The news reader triumphantly announced with over-enthusiasm the other day that our Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy had spent $130,000 of their own money to refurbish the Lodge. I think this was supposed to impress me, the listener and for some reason, I should feel buoyed by this news. However, I just made an instinctive ‘I’m gagging face” and kept on peeling the potatoes.
This made me aware of a few things. Firstly, how my body and face reacts and contorts subconsciously when our self-appointed, undemocratically elected leader speaks or if someone is praising him.
However, on a more serious note, this made me aware that Malcolm and Lucy were so comfortable and self-assured that they would be living at the Lodge for a long time; that they had no problem spending their own money on it. They must feel quite safe and secure.
If Malcolm Turnbull was a homeless youth, safety and security would be the two things he either remembered and longed for to feel again or tragically had not yet experienced. Wednesday, 13th April is National Youth Homelessness Matters Day. Today, I take a crystal ball view at the tautological, verbose, pontificated lectures Malcolm Turnbull would bestow upon us, if he was, (by way of innovative technology of course), somehow transformed into a homeless youth.
Housing Affordability and Availability
If Turnbull was a homeless youth, he would stand in the town square and provide us with a lengthy lecture on the gross unavailability of housing for low and middle-income earners in Australia. He would close his fist and jut out his chin and use marvellous adjectives to describe the abhorrence of under-funding and cuts to youth and community accommodation services. Cuts that mean the difference between support and safety or homelessness and fear. He would speak of the absolute “criminal act” of negative gearing that gives tax dollars to people who own three or four or even fifty houses, when that money could be used to sustain a ‘viable and sustainable safe society for those who are homeless.’ He would tell us that, ‘as Australians we have no better duty than to stamp out homelessness.’ He would not grow up to be a Prime Minister who uses empty words and takes no real action. He would not grow up to be a leader who protects the rich and speaks of the poor as ‘others.’
As an outspoken young man with a love for politics, he would convey his heartfelt emotion that politics changes lives. He would stand upright and close his eyes as if to convey some magical transfer of emotional contagion and encourage people with all of his might and say “Youth Homelessness matters so put the Liberals Last.“
A Gonski Education
When Turnbull is happy he makes sure he is seen everywhere. On trams, trains, taking selfies in the street. When things don’t seem to be going too great for Turnbull, he skulks off without speaking to the media, head down hurrying the treasurer along into a waiting vehicle. He wants to be invisible at that point in time.
For some homeless kids, their homelessness is invisible. Some are not living rough on the streets, but possibly couch surfing with friends, relatives or sometimes complete strangers. Some have escaped domestic violence and may still be with a parent or siblings or they may have escaped sexual abuse and are alone and sometimes even ostracised or abandoned by family, just for being a victim. Regardless of the circumstance, regular everyday kids can fall into homelessness quickly and some still try to maintain the normality of attending school. They still desire and deserve an education.
If Malcolm Turnbull was a homeless youth, he would be one of over the 20,000 plus young people of high school age who have no security, safety or privacy of their own home. Malcolm, not shy of the spotlight would stand up and argue that schools need more funding for specialists teachers and resources for children who may fall behind due to circumstances beyond their control. He would argue forcefully that he and others like him, ‘did not ask for this.’ He would advocate with great passion that we need to fund schools so every child is equal. He would tell us that, “We must recognise that our youth are our leaders of tomorrow and all children….. OUR children deserve an education.”
He would indeed give a Gonski. He would not grow up to be a Prime Minister who does not believe that education is for all. He would not grow up to be a leader with strong arguments to fund public schools and leave the public schools to the inequitable system of taxpayer dollars in each state. He would not grow up to the Prime Minister who disrespected and flipped off funding the most thorough review of education as “The full Gonski – Whatever that means.”
As an outspoken young man with a love for politics, he would convey his heartfelt emotion that politics changes lives. He would stand upright and close his eyes as if to convey some magical transfer of emotional contagion and encourage people with all of his might and say “Youth Homelessness matters so put the Liberals Last.“
Navigating Welfare and Income Management
Our Prime Minister is well known for his wealth. He has an enormous fortune and monetary wealth that most people cannot even comprehend (including me!). He defended his ‘freedom’ to use offshore banking in the Cayman Islands, claiming he has not broken the law. Luckily for Malcolm our laws protect the wealthy. These types of laws are protected and fought against from change by wealthy Australians. However, if there are laws to manage, control and stigmatise the poor and homeless, they are broadcasted with confidence and aplomb and the public are reassured how much these types of laws are needed to protect us from those who are unfortunate enough not to have a job.
However, if there are laws to manage, control and stigmatise the poor and homeless, they are broadcasted with aplomb and the public are reassured that these types of laws are needed to protect us from those who are unfortunate enough not to have a job. The protection of taxpayer dollars from the unemployed who live below the poverty line is paramount.
For some homeless youth, this is their world. A navigation of a welfare system where they are managed as a number, with no real practical assistance, punished by the implementation of punitive measures such cutting benefits and having their money controlled, monitored and restricted by the use of the Basics Card or the ‘Healthy Welfare Card’ if they are unfortunate enough to live in one of the listed areas. The agenda of stigmatisation is underpinned by legislation and the culture of stigmatisation is enabled by politicians and the mainstream media, through the use of negative labels such as ‘bludgers’ and ‘welfare cheats.’
For some homeless youth, they are living in share accommodation with others and need income to pay for the necessities as food, clothing and shelter, electricity, transport and communication such as phone or the internet.
Many homeless youths desperately want employment to improve their circumstances. Some cannot manage employment, due to circumstances beyond their control. But yet, are still judged and still punished by the system. Homeless youth face incredible barriers to employment, many which are hidden barriers to employment. If they find work, they are most generally amongst the working poor. Many have significant barriers preventing them from seeking work, gaining work. Even if they have work, they are prevented from sometimes taking shifts, particularly in regional and rural areas with limited public transport. They are often under agreements that have low wages or have penalty rates taken away. Some agreements are still under the Work Choices legislation.
