Come on, come on
Do the ScoMo-motion with me
Ye-ye-ye-yeah …
The Locomotion, by Little Eva.
Bullying, standover tactics, sit-ins – allegations of misconduct flow thick and fast in the aftermath of Peter Dutton’s botched Liberal Party leadership coup, a fiasco which Scott Morrison helped create – then exploited in his ambition to topple Turnbull.
Morrison’s plotters voted for the spill only to switch their allegiance in the next round. Lucy Gichui maintains, moreover, Morrison’s mob had been planning to knife Malcolm Turnbull, at least, since June.
The revelations do nothing to mollify members of the Coalition’s hard right rump, whose mistrust of Morrison goes back at least to his betrayal of Tony Abbott in 2015. Abbott declares he’s still up for a leadership bid. No-one takes seriously his pious piffle that “the era of the political assassin is over”. It simply echoes his “no sniping”.
Then again, he did explain that no promise of his was to be believed – unless you had it in writing. Pathological liar or not, deeds do speak louder than words. Abbott’s are still speaking.
Who can forget his inspiring leadership in bullying Julia Gillard, “ditch the witch” or his services to party misogyny – well before he even contrived to insult all women in Australia by appointing himself the minister for women? His legacy may still be seen today.
This week women MPs speak of a culture of bullying in the Liberal Party. Male MPs, lobbying for Dutton, enter women’s offices early and refuse to leave in an intimidating and bizarre type of sit-in, unless the MPs sign up to Dutton’s faction. Some women MPs are told they must sign or they would lose their pre-selection, they allege.
“… I’m talking about senators and ministers who were in tears because they were at the crossroads where they could not choose, especially the ones from Victoria went through a very, very rough time because they were holding a carrot … like this is your preselection — ‘hey you do this, we do that’,” Liberal senator Lucy Gichui alleges.
Gichui threatens to name names under parliamentary privilege next week. MP for Chisholm, Julia Banks says she will resign from parliament and not re-contest the next election. For her, the spill was “the last straw” and “women have suffered in silence too long.” Dutton and his henchmen disavow all knowledge. So, too do party leaders.
Scott Morrison dismisses the women’s claims. Appearing on The Project, he denies there’s a bullying issue.
“I believe there was a lot of pressure, that it was applied over a very intense period, okay? Australian politics had been “ferocious” and “tough” but he would not describe any behaviour as bullying. Problem solved. It’s all a matter of how our Humpty Dumpty PM defines a word. And power and gender politics.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
Morrison has another go. Votes may be lost over this. The Australian reports that he’s going to be a bully-buster.
“I have laid down the law to my cabinet. I have laid down the law to my ministry and to the parliamentary secretary ranks of my government. They know what I expect and I have every confidence they will live up to what I expect,” Morrison says.
Bully the bullies – get them to live up to “my standards”. What could possibly go wrong?
Cue the big guns. Victorian Liberal Party President and expert feminist Michael Kroger dismisses the women’s evidence, Monday on our ABC RN. There’s no bullying problem in the Liberal Party. It always helps to be dismissive in conflict resolution as in dealing with complaints but Kroger’s also patronising. The females are imagining it.
Why, if it were, true, President Kroger would be the first to do something about it.
Also in denial, is his wife, former Liberal Senator for Victoria and president of the Federal Women’s Committee, Helen Kroger. She blames the victim. Toughen up buttercup. It’s just “part of the rough and tumble of politics”.
The euphemism “robust” is abused all week. It’s now code for rude, abusive and distressing. An example will help.
Alexander Downer in July 10 2007 used The Australian, to call then Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd shallow, cynical, immodest, mealy-mouthed, duplicitous, a boy in a bubble, a foreign policy imposter and unfit to lead the nation. That’s robust. Morrison merits all of these insults and more but it’s unlikely they’d upset him either.
Craig Kelly’s language doesn’t help any attempt at denial. The women should “roll with the punches”, he says.
As for living up to his expectations, Morrison’s 45-40 victory divides the party. So, too does his apparent duplicity. Parliamentary Liberals are furious. Voters are also angry. Why and how is Morrison our new PM?
Morrison has no answer. As Paul Bongiorno reports in The Saturday Paper, ScoMo is quickly the target of a vicious “scuttle Scott” campaign from within his own party. A flood of leaks this week undermine him.
