Malcolm only had one job to do

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The NBN has been in the news a lot today, and for all the wrong reasons. It reminds us that the government’s NBN, of course, is a complete farce. It is slow, it is costly, and it uses infrastructure that is out of date. But we know all that.

I think we need to remind ourselves that there is one person, and one person only, who is responsible for providing Australia with a broadband network that is truly pathetic. One that saddles Australia with one of the worst internet speeds in the world. One that places Australian businesses at a disadvantage in a global market. One that also disadvantages the fields of education, science, medicine, technology . . . and on the list goes. One that could take an untold amount of time and money to replace.

One person.

Malcolm Turnbull.

But it was his job. The only job he had to do:

Tony Abbott has ordered Malcolm Turnbull to “demolish” the Government’s National Broadband Network (NBN) as he today brought him back to the Coalition frontbench to head up its communications portfolio.

Remember that. It was Malcolm Turnbull.

And in spite of promoting himself as an astute businessman and visionary, Malcolm Turnbull agreed to do it . . .

Remember that.

About Michael Taylor 227 Articles
Michael recently retired from the Public Service and is studying law in his retirement. His interests are politics, media, history, and astronomy. Michael holds a BA in Aboriginal Affairs Administration, a BA (Honours) in Aboriginal Studies, and a Diploma of Government. Michael rarely writes articles for The AIMN these days, but is heavily involved with the admin team.


  1. While smarmy Turnbull is just a shallow money-whore, completely devoid of ideas or any creative fire, the most evil ‘thing’ to happen to Australia, (apart from our arrival in the 18th C.), is Abbott.

  2. I always had a suspicion that this was Abbott’s pay-back to Turnbull – if Abbott had to give Turnbull a front bench position, then Abbott (in his perversion) decided on something which was or rather *should have been* an anathema to Turnbull – to take an excellent product and turn it into something 2nd rate. However, the way that Turnbull so readily took to the task, ensuring that any/all failures of the NBN were kept from the public speaks EVERYTHING about how with Turnbull it’s all about himself and if he costs Australia untold billions not just in the NBN’s inevitable replacement but in lost business for Australians, then that is of minor consideration.

  3. We all knew Talkbull’s NBN was a dud from the start, but, you see, the inept, lying flat earth, tea party, right wing conservative idiots just HAD to introduce their version of the NBN, because they could not be seen to be “accepting” of the NBN that Labor proposed! Effing head in the sand luddites of the first degree, & ALL because Talkbull had to get what he wanted! And to think that Talkbull was the minister for Communications! WTF??

  4. The dirtiest incident so far in the campaign, but I think it has backfired on contemptible, lying Turnbull.

    There are shades of the dirtiest of aussie politics involved of a sort that reminds onlookers of the repulsive security/detention/surveillance laws passed last year (with Labor compliance), of what becomes of whistleblowers and the significance of Dr Haneef and Kevin Andrews back eight years, that signposted where the hard right wants things to go.

  5. This country’s political and legal system needs to change. And soon. How can it be that all parties involved with the NBN knew what was going to happen when Turnbull was handed the reigns but like a train-wreck, it was allowed to happen anyway over a period of years? It is not only criminal in that a politician knowingly destroyed one of the nation’s most important infrastructure projects, he and the LNP have swindled billions of Australian taxpayers dollars to achieve it. It is treasonous behaviour. Our legal system seems to be too weak to hold politicians to account for destructive behavior in their own portfolios..
    Turnbull and Dutton should be in goal for Fraud and human rights abuses respectively. Greg Hunt for environmental vandalism. It is obvious.
    This episode clearly demonstrates that Australia is not a democracy.

  6. Spot on Metadatalata ; Then there’s our Prime Minister for war crimes John Howard. The rot started with him.

  7. Telstra has lost $1.4b on repairing and upgrading their old network for Turnbull’s fraudband.

    Seems the only winner from this deeply flawed and terrible project is Murdoch. The biggest loser is Australia.

  8. It’s not the NBN anymore it’s the NCN, National Copperwire Network.

    And the reality is that the LNP have dragged us back into the 20th C.

    If jobs and growth are to eventuate it won’t happen with inferior technology.

    Mal’s multi billion dollar lemon.

  9. The NBN was our one chance to make Australia part of the new world economy, to overcome our major disadvantage of being stuck at the arse end of the map. And this malcontent was prepared to sell us down the river simply due to petty politics, and personal ambition. It tells us ALL we need to know about Turnbull.

  10. Heard the Murdoch Sky News recruit to ABC News David Lipson (an incompetent totally) say on News Radio this morning. Shorten accusing, his word, Shorten accusing the AFP of being a servant of the Govt has backfired on him and Labor. ‘Malcolm’ urnbull strongly denied asking the AFP to investigate leaked documents.
    That of course misses several points entirely. The NBN staffer engaged by the Feds, the TVNews crew at the the house before the Feds went in,. The hurried destruction of photographs, so they say. Lipson did admit labor would probably get mileage out of it in the long run but, as the morning papers front pages all attacked Labor that’s what voters will remember.

    More proof Turnbull is handing control of the National Broadcaster to Murdochs word thugs.The ABC is now a total embarrassment

  11. A monumental agile and innovative f*ckup – henceforth to be known as Turnbull Broadband Network (TBN) – Australia’s digital oxygen dutifully sacrificed on the altar of corruption – the one infrastructure for the benefit of each and every Australian and it had to go little Mal.

    To all those who voted LNP2013 – TBN is just one humongous example of the cost of voting against somebody rather than for somebody.

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