If Malcolm Turnbull was a homeless youth, he would speak out against the stigmatisation and hindrances of the current welfare and job seeker assistance systems. He would passionately argue how demeaning stigmatising language is used by the media and some politicians. He would say that ‘cultural change against stigma for homeless youth, begins with our narrative.’ He would remind us of our responsibilities as citizens. He would demand action for practical solutions to assist those seeking employment. He would demand an end of income management and an end to punitive measures. He would twirl his glasses and deeply furrow his brow and speak of the untapped potential there is amongst homeless youth, if only they were given a chance.
He would not grow up to be a Prime Minister that whole heartedly supports every measure of a punitive, and stigmatising budget of his predecessor. He would march in the streets to save penalty rates. He would not grow up to be the great pretender who is now in a complete state of discombobulation because he used to say one thing and now does another.
As an outspoken young man with a love for politics, he would convey his heartfelt emotion that politics changes lives. He would stand upright and close his eyes as if to convey some magical transfer of emotional contagion and encourage people with all of his might and say “Youth Homelessness matters so put the Liberals Last.“
Some of you may wonder why this blog post about homelessness has a political angle. Through my eyes, politics changes lives. A cure for homelessness is not as simple as joining a protest, or sharing a meme or making a donation. All of those things are important, but the relief comes when the public push for change politically. The relief comes when supportive and progressive decisions are made and implemented.
To me, the political parties and leaders we democratically choose to lead us, are our responsibility and we must, we simply must stop and think of the consequences of that vote. We simply must become more aware, more engaged and more involved in political parties or support independent candidates, wherever our persuasion lies. These elected representatives are the voices we choose to speak for us and for those we speak up for because they can’t. The wrong party, the wrong leader and the wrong decisions have dire consequences for individuals, communities and our nation. Jack Layton (Canadian New Democratic Party) sums it up as:
Take Action Today for Youth Homelessness
and always – Put the Liberals and Nationals LAST.
Originally published on Polyfeministix
there are many political mouthings that stick in the throat of Aussie democracy. Two that stick in my craw:
The old fuzzy-wuzzy at the aussie withdrawal in ’75 who said ‘you promised it in 1942 when we died for you but you give it to us now when we are too old’!
The Aborigine sitting on the ground, in the 1988 celebrations, with the GG Hayden and Bishop Tutu chatting, whilst glancing at his art, When the pair moved on was asked for a comment.
His answer was loud and clear ‘how can he talk to that blackfella but not to me.’ but it was totally ignored. Indeed, I doubt if the interviewer saw the irony or understood the significence.
Can any of you imagine today’s pollies, journalists or public servants being different?
If Malcolm Turnbull was a homeless youth he would have to spit out that silver spoon!
On 13 April 2016, Youth Homelessness Matters Day 2016.
Thanks Trish ,
On a personal note, Trish was asked a few weeks ago to write an article to highlight Youth Homelessness Matters Day 2016.
Being very committed to working towards improving the lot of our fellow Australians {some 100,000 will sleep rough tonight} Trish willingly took on the task .
The author would not accept payment for writing an article, so a donation was made to a local charity dealing with the homeless on her behalf
Their street patrol now have an additional 8 waterproof sleeping bags and 6 -two person tents to distribute to those in dire need.
Great to see this article on the AIMN , and thanks to Michael for giving it a run
Thank you Cornlegend. That is very heart warming to read about the donation 🙂
“The news reader triumphantly announced with over-enthusiasm the other day that our Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy had spent $130,000 of their own money to refurbish the Lodge.”
It’s not bad enough that we have to live with the fact that the rich are essentially thieving plundering bastards. Now they’re treating this country’s public institutions as a charity case.
If this tax-free paying human lie factory wants to REALLY impress the people of this country he along with his robber barons can start by paying the same percentage of tax as the rest of us.
Great article Trish
“If they find work, they are most generally amongst the working poor.”
Low income and unemployed peoples ability to survive has become so much harder over the last 20 or so years. Conservative policies have impacted badly on our society forcing many people of all ages onto the streets. So many self righteous greedy people are more worried about how much they pay in tax than the plight of those less fortunate than themselves and it is not bloody good enough. Particularly when half of these parasites go to church every Sunday and claim that they are Christians!
This over-enthusiasm would be a subjective evaluation, would it not? ?
Shit! ? Trish, here’s a clue. Australian citizens do not, and never have, elected a Prime Minister. That’s the prerogative of the Members of the elected and therefore ruling party.
So Turnbull is not ‘self appointed’, in the direct sense at least. As for the ‘undemocratically elected leader’. ?
Yep. That’s ‘democracy’ in Australia.
I read no further.
I think the education system ought to get back to the basics. And I am not talking about …
Major props for the Jack Layton reference.
If you are having coffee withdrawals Matters Not, may I suggest that you eat a few bananas. Apparently the magnesium helps with the irritability and lack of concentration………
Thanks Wally. Yes, conservative policies do harm the poor. Although I am a member of Labor, I am not happy with some of their decisions, particularly for welfare and job seekers. I have made it my aim this year to try work with other party members to address these concerns and hopefully start achieving some success for change in this area.
That was true gold label Trish, maybe your best yet.
Gosh, don’t thank me, Cornie. Trish deserves all the credit.
Michael, this is an issue close to my heart, and one that most online avoid like the plaque.
Trish, you and a handful on Twitter are trying to push the issue that today 13 April 2016 is Youth Homelessness Matters Day 2016.
Spare a thought that, but for a twist of fate it could be our kids or grandkids
Well done Trish and we know that we can see little to no improvement from this discombobulate lot
This particular issue [homelessness in general] does not seem to appeal to the inner city half caf half decaf cafe`latte set so it doesn`t register or trend on Twitter and Facebook
They can`t go and bandwagon themselves to the rallies with banners and corflutes displaying them for cameras pretending they actually GAF and are doing something
Bill Shorten on “Your Children Our Future” talks of how education prevents these very issues facing us here Trish
I liked to way you walked in Turnbulls` “Butterfly Effect Shoes”,it shows a quality of narration
I deem that Matters Not comment here be moderated out Michael Taylor or should we all play like this?