The Herald Sun Monday has his infrastructure plan, $7.6 billion that Turnbull had handy to splash in marginal electorates around election time. Tuesday he reads details of his former boss’s now not so secret $4.4 billion deal to buy off Catholic schools over the next ten years. Wednesday, The AFR, leaks details of how Turnbull planned to use $3.6 billion of the blocked corporate tax cuts to provide “accelerated relief” to small business.
The Sydney Morning Herald publishes Liberal polling, midweek, suggesting that the party not over-react to the Longman byelection. The candidate’s false medal claim and poor campaigning are more to blame.
It’s clear that Morrison has already made enemies but there’s nothing new about that.
Even Sydney Boys High School alumni- (SBHS Old Boys) has had its robust Facebook page public forum locked by moderators after former students said they were “embarrassed” to be associated with their former classmate.
“His political actions are a disgrace to humanity and his Christian hypocrisy is mind-boggling. Hardly someone to hold up as a model of what SBHS turned out.”
It’s not a new phenomenon. The Guardian reports that in 2015, 300 alumni signed an excoriating open letter when Morrison was invited to speak at a school fundraiser. SBGS Old Boys, including former supreme court judge Hal Wootten and acclaimed journalist John Pilger, criticised Morrison for “flagrantly disregarding human rights”.
Parliament resumes next week. Labor will challenge the PM’s legitimacy with the help of Liberal leaks. Given the government’s lack of a majority, Labor could move that Peter Dutton be referred to the High Court.
The Opposition may allege that Dutton’s financial interest in RHT Family Trust, which runs two childcare centres, and his failure to recuse himself from cabinet discussion of childcare funding, puts him in a position to profit and in breach of Section 44(v) of the Constitution. The centres have received government subsidies since 2 July.
Meanwhile, Dutton publicly bullies his former head of Border Force Roman Quaedvlieg, over his testimony that on at least three occasions, Dutton as Minister for Immigration, intervened in the granting of visas to au pairs. Dutton responds that his friend and former protégé is mentally unwell. Calls on his employer to arrange medical help.
It’s a form of bastardisation which leading medical experts condemn in The New Daily. Dutton, they allege, is “lowering the tone of public discourse, seeking to delegitimize another person by way of stigma, damaging years of work to improve public attitudes, and breaching his duty of care.”
But it’s up our new Prime Minister to dig deep into his own faith-healer’s medicine bag to give the nation some of that old-time religion and good, old fashioned, self-righteous judgmentalism that will get us all out of trouble.
ScoMo-locomotion grips the nation this week as Uber-Pastor Morrison and his travelling revival show make a mad dash back to Canberra after freeing our trade in Jakarta. It’s the big deal Turnbull vowed he’d conclude in 2017 but for the teensy problem that apart from a million tourists to Bali, we don’t produce much Indonesia needs.
Indonesia ranks us lowly in trade. Suharto family and ruling elite sock puppet PM Joko Widodo is blunt. “You need us more than we need you”, he says. The left has not recovered since the 1960s when the military massacred hundreds of thousands of “radicals” crushing opposition to the ruling class and suppressing democratic reform.
Do we care? Our 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper barely mentions Indonesia. Abbott and Hockey cut Australia’s foreign aid by a billion dollars in 2015. Indonesia’s aid was slashed 42% from $542.5m to $323m. But no biggie.
Enter “power-housing”, a breakthrough which lets both parties talk about “leveraging access” to third markets that neither could access on their own, a bit like ScoMo’s PM coup in which he leveraged himself off the back of Dutton’s plotters, duping everyone, at least for a week or so. Indonesia? After eight years, a one page outline.
Off like a frog in a sock on to Sydney, ScoMo’s all over soul bro, Alan Jones, where our accidental PM attacks Safe Schools’ “gender-whisperers”. Alan loves a PM who gets how schools brainwash children about sex – and gender.
“I don’t want the values of others being imposed on my children in my school and I don’t think that should be happening in a public school or a private school.”
Morrison’s clearly a big picture man, too. He exudes tolerance, insight; a profound grasp of a balanced curriculum.
“When it comes to public schools, as you know they’re run by the state governments, but how about we just have state schools that focus on things like learning maths, learning science and learning English?”
Too bad, he’s criticising “respectful relationships” an optional case study which is part of the Victorian curriculum.
But who expects our self-appointed PM to know what he’s talking about? He comes up trumps when the parrot mentions unions. Scott’s into John Setka and his kids using an obscenity to mock the obscenity that is the ABCC, head, whose predecessor Nigel Hadgkiss, despite a salary of $426,421 per year, broke the Fair Work Act.
