
Journalist: so you’ve fucked over the Australian judicial system to save a mate ?
Prime Minister : you may think that but I couldn’t possibly comment – now on aged care………..
Who said he was a mate? There are no mates in politics, just Members who happen to share a common interest at particular times.
The NSW police say they do not have enough evidence to investigate.
Why then do these ‘worthy’ law enforcement chaps spend so much time, money and taxpayers resources to investigate decades old cases of murder, missing persons, absconding criminals, frauds, on the run drug dealers ?
To keep themselves relevant, to keep their jobs with the lurks and perks, to get to bask in the limelight, to wear their gongs on ceremonial occasions and to strut about like dressed up turkeys ?
We get the best pollies and the police that money can buy.
Scummo must be relieved, he doesn’t have to lose his minister, There’ll be extra loud happy clapping at this sunday’s Hillsong halleluja.
It is a dramatic and diametric inversion of the terms employed during the Morrison/ Porter ROBODEBT thuggery, guilty till proven innocent.
Katharine Murphy. The Guardian Aust. 01 03 2021
“In this latest terrible instalment – the saddest of stories – the prime minister doesn’t read things, isn’t inclined to pursue rumours to ascertain truth, and won’t launch an independent inquisition to get to the facts (at least not yet) because he’s not a police force, which sounds a lot like the logical extension of not holding a hose, which was the lesson he was supposed to learn during the bushfires – the last crisis Morrison fumbled in full public view.
I’m not sure why this isn’t obvious to the prime minister yet because it is blindingly obvious to anyone watching on.
The current situation is untenable for everybody and Morrison can’t manage his way out of it by attrition, omission and evasion.
He needs to lead.”
Nearly correct.
As an elected member of theparliament of Australia, (and by both hook and crook the Prime Minister), he has proven over the course of the last week that he is incapable of fulfilling neither the legal nor the ethically responsible codes of his position.
He needs to resign
Am wondering if victim of AG had medical examination/treatment post rape – there would be medical record. That’s evidence Who did she tell through the years – friends medical psychological help etc Are they willing to come forward and make statements. That’s evidence. Word – internal scar tissue from rape is often still visible even when u r old (vaginal & anal) … evidence of this could be on victims medical records = evidence plus time frame confirmation. Such a tragedy she didnt make a detailed formal statement & probably o/whelmed at the upcoming prospect of it all – tipped her over the edge. It is extraordinary that we r expected to believe AG Psychopaths r masters of deceit verbally Watched tv to see him speak = he sounded more like a trapped rat than an innocent Feel for victims parents & her fam … horrendous nightmare for them… u/stand why they refuse media . One last thought – the only other case scenario is imo – the victim was so severely delusional she conflated an ironing room & AG with another delusion – being raped by him. Doesnt sound credible does it. I believe the deceased victim Her voice from the grave is haunting AG Staying silent destroyed her Never stay silent
@ Phil Pryor LMAO re ‘The vomitous P M, a Pustular Misfit, A Primitive Maggot, A Poxed Moron, a Preposterous Merdivore, a Slippery slut for pose, notice, future preferment, a long slithery slimy serpent of SIN, and filthy hypocrite, a liar beyond reason, an unwiped anus of antagonistic atrocity, Filth coated in filth and drenched in filth, then stuffed with more filth, the end result of perverted, deluded, shitty superstition.’
Some great expressives in there Btw scotty is freemason like his daddy was………………. they worship the great G architect… baphomet with Christianity as a front…………………………..