Bighead, the issue is important,
some just can’t help themselves,
move on mate, Trishs article deserves that
Thanks Biggy. I guess you saw I used that word? Challenge complete!
Point taken Cornie and will do
Challenge Trish! it was no challenge to your ability as I can clearly see
I see Bighead has arrived. Forever in his quest to see how many more votes he can lose for Labor. ?
When will they ever learn …
ttp://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/apr/06/making-money-is-not-a-vice-but-refusing-to-contribute-tax-is?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Politics+AUS& Trish, a great article on a subject close to my heart. If (the biggest word in the dictionary) we forced “all” to pay a ‘fair share of taxation, our federal government could easily end homelessness, and further more we would not be paying for blood tests, Pap smear tests, X-Rays or anything else that drags those of us on small incomes down into joining the other 2.5 million Australians living below the poverty line. We desperately need not only a Labor government, but citizens who invole themselves in politics to be aware of what LNP governments do, transfer wealth from the poor to the rich, I bet Clive Palmer wouldn’t mind paying $10 for a blood test, but to lowly paid retail industry people and pensioners it is a massive blow to the fortnightly budget. As Treasurere Hockey once said, “we ‘all’ have to redeem this situation” zero paying tax bludgers and all.
“Through my eyes, politics changes lives.”
There was reference to Daniel Andrews on another thread (by cornlegend) which epitomised how politics can change lives. Clearly there is a venn diagram overlap in homelessness ‘statistics’ as to those effected. Whilst youth are greatly effected, DV victims (including the children) are also greatly effected, as referenced in your article.
Andrews had the RC into DV and stated he would not only accept all of the findings, but he would fund the necessary actions.
Guy, the opposition bloke, said the funding was paramount, although he too accepted the findings.
Could you have a starker contrast between necessity and political expediency?
Todays announcement by Andrews in relation to DV committed $572mil to address 65 of the 227 recommendations of the commission.
“The funding package includes $152.5 million for crisis housing, $122 million to support children affected by family violence, …”
“Premier Daniel Andrews said the funding was an initial step, responding to the recommendations made by the commission that could not wait. He said the funding would mean family violence victims could access crisis accommodation in only few weeks.”
Andrews has (correctly, in my opinion) excised some of the costs to appropriate budgets. The report suggested 500 extra Police personnel, which will be dealt with through the Police budget. Changes to the legal system and its resources may (I’m only guessing) be funded through the Department of Justice and Regulation.
I was no fan of Andrews when he was elected, but am quickly changing my mind. He seems to be an ‘old school’ politician, where the finances are secondary when a significant problem has been identified.
My newfound optimism led me to look at what the Victorian government was doing about homelessness. There is a plan, the Victorian Homelessness Action Plan 2011-2015. It seems the DHS changed its name to DHHS. The name change must have expended all of their energies. They don’t seem to have noticed it’s 2016.
It seems the resolve required to fix problems is, more often than not, a matter of expediency.
Thank you, Ms Corry. Take care
Kyran April 13, 2016 at 1:16 pm
It`s only Daniel Andrews in Victoria and Melbourne especially who`s done an statistics showing over 80`,000 homes being vacant due to negative gearing investors [either refurbishing or leaving empty so as to wait for a capital gain whilst claiming interest charges back to the taxpayer]
{info from Speculative Vacancies Report @ProsperAustralia.org or @prosper.org.au/2Eo ]
Bighead had his thesaurus open:
acrasial self
There are no pots or kettles in the Universe big enough to encapsulate the irony of this. And yes, this is such an important issue that it deserves not to be sullied by partisan cheap shots. And, yet…
Backyard Bob April 13, 2016 at 5:03 pm
I see the apporrhoea that emanates from you contains it`s usual effluvium
It is an interesting exercise to propose what Malcolm would say if he was a homeless youth.
The sad truth is, the homeless Malcolm would lack the vocabulary, language and speaking skills to even consider speaking out.
The homeless Malcolm is voiceless, like the rest of our marginalised Australians.
The possessive form of “its” contains no apostrophe because it’s not a contraction. Gonski indeed.
Anyhow, Trish’s article contains not one sentence regarding Labor policy that will address the issue written about.
Are there any?
Diannaart, I disagree. I worked in a homeless and disadvantaged youth employment agency in the early 90s. Homelessness does not discriminate. We had kids from low socio-economic and from wealthy families. Just because one is homeless, does not mean they lack intelligence or speaking skills. Incest, rape, family breakdown, domestic violence does not discriminate.
I can see why you thought that I was casting aspersions on the homeless.
My intention (which was obviously not clear enough) was to highlight everything the real Malcom had handed to him – secure home, excellent education, support of family and his peers as well as a clear path for him to follow – such destinies are not available for the marginalised.
Any youth speaking out in city square tends to be ordered off as a public nuisance – no matter a natural ability for speech.
Homeless Malcolm would be just as powerless as homeless Fred, Nancy, Amin or Samia.
I worked in public housing in another life – I have a very good understanding of many issues facing people in this feudal/capitalist society.
But thanks for assuming the very worst about me.
Trish Corry April 13, 2016 at 5:52 pm
I saw exactly the same in my Primary Care ambo work Trish
No discriminating,only the person who first needed physical care followed up by beautiful people like your self
The first thing I noticed was the total distrust,it was so palpable you could carve it
It raised one`s own caution hackles as how to proceed
We used to have workshops [in sub station] on this approach [Give them space we called it]
Backyard Bob
At least Labor care about the plight of people so ousting the LNP government is an essential step in the right direction.
Look, as a Labor person I know you’re essentially right, but there comes a time when feel good rhetoric has to take on an empirical reality; a time when actions and policy must directly reflect that rhetoric. I want that empirical reality from the current crop of Laborites (by that I mean at the party policy level and also from their blog mouthpieces).
Oh, and I resist the idea that conservatives don’t care about youth homelessness. One might solidly argue that progressive policies are superior in terms of resolving such issues, and I’m of that view, but I’m not prepared to engage in the sanctimony of, “They don’t care”.
I resist the idea that conservatives don’t care about youth homelessness.
What you say is reasonable – in a rational world.