“You know, when you see children being used in these sorts of protests, and we saw it in some of those horrific things in relation to the protests around terrorism, this kind of stuff just makes your skin crawl,” says Morrison.
It’s the type of incoherent babble Trump deals in but ScoMo passes The Parrot’s on air values test, well before his Thursday pilgrimage to Albury, NSW, birthplace of The Liberal Party in 1944 for a sermon on the Murray.
And to pray for rain. “Voters should love all Australians” he preaches. But especially himself.
“I’ve come to talk to you today about what’s in here,” says Morrison, pointing to the black rock of his heart. It’s a set-piece for your average high-functioning sociopath. In Albury, it’s also an excuse for fluff. How he loves Australia. How he and Jenny know all about ritual and how this connects them with Aboriginal peoples.
His homily, entitled “until the bell rings”, in subtle homage to Menzies, (not Pavlov) is over-praised by Katharine Murphy and Gareth Hutchens in The Guardian as “trialling a new anecdotal approach to political communication”.
No. It’s story-telling. His colleagues’ body language is wary but few appear asleep.
As for Menzies, he was just as much of a hypocritical blowhard, who built the Liberal Party out of eighteen different political parties and groups who were united only in the determination to defeat the Labor Party.
“No party seizes the imagination of the people unless the people know the party stands for certain things. And we’ll fight for those things until the bell rings.” RG Menzies
No-one does vacuous platitudes like Morrison. Billed by our ABC 24, breathlessly as “a major speech by the PM”, Morrison’s sermon on the Murray is a cliché-ridden homily full of banalities about a fair go and having a go. But even at the end of it, exhausted listeners still don’t have a clue what the man or his government stand for.
“I don’t believe that for you to do better, that [others] have to do worse. I don’t think you need to be taxed more for [others] to be taxed less,” he says. It’s a mantra you could chant at any flat tax magic pudding Tea Party.
“I don’t think that, for someone to get ahead in life, you’ve got to pull others down. I believe that we should be trying to lift everybody up at once, that we get away from this politics of envy.”
As he’s just amply demonstrated with his knifing of his former Prime Minister.
Like the notoriously treacherous reaches of the Murray itself, however, there are dangerous undercurrents and snares as he evokes a society of lifters and leaners. ScoMo is doubtless inspired by Menzies’ gold standard:
“The great vice of democracy … is that for a generation we have been busy getting ourselves on to the list of beneficiaries and removing ourselves from the list of contributors, as if … there was somebody else’s wealth and somebody else’s effort on which we could thrive.”
The “love” Morrison preaches is far from inclusive, humane or enlightened. Instead it seeks to exclude the poor and disadvantaged; divide our nation into worthy and unworthy according to our need for welfare.
Social contract fixed, ScoMo scoots off to the arse end of the Frankston line, Morrison’s venue of choice to meet Melbourne media for the first time since he deposed Malcolm Turnbull and stitched up Peter Dutton.
“Congestion-busting” is his mission, ScoMo tells reporters at Leawarra station. It’s also Alan Tudge’s new portfolio, but Morrison’s a man of vision; he’s also on a mission. There are prejudices to massage; policy to be made on the run; climate change denialists to reassure. As Giles Parkinson notes, there are huge concerns here.
This week, Australia tries to water down the language of the Pacific Islands Forum declaration on climate change. In Bangkok it sides with the Trump administration and Japan in attempting to weaken climate finance obligations in a move Parkinson says “that has horrified some observers.”
The NEG is dead, because, he lies, we’ll meet our (inadequate) Paris commitments at a canter. Bugger climate change. Or the environment. In reality, it’s a sop to the right wing, a tactic which is eerily familiar of his predecessor.
Morrison’s lack of interest in climate change is matched only by his profound ignorance. He tells new energy minister Angus Taylor, a wind energy hater and a climate change sceptic, despite his protestations, to focus only on “bringing down prices”. Ensure the nation retains as much “fair dinkum” coal in the system as it can.
What could possibly go wrong? OK. The rest of the world won’t continue to trade with us if we can’t show we’re serious about curbing emissions – and we’re coming under increasing international scrutiny. Pray for clean coal.
Morrison’s next choice is even more alarming. New environment minister Melissa Price, a former mining company lawyer is responsible for emissions. She’s spruiking new coal-fired generators?
