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More shocking cruelty to Australian sheep revealed as exporters lose control of Oman

Australian Alliance for Animals Media Release

The Australian Alliance for Animals is today calling on the Federal Government to expediate its phase out of live sheep exports as further evidence shows a complete breakdown of supply chain controls in Oman. 

The latest breaches come in the lead up to the region’s Festival of Sacrifice, an extremely high-risk period for animal welfare, in which sheep are often sold outside approved supply chains for private slaughter. 

Alliance for Animals Policy Director Dr Jed Goodfellow said the latest revelations were shocking yet entirely predictable.  

“There appears to be a complete breakdown in supply chain controls, with dozens of reported breaches over several weeks involving large numbers of Australian animals, 

Alliance member Animals Australia first reported the breaches to the Department of Agriculture in May and has since made several further reports as higher numbers of Australian sheep continue to be found outside of approved supply chains. 

“The responsible exporter is seemingly unable or unwilling to recover them and the Department appears powerless to compel them to do so,” said Dr Goodfellow. 

“This latest incident shows that even under the most intense scrutiny, with the Government literally in the process of phasing the trade out, exporters still can’t manage to comply with Australian export rules, 

“The industry’s own representative body said in a statement today that it ‘fully expects’ there to be further reports of alleged breaches in the coming days, 

“It’s gut wrenching to know that over the next few days, those animals, raised here on Australian farms, will likely experience tremendous fear, pain and suffering through untrained backyard slaughter. 

“The sooner the Albanese Government fulfills its commitment to end the trade, the better, 

“Transitioning away from live sheep exports towards higher value domestic processing will contribute more to local economies, create a net increase in jobs, and ensure our standards of animal welfare are met.”  


Dr Jed Goodfellow, Director of Policy & Government Relations – Australian Alliance for Animals


About the Australian Alliance for Animals

The Australian Alliance for Animals is a national charity leading a strategic alliance of Australia’s key animal protection organisations with a combined supporter base of over 2 million people. Core members include Animals Australia, Humane Society International Australia, World Animal Protection Australia, Compassion in World Farming, FOUR PAWS Australia, and Voiceless, the animal protection institute. Website: Australian Alliance for Animals.

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