Right here, right now, in this world the extreme right hold the balance of power; garden variety conservatives are regarded as left wing by the born-to-rule – even Malcolm is considered a leftie FFS.
Right here, right now, any suggestion of progressives collaborating and working together is subject to denigration. Labor form alliance with Greens??????
Petro Georgiou and his ilk have not been seen around for a very long time.
Backyard Bob
“I’m not prepared to engage in the sanctimony of, “They don’t care”.”
Spot on but the extent or manner of caring is very different, the LNP don’t want anyone but the elite to prosper. Even when I ran a business that employed 3-4 people I found myself better off under Labor governments, my business was more profitable during the depression we had to have than it was when Howard became PM.
Yes, I ostensibly agree with all you say which is why I’m a [democratic] socialist and why I vote Labor. But, in relation to this important issue, I find it curious that not a single person, including the author, who wishes to trumpet the social policy superiority of Labor has bothered to show how Labor is addressing this issue, because, apparently it’s so important the author cannot be faulted.
Trish, Cornie, Biggie – I’m waiting. And, I suspect others may be too. I mean it; my vote may hinge on it.
What is Labor intending to do that they did not do in their last 7 years?
Pathetic Bob as all you`re up for is an argument
When was the last time you went to the Labor Party policy page?
Think this through-which government is more likely to implement changes to assist ALL homelessness
This is Youth Homelessness week and some of us have been trying to muster up some form of social media response [for a couple of weeks] so that MSM would then progress the issue toward this government for some immediate relief
The fastest growing age group for homelessness are over 55 women and they have overtaken the youth homelessness in percentage
The census has been cancelled by the LNP {why?}
WE work with 5 year old figures
If it wasn`t for Daniel Andrews and Labor then we wouldn`t have the Melbourne figures we have
Prosper.org has done a great job as so has the National youth Week Committee
So Bob you`re too smart by half and not quite as clever as you ought to be
If all you wish to do is argue with me you can eff off and take your idiotic Green mate with you,if you have something concrete to add then do so
Have you commented EVERY current article here being a know all?
Backyard Bob, don’t respond. Bighead1883 is clearly a ‘troll’ paid for by the LNP to discredit Labor. (You know who would really like to be like that.)
Or so Wayne Swan tells me. And the available evidence supports Swan’s freely stated view.
Something about ‘with friends like that who needs enemies’.
He’s hilarious.
Thanks Townsville Blog, Kyran, Diannaart and Wally for your comments.
Bob and Matters not. Clearly there is a definite pattern emerging that both of you (if it is 2 of you and not the one person) have a consistent dislike for anything I post. So let’s not beat around the bush. I don’t write blog posts for either of you. I write for myself and I hope that the message reaches a wide audience. This blog post was a request to promote the plight of homeless youth for Youth Homelessness Matters Day. It is a topic that is close to my heart and I have worked in this field when I was younger. I have also had a few kids stay with us over the years (my kids friends) who couldn’t go home for one reason or another. So I have seen it first hand from a today’s society perspective. I have also experienced homelessness from the age of 16-17, where I was one of those kids who stayed with friends and didn’t have any real space or privacy of my own, so your derailing of this topic with your pettiness about how I am just a partisan blog mouthpiece, implying I am ignorant, is certainly not welcome in this instance.
I think Cornlegend should be applauded for contacting me and suggesting I use my platform to create awareness. The media is so silent on this issue, I did not even know YHMD2016 existed. So it is really important social media can be used to create awareness.
To use this topic to take aim at me with your passive aggressive slurs is pretty pathetic. What has it achieved for either of you to derail this conversation with this type of nonsense you carry on with, on every single thing I post? Has it done anything to help assist with creating awareness for homelessness? No, it has not. I hope you hang your head in shame. Bob, you can go flush your head down the toilet as well for implying that I have used this topic to take partisan cheap shots. Three flushes should flush away the insulting repulsiveness off you, hopefully. If not, rinse and repeat.
As for the LNP “care” about homeless youth and that you believe I take a sanctimonious position that they don’t care…. I certainly not do not buy that at all and I certainly don’t think that is a ‘rational position’ to take. Their underpinning ideology of individualism and the ethical position of egoism they employ, goes against the grain of ‘caring’ in real terms of social supports and can actually be an antecedent of homelessness (cuts to critical preventative programs and support programs for one across a range of social issues). Their approach can also be an enabler for homelessness (the continuous fight to reduce wages, take away workers rights to create a class of working poor for one, and the Austerity measures which have a negative impact on jobs and growth in this country, creating a high unemployment rate, particularly for young people and is a creator of stressors in many families).
I would like to think the differences between me and the both you is that your criticism is that I am actually breathing, rather than the topic at hand and your criticism is often about what I didn’t write about, or what you think I should write about, rather than what I have written about. These passive aggressive slurs are now quite a pattern for all my posts I publish on AIMN. If you believe you have a better position than me on a topic, have a go at writing something as a response. That would be a lot more conducive to debate, rather than the personal, passive aggressive, sanctimonious attack style you both adopt.
Secondly, I think the other major difference, is that your comments both take a macro view of a situation “Trish is Labor, so therefore her position is automatically partisan, or that I am just an ignorant ‘blog mouthpiece’ for Labor, which I say is just a load of hogwash.
I see the world through a micro view – that is I look at the underpinning constructs, that serve as antecedents to a phenomena. I see patterns in narrative and I value lived experience and qualitative data from a constructivist or phenomenological perspective. Just because we view a topic from a different position and you have difficulty in articulating your position, whilst ignoring any value in mine, certainly does not make your position superior and mine not worthy of consideration.
If you are unable to contribute to healthy debate on this post and suggest ideas for either more awareness for YHMD in the future, homelessness in general or what the policies that need to change to assist this group, and all you can do is continue with slurs about me or other commenters, please don’t bother, as I will do whatever I need to do to moderate these comments out. Comprende? I’m tired of every blog post of mine being derailed by the pair of you. This applies to all future blog posts I publish as well. That is my final word on this matter.
“If you were an dog or cat I`d take you to the vet to have you put down
Go to hell you piece of filth”
‘I deem that … comment here be moderated out … or should we all play like this?’