We’ve scuttled back into Abbott’s foetal position on energy and environment. It’s all too hard, not settled and besides those coal companies give your party such wonderfully generous political donations, don’t they? Great talking points, too.
Energy and environment fixed, midweek, ScoMo appears on Seven to backflip on his promise to make us work until we’re seventy, a “reform” he once swore was vital to protect the national economy going bust from funding elderly work-shy bludgers.
When you’ve just knifed your PM and put down your colleagues as “a Muppet Show” which somehow you are not part of, a few running adjustments help you keep yourself nice. Even micro-popularity needs a boost.
“I was going to say this next week but I may as well say it here … I’ve already consulted my colleagues on that. And next week, cabinet will be ratifying a decision to reverse taking the [pension] age to 70. It will remain at 67 …”
Announce publicly first, obtain consensus later. ScoMo’s has rule by cabinet consensus all under control.
His vision of an Australia, girt by xenophobic seizures, a federation of homophobia and paranoia that ends at the parish pump and his gospel of self-help or as he puts it “having a go” are not to be hidden under a bushel. His frantic, manic pace and his parochial vision are guaranteed to make us relaxed and comfortable
By Friday, the ScoMo show and its all-star cast including Jenny and the kids, gets rave reviews in ScoMo’s promos; his office’s dumps to favoured news outlets. But it’s not without sacrifice. He’s had to turn down a leadership role in the Pacific Islands Forum on Nauru to hang with his Sydney talkback radio pals on 2GB and 3AW, shock jocks Alan Jones and Raving Ray Hadley. And he’s had to cram for his sermon on the Murray and the Frankston whistle-stop. Especially Frankston. It’s a huge performance.
Up front is bantam opposition leader, a former Baillieu government’s bodgie planning minister and mobster’s mate, natty Matthew Guy, while Scott Morrison is a knockout as a not so daft as daggy, demented father figure spitting Chips Rafferty fair dinkums and other stuff he just makes up like “Tulla”, which like the word “mate” he repeats.
Endlessly, Mate. Is he auditioning to be the host of ABC’s Macca All Over? Morrison loves the show and has already won Annabel Crab’s admiration for record number of mate in a sentence, mate. Spare us the faux, folksy bonhomie, you monster.
Tulla turns out to be a reprise of Turnbull’s promise to build a railway from Melbourne to Tullamarine Airport, a project certain to appeal to every Frankston voter. Is that Dunkley’s, too cool for school, Chris Crewther over there? Or is it some Year 12 student from Flinders Christian College dressed up in a suit for work experience week?
Fresh from his sermon on the Murray where he tells astonished multitudes that all you need is love, Rev Morrison segues effortlessly into fixing “decongestion”, his government’s patent medicine for curing Victoria’s public transport ills by electrifying the eight kilometres of the Stony Point track which runs between Frankston and Baxter. It’s also used by diesel trains to Bluescope Steel at the Port of Hastings. Sheer genius.
It’s the same exciting new announcement Malcolm Turnbull made six weeks ago when he was still allowed to be Prime Minister. Fair go? It’s been a Frankston Council project since 2012 but in 2016, the Turnbull government committed an incredible $4 million dollars. Now motormouth Morrison’s having a go, mate.
A woman journalist spots the similarity between the Pastor’s spiel and Turnbull’s. She asks, quite reasonably, if ScoMo plans to re-announce all of Turnbull’s projects. Will she now ask if he’s stolen not only Malcolm’s job but all his talking points?
You can tell by the way he overdoes his head-nodding that Morrison takes an instant dislike to her.
“It’s a great opportunity to affirm the continuity of the commitment, here,” the new PM says.
Has Scotum found his bullying truck yet? Only he keeps saying he has no truck with bullying. Oh, perhaps he meant ‘bullbars’? He shouts with such rapidity that it almost sounds as if he’s speaking in tongues. Yes, that’s what he must have meant, he has no truck with bullbars. Perhaps Gina can oblige, she must have a spare truck or two hanging around.
As for the Sermon on the Mount, sorry, Murray, of course it was story telling. They love a good story at Horizon Church, almost as much as they love to hear a 110 decibel Homespun Homily from Bubba Morrison. The congregation’s favorite story is the one about sky pixies.
heard our new PM today, seems like: in order to get a go, i first have to have a go, but it is only a fair go if i am having a fair dinkum go without wanting to get a go from the government who only believe that i am having a go if i don’t need a fair go from them…. seems fair enough if i am having a go
“Alan loves a PM who gets how schools brainwash children about sex – and gender.” . . . . Could he be speaking from experience?