Backyard Bob
“Trish, Cornie, Biggie – I’m waiting. And, I suspect others may be too. I mean it; my vote may hinge on it.”
BYB, I nearly choked on my weetbix !
Your vote hinges on an issue you have show not one iota of interest in?
But. let’s try,
Rudd made homelessness an issue and provided funding, which the LNP promptly slashed on gaining Government
Although Rudds success was limited others acknowledged his committment
“Mission Australia’s executive leader of community services, James Toomey, said while the organisation was disappointed with the results, they were not a surprise.
“We were hoping that we’d continue to see homeless numbers trending downwards from the 2006 Census, but I can’t say we’re surprised,” said Mr Toomey.
Mr Toomey said to see homelessness booming among new arrivals was “a real concern”.
He added: “The increase in people in overcrowded dwellings is a sign that we don’t have enough affordable housing. The only way to address that is with early intervention and prevention measures.”
But Mr Toomey said government policies were having an effect.
“Let’s be clear: without the federal government’s leadership in tackling homelessness since 2008, without the co-operation of the states and territories, and without the billions we’ve seen invested in new services and building social housing, we would be facing a far worse result. No question the numbers would be even higher.”
As Trish pointed out, there is not a single trigger for homelessness ” Incest, rape, family breakdown, domestic violence does not discriminate.” and it is covered by a variety of Ministries.
Labors initiatives accross these areas has been constantly undermined.
The NDIS would address one component, , attacked by the LNP ,
Domestic violence another, ridiculed in some quarters of the LNP
As Shorten pointed out in an address not long ago,” the government’s push to make people under 30 wait one month for dole payments instead of its previous proposal of six months. “Whether it is for one month – or six – Labor will never support leaving young people looking for work to survive on nothing,’ he said.
We still believe that a great nation gives everyone equal opportunity to fulfil their potential.
A nation that reaches out a caring hand to those felled by the shafts of fate, that sees homelessness, poverty, loneliness and exclusions as wrongs to be righted, not problems to be avoided.
To borrow an analogy from one of my heroes, the Reverend Martin Luther King, a country should not tell a bootless man to pull himself up by his bootstraps.
That’s the Labor project, the big picture, the higher ground we strive for.”
I’m sure that, as your vote is so contingent on the issue of homelessness, you would have checked out some of Labors policies in addressing these over a number of Ministries, like Catherine Kings health Policies, or the Shadow Minister for Homelessness,Shadow Minister for Mental Health, Katy Gallaghers press releases?
But BYB, as your vote hangs on this issue, I’m sure you have already done that
Or was there some other motive, by you and others to continue, as in previous articles by the author, to take cheap pot shots?
A complex issue like homelessness needs to first be acknowledged, then addressed by the relevant Ministries in a concerted effort and Labor has shown a willingness to step up .
BUT, seeing your vote hangs on this issue, I’m sure you would have known that already BYB, ? right?
Trish & Cornie
We may not agree all the time but I do acknowledge your genuine concern – which is a common trait of most AIM commentators.
And what makes this site so interesting.
You and I have had out little exchanges for years now, and we both seem to come out intact 😀
I do diaagree about the “genuine concern” of some though .
It seemss, and you can go back over articles and check, that some have bugger all interest in the topic at hand, more just to single out Trish Corry with their petty little nit picking, and needling.
I’m sure Trish has the smarts and ability to deal with these small minded “commenters” but they can never let the concept of a good story get in the way of their gutter sniping
corvus boreus April 14, 2016 at 5:54 am
The Greens Troll=corvus boreus
Excellent input to this subject,only a latte sipping Greens could come with such profundity
Trish & Cornie
You have achieved your objective for writing this article, well done.
mention refugees on twitter and the “latte left” and “sunday morning socialists” come out of the woodwork,
Mention homeless and there is a total disregard.
Yesterday was Youth Homelessness Matters Day 2016., and as even the organisors sprouted, it was an “awareness day” not after dollars or donations, just, one that day, to raise the issue .
It was met with almost total disregard on most social Media
Again, thanks to Trish for writing this article and Michael for running it .
I did not say “some” commentators, I said “most’.
We are aware of just who the “some” – a clear and distinct minority at AIMN.
the insight
A few years ago now I was coming home from a meeting the ran pretty late into the night.
I was busting for a “pee” so pulled into a park about 10 ks from home, jumped out of the car and ran into the loo, tripping over a young 15 y.o. sleeping there.I apologised, did the job and went home .
My conscience played on me and early next morning i drove back and found him walking towards town, where he informed me, he went throught the bins behind the shops for fruit nad vege they throw out.
I managed to talk him into letting me take him to a shelter, but they were full, so got him into a welfare charity who said they would take care of him.
I gave him money and my phone number but didn’t hear from him for months .
I happened to know a worker at the charity and made enquiries. he had gone again .
They did however explain that he, as a 13 year old came home from school to find the bodies of his mum and dad,, a murder suicide and from there on, his world crumbled.
Foster case, school absences, running away then became his way of life .
about 2 years ago, out of the blue I got a call and it was him.
He had hit rock bottom, was dabbling in drugs, had some major mental issues {any wonder} had his Centrelink payments stopped and was suffering other health issues, all of which had gone untreated.
We moved him onto our property into a campervan and tried to assist in his way back.
It was only during this period I learned he was the grandson of an old commo mate of mine who I lost contact with years earlier
He has been getting excellent care by dedicated mental health professionals, cleaned up his act, although his Centrelink dramas continued, and were so draconian in their measures of cutting payments we ended up employing him to work on our gardens and property and he is now starting to do well {very well in fact:-D}
It just shows the many circumstances which can lead to homelessness and the combination of events that lead one person to that situation.
Domestic violence, failing education, unsatisfactory foster care, drugs, a system not set up to deal with the issues, health, and mental health issues , and that is just one solitary case .
I understand the difficulty in formulating policy to deal with homelessness when the reasons for each individual can be so diverse
Thanks for sharing your story. I too have some history in the area.