‘“I’ve come to talk to you today about what’s in here,” says Morrison, pointing to the black rock of his heart.’ so it wasn’t a lump of coal he took into parliament after all
Bring on the election !!!
I think you’re all being very unfair to Mr Morrison. All he’s asking is for us to give HIM a fair go. He has had greatness thrust upon him unexpectedly and the burden must be almost intolerable. After all, he’s had to play second fiddle for years, during which he knew he was lucky to be in the orchestra. Suddenly, this. He’s only got one day a week to apply his deeply held principles; and six to abandon them. Still, I’m sure he’s heartened by St Paul’s words (2 Corinthians 5): “When in Rome….”
““His political actions are a disgrace to humanity and his Christian hypocrisy is mind-boggling. Hardly someone to hold up as a model of what SBHS turned out.”
Such commonsense from a state school long recognised, together with SGHS, North Sydney Boys/Girls High,Fort Street and Randwick Boys High School as leading academic institutions that now survive on a damp rag while the surrounding private schools build swimming pools and pay dubious Headmasters/Headmistresses many multiples of the salary package paid to a competent state school Principal.
““The great vice of democracy … is that for a generation we have been busy getting ourselves on to the list of beneficiaries and removing ourselves from the list of contributors, as if … there was somebody else’s wealth and somebody else’s effort on which we could thrive.”
Silly me!!! And I thought that this was a founding axiom of the foreign owned Australian Liarbral Party and their ectoparasites the National$ prefer Adulterers.
We should all remember that Alan Jones was arrested for indecent behaviour by police in London and Bondi for frequenting a public toilet know to be a pick-up location for gay men. His long held misogyny likely stems from personal confusion and perceived rejection by his community for his attraction to same sex persons. Self loathing is a real problem often expressed as anger and displaced hatred for all others.
David, you have hit the Scat Morriscum target on the right rump ….. bulls-eye!! Thank you!!
I’m waiting for ScoMo to make ‘church’ an imperative for ALL Australians!! Seems ‘church & state’ have melded!!
Another great piece by David Tyler. Love how he cuts through the crap! Notice in the accompanying picture, all the lads (yes all lads) are wearing their pins so we know whose side theyre on. And theyve all been to the same expensive tailor, who adds those tiny little stitches to the edges of the lapels. Perhaps there is a Liberal Party Tailoring Department?
So much to take in, my head hurts.
It’s all there, and already this morning Josh was trying to tell Barrie and us that all that mess is somehow Labor’s fault…he was not grinning anymore….
From now it’ll be off to the happy-clappin’-praise-the-lord-for-making-me-rich Sunday godfest followed by a barbie with the family and mates then off the footie. Ripper, Sco Mo. We can just tell you’re on our side, m–a–t–e! What a farkin inspiration.
Pretty much covers it all. Price as enviro minister is one reality behind the “fair go” bunkum. Another is Frydenberg’s abandonment of his love child, the NEG, for the egregious bribe that is the deputy PM-ship. The people who really won as to government and policy was almost exclusively the media, power and mining giants, Price as enviro minister would be an insult of Trumpian proportions.
I can’t wait for ScMo’s announcement about the elections, whenever that is. He knows as well as the rest of us, that armageddon awaits. Fire and brimstone and the wrath of the people, themes that fit in well with the pseudo religious bible thumping bullshit that he subscribes to. No doubt that other loudmouth, pastor Brian Houston will be on hand to lend his sympathetic support, but it will be to nought. ScoMo has all the attributes of a suburban hustler and what ‘s worse, he’s such an innumerate dork, judging by his budgets of the last two years. Now he busy ditching all the policies and positions he held on to before his ‘sudden’ elevation to the Lodge, desperately hoping we’ll forget or forgive. Fat chance of that ever happening. Wagga Wagga, has just written his epitaph.
Yet again we get the same hoary old refrain from a political party after losing at an election (state or federal) –
“We have heard what the bastards…um, I mean voters, have said and promise to regain the lost trust and faith. Blah, blah, blah, ad nauseam.”
Kronomex, they moment they get back the backstabbing of the public will be so severe it will require hundreds of stitches.
Great article David. Can’t wait to read your take on the ‘happy clapping” video by FATMAN SCOOP with Fatman Sco rapping “Be Faithful” – “you got a hundred dollar bill get your hands up”……..Australia has so much to look forward to with this aspirational Christian in charge.