I was the chairperson of the management committee for a local homeless youth refuge for some years. The home we used for the kids to live in was donated by a man who woke up one morning to find a kid asleep on his verandah and he, like you, was so moved he gave us his house.
Most of the other refuges were religion based, we were not. We gave the kids a safe place to live, taught them life skills, helped them fill in the interminable forms, went to court with them, went up to the school for meetings with teachers, helped them get jobs and housing with partnership providers, continued outreach contact after they left us. We worked on a rewards based system. These kids came to us broken for a myriad of different reasons but so many of them, with a little support and encouragement during hard times, went on to become productive members of society, often with a passion to help others.
Karise Eden, who went on to win the Voice, was one of our residents. From the age of 12 she had been living in refuges. She didn’t go to high school. She was a sad and angry young woman and with good reason. This beautiful girl with the voice of an angel was self-harming and it broke my heart. I still cry every time I listen to her CD. The fact that she survived at all is a testament to her courage and to the help offered by a couple of amazing youth workers at the right time.
After Karise won, she made a surprise appearance back at the local PCYC battle of the bands (local kids playing some great music) where she not only gave a guest performance but also donated $10,000 to help the kids make a CD of their music.
There was a time when Australians cared for each other. Some still do.
Thanks for all you do cornie. It gives me hope.
Thanks for the reply. Aside from the patronising and insulting bits, that was the sort of thing I was hoping for. – a positive elucidation of what Labor has to offer on the issue. It’s all I ever wanted, aside from a 50″ smart TV.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got. I’m going to mosey on off now and think about what I’ll say as Matters Not. [rolls eyes]
Thank you Trish for a very thought-provoking article. Are you able to elaborate on what the ALP plans to do to reduce homelessness if they are elected later this year?
I support corvus boreus.
corvus boreus’ posts here are respectful and rational – with a good-spirited wish to discuss issues in an informed way, on their merits.
c.b. is a strength to this site. To appreciate this, I do not have to agree with c.b. every time.
If c.b. is discouraged from posting here by insular abuse, this site loses out. It gains a mentality of a gang’s sloganeering about ‘latte-sippers’ etc, and loses intelligence and dignity. It gains pillaging cronyism and loses any reasonable hope of open debate. It gains posters who are only prepared to say what brawlers want them to say, shaping their comments out of fear of attack. It gains hypocrisy and loses argument.
I have very limited time to attend here. Others clearly have far more time.
I stand here and now for corvus boreus. Who else will stand?
Labor introduced the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness and funded it to mid 2015. It took the Coalition until March 23, 2015 to finally agree to give $230 million to fund the program for another 2 years.
“Labor also believes that all Australians should have access to affordable housing. While in Government, we invested in providing more social housing and helped build 50,000 affordable rental homes through the National Rental Affordability Scheme.
The Liberal Government scrapped the National Rental Affordability Scheme in their 2014-15 budget, and in late 2014 they cut funding to advocacy organizations that campaign for fair housing and homelessness policy.”
“I stand here and now for corvus boreus. Who else will stand?”
I stand for corvus boreus too and agree with your comments, randalstella. Thank you.
Thank you for your response, Kaye Lee but, with respect, that is what the ALP did in their last term in government. To clarify, I am aware of the ALP’s plans to make first home ownership more affordable, but am wondering what they are planning to do to help those who cannot afford to buy or are struggling to afford to rent privately.
Just to quickly add something personal: I, along with my younger brother, face the prospect of homelessness each and every day of our lives, and there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do about it, so, yes, I have an intellectual and emotional investment in the issue.
More Kudos to you Cornie and clearly how diverse every single situation can be
My darling and I looked after 3 beautiful young students in the 90`s so they could finish their Senior year
Each circumstance was different but none less important than the other
The commonality was homelessness
We still care for one very special survivor of drug abuse [suicide attempt which had him in ICU for 29 days] and the homelessness he succumbed to when trying to pick up his old life but too much damage was done when he was dead for 36 minutes [this what the Neurologist told us in ICU}
We lost him for 2 years,no one knew where he was or saw him and we chased news of him across Australia
He surfaced at our beach shack in SA where a neighbour called me here in WA
This beautiful neighbour bought him a phone and put credits on it and another neighbour fed him and organised a bus ticket for him to catch we booked a ticket on the Indian Pacific and drove gladly the 400 klm`s to pick him up
We`ve looked after him for the last 2 years and he`s happy to be part of family again
When he was in ICU we were told then and after it`s highly unlikely that he`ll come back { whole’} was the word used [very common amongst survivors of hanging]
Brain damage trauma does that and we sat through many a session trying to learn what we could
But 6 months after the ordeal he yearned for his old life to which My wife and I couldn`t morally stop him going [little did we know he`d live on the streets for 18 months of this time]
Cornie my friend I know and fully understand what you and your family are doing and how it is continual to be a carer with caring whilst not being seen to be one { I hope I put that into the correct context}
I mentioned those initiatives to demonstrate Labor’s commitment to act on homelessness. As no election has yet been called, it is understandable that we have not yet seen all of their policies for the future but I believe their past support for those and other initiatives shows they are proactive in looking for solutions. The number of refuges that have closed in the last couple of years is frightening.
As a survivor, I get a tad sensitive if I feel lectured to regarding the reprehensible way our governments and many businesses collude to add more harm to people who are already marginalised.
As a survivor, I would’ve have been so very grateful to someone like Cornie, simply offering a helping hand.
As a survivor, I have had to become extremely pragmatic – which is why I have carefully considered voting for Labor this year. However, I still hold the same misgivings I have held for many years now; that Labor has entangled itself irretrievably with big business and other influential wealthy people. However, I see the past 3 years of the Abbott-Turnbull government as a disaster and want to see the back of those self-entitled dolts.
I want to see a true democracy emerge here, a true collective of different people working towards the very best for all. Australia remains a very wealthy country; listening to Turnbull prattle on about living within our means is such a insult – telling people who live day to day, never knowing where they will next be sleeping or whether they can make the rent, or suffer the indignity of having benefits cancelled because Centrelink couldn’t locate them – because they are effing homeless – FFS!
I have had a gutful, also, of petty point scoring. I don’t have the faith that Trish and Cornie do in Labor, but I don’t need to bully them because of this difference.
The only way we can achieve a more equitable nation (it is not impossible; there are some Northern European countries who manage very well) is to take a deep breath and find common ground with other progressive thinking people and get over yourselves.
I sit back and read the bickering and just shake my head. I find the term “inner city latte set” just as offensive as the term “beer-swilling union thug” or “naïve country bumpkin”.
Every single person here is in agreement about the acute need to address homelessness and yet we can still find a way to take “cheap shots” and that’s from several different commenters. Surely we can unite in a common purpose without having to judge others continually?
Suggestions on what could be done might be helpful.
(And I am human too and also guilty of what I am describing but I am on a self-improvement programme 🙂
@ Kaye Lee – I understand that we may not have seen all of the ALP’s policies relating to homelessness of Australian citizens. At least I hope that is not the case, although I won’t assume that a commitment in the past guarantees a commitment in the future. I was under the impression that Trish is an ALP member and therefore may have some information that has not made it to the ALP website yet.
There have been a couple of articles in the Labor herald but no definitive future policy announcement from what I can find.
Katy Gallagher is the Shadow Minister. Most recent relevant posting, other than youth homelessness day, was “I met with Philip Moran from Monashlink and local Mayor Stefanie Perri – Labor Candidate for Chisholm to chat about what services are needed to support the mental well being of local young people.”
“I don’t have the faith that Trish and Cornie do in Labor”
The thing is mate, I AM Labor, as is Trish and every other member, with a wide range of views, a diversity of backgrounds, beliefs, cultures etc
Of course their is the structure, the heirachy, and the Administative arm, along with the Unions and caucus.
With such a complex mix, of course we will not have universal thought on everything, but the bottom line is, on the whole we are all on the side of those in need, the working class and in the interest of a fair and equitable country .
Factional diifferences will inevitably occur but that no different to any Party, business, sporting group or even family , {or even the AIMN}
Bottom line is, we try, and are committed.
It would make life easier if all the other factions just accepted mine is the correct one 😀
There is an article by Katie Gallagher about mental health which is also relevant
Thanks for the links, Kaye. Much appreciated.
What do people think of the NSW Affordable Housing plan? Will it help much or is it just a facade?
I know it is not enough, but that is always the case for this sort of issue.
It is so difficult to know. My trust has gone. They have evicted existing tenants, supposedly to help fund the construction of more dwellings, but anything on a ten year plan is an aspiration at best.
“Social Housing Minister Brad Hazzard said the Government would engage the private sector to help build more than 23,000 new and replacement social and affordable housing properties, generating $22 billion in construction activity. Mr Hazzard said the community owned large estates of public housing but the buildings were getting old.”
How many places are they selling off (at prestigious locations) in order to build these new places? If we are just replacing old with new, then it doesn’t add to the stock of housing.
The majority of readers who have commented here do understand the problem and realise that donating a few bucks to a charity falls well short of what is needed to provide help where it is needed. The biggest source of wasted money I know of is the Liberal parties election funds that are donated by wealthy people and companies.
If we could convince and/or embarrass these people to give 10% of what they give the LNP to the homeless it would make a huge difference and as a group I think we have what it takes to make it happen. Well give it a good shot anyhow. I am happy to setup a website where we could name, shame and praise those targeted and send letters and emails.
Who else is willing to devote some time and effort to the cause?
WallyApril 14, 2016 at 5:33 pm
The effort is like the hand put out in greeting or rescue,it`s the same hand
Now for another side and this I learned from two men who lived on the streets,one in Sydney [my old school mate`s son and one in Brisbane,my son]
Their stories were 5 years apart but both were so similar that it was eerie to behold
It`s a camaraderieship of stepping off the edge of norm and another dimension of humanity
They have an honour system of sharing similar to Aboriginals and Papuans [one tok]
They have no problem taking two bites out of their own burger and passing it on
They know the freaks
Box Monsters
Jungle Juice Heroes
Slo Moes [yeah he`s there as well]
Roid Ragers
The Iceman
The bully
They know where the food van is and they know respect
Then there are mental health patients who are voluntary and those are the “part timers””casuals”
The casuals come out on Pension day and rage for 2-3-4 days until the money runs out and they return to their mental health unit
The “real street”don`t like these dudes much and reckon they bring down too much heat on them
Not all homeless want what we have as home because they have issues which they choose to tackle in their way
Those who chose that life are different from those who have it thrust on them
And it`s those who have homelessness thrust upon them that are the most vulnerable
No conservative entity will acknowledge the reality of this because to them it`s all self created and just get over it etc
Charities are run off their feet and people have become “donation shy”
It`s no use talking without making some kind of resolution and mine is that we need a “levy”like Medicare for homelessness
I`d be prepared to pay 1 cent a litre more on petrol or $5 more on my flight ticket
There are ways for States to humanely act on this serious issue and we can then just all read Bryce Courtenay`s “Matthew Flinders Cat” with a little less guilt
“It`s no use talking without making some kind of resolution and mine is that we need a “levy”like Medicare for homelessness
I`d be prepared to pay 1 cent a litre more on petrol or $5 more on my flight ticket
There are ways for States to humanely act on this serious issue and we can then just all read Bryce Courtenay`s “Matthew Flinders Cat” with a little less guilt”
I don’t see this happening without some serious political push and as you rightly state conservatives don’t care but companies rely on their image. If a small group of people with the right skills put a concerted effort in the right direction it will make a difference. How much difference? We don’t know until we have a go. My rough plan (open to suggestions) is: –
1 – Research who donates to the LNP and compile a list to target.
2 – Create a website to promote the cause and provide positive publicity for those who donate.
3 – Send letters, emails and any other means to contact the targets.
4 – Canvas media to participate and provide coverage and recognition to the donors.
5 – Use those who do come on board as leverage to get more on board (peer pressure).
6 – Tailor each approach to each individual target.
On the last point approaching a Telco like Telstra, push the objective that we want to lift these people and get them back into a normal life etc. by helping and getting on board your company will be top of their list when they need a phone. Or Uncle Toby’s oats, can they supply porridge to the shelters for free or at cost? Even if they sent shelters product that is at or just past its use by date.
I am willing to have a go and I think a team of 5-6 people can make a difference.
Have started step 1 using this link – http://periodicdisclosures.aec.gov.au/SummaryDonor.aspx
Total donations to the National Liberal Party 2014-2015 – $3,344,254-.
Over $400,000 from the banks, no wonder Turnbull doesn’t want a RC.
I’ll be in this Wally.
Good luck with the name and shame campaign to prick the hide of corporate conscience and open a flow of donations to the homeless from liberal-backing companies. I suggest starting with companies documented as also having donated to the IPA.
Beyond that, I offer nothing but a conspicuous public statement of support, in lieu of contributing any actual time, effort or money (I am broke and busy, and have other priorities for my voluntary contributions).
I am willing to pay 2c more per for every latte that I sip, although this will admittedly raise absolutely no revenue.
Randalstella and Athena,
Thanks for the sentiments, but, in the end, the vile abuse was not directed at me, and I did indulge in making an entirely off-topic comment in a party thread, where such abuse and slander are selectively accepted as SOP.
Thanks for the public statement of support, Mobus.
cornlegend and Trish
I will be away for the weekend, early next week I will get some basic information published online that we can begin to work with and formulate an ongong plan/s from.
Wally, we’d be more than happy to publish the results here.
Wally April 14, 2016 at 11:57 pm
I have an obvious question=Why
Is my ideology on this to be just dismissed?
Queensland had a “Flood Levy” and the ATO collected monies for this https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Dealing-with-disasters/Previous-years/Flood-levy/Flood-levy/
“The Flood Recovery Levy passed the Parliament on 22 March 2011. The bill passed the Australian House of Representatives with government support by Andrew Wilkie, Bob Katter, Tony Crook, and Adam Bandt. The Liberal/National Coalition Opposition opposed the bill. The bill proceeded to the Senate, with Family First Senator Steve Fielding and independent Nick Xenophon supporting the proposal. Under a deal with Senator Xenophon, the government will rewrite the terms of the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements to ensure state and territory governments take out disaster insurance or establish an equivalent fund.”
This raised over $3.8 billion and created a Natural Disaster Insurance Fund
WE know the LNP will have nothing to do with such a scheme but with such an issue I believe the amount of homelessness is approaching a “Natural Disaster” Status
Victoria leads the way against DV,Legalisation of medicinal cannabis and actually commissioning the studies needed to be able to proceed because LNP will not commission a Census which the ABS uses in so much of it`s work
There are whole suburbs affected by homelessness and Claremont in SE Perth is a good example of where so many people have just walked out of their homes after paying a decade or more of mortgage repayments because of unemployment
I saw my self in Roxby Downs in October 2009 when BHP sacked 1600 contractors that by mid November more the half the town had for sale signs on it-some streets,the entire street
So the new downturn which began mid 2014 is seeing the same thing
I`ll reiterate my “Natural Crisis” statement that with the job losses since 2013 the amount of homelessness is through the roof and NO WAY does the LNP want figures on this compiled and released
Once again Trish thank you for your timely piece and I`m sorry you had to have such pathetic trolling and insults hurled at you by Greens trolls
I too am going away for a few days (yay 🙂 but I will do what I can to help. I just started looking up stuff for an article that will have to wait but I will put my thinking cap on over the next few days. One thought, imagine if a candidate in a marginal seat volunteered to give 10% of the donations towards their campaign towards refuges/assisted housing in their electorate – could be a vote winner as well as get the political ball and fundraising rolling.
PS can we PLEASE give the insults a rest. I see no “Green trolls”. I just see people all concerned about the same issue. Sheesh.
PS can we PLEASE give the insults a rest. I see no “Green trolls”. I just see people all concerned about the same issue. Sheesh.
If you go back up the thread Kaye Lee you`ll see it was Matters Not who began his usual Greens tolling of Trish Corry
SHEESH to you
Thanks Michael and Kaye – like the candidate suggestion.
“I have an obvious question=Why
Is my ideology on this to be just dismissed?”
Sorry that is how you interpreted my response to your previous comment.
I took in everything you wrote but feel that the approach outlined above will result in quicker results albeit smaller.
If the efforts of this working group could eventually result in a levy of some sort that would be excellent.
For now I will head off for a relaxing weekend and hit the ground running next week.
Kaye Lee
I object to your attack on Bighead. Can’t you see he’s such a sensitive soul? At least you did not name him, thankfully. That would have been dreadful.
Why suddenly pick on that rather mild bit of banter? I’ve seen posts here – who were they from? – calling people ‘filth’, ‘morons’, and a theme about ‘Kill the Greens and spill their blood’. Not a word about those. So, come on. As someone just above said, this is a Labor thread, and anyone else is just asking for trouble.
Wally April 15, 2016 at 9:57 am
I certainly meant no umbridge to your comment Wally and merely went on with what government could do about this situation
randalstella-you can`t write to save yourself
Any comments that contain an insult to the authors or any other commenter will be deleted or edited. I can’t be here 24 hours a day, and neither can Kaye or Carol, so it is hoped that everyone can exercise some decency – start treating others with respect. Opinions can be different. We expect that and we encourage it. But please, if you want to attack something . . . attack the message, not the messenger.
Thanks for the irony cb. There never is enough irony. I reckon irony will probably save the world, in the end: (that’s how the poem goes). I’ve used it on thug cops – and it stops them in their tracks.
Wally, if I can get your attention for a moment. I don’t wish to direct this comment at you but – let’s say you actually get some traction (you will need the Media crucially to push your case), then you will inevitably have to start dealing very closely with people who already run voluntary organising for the homeless. They do it daily, especially nightly. They organise food distribution, blankets, and arrange accommodation, etc. You will then be working with a large proportion of ‘latte-sipping, weekend socialists’. Not a warning; just advice. If that’s ironic, I can’t help it. It wasn’t my abuse.
While you are at it, check out the corporate donations to Labor. You will of course find names you saw among the Liberal ‘list’. The idea of a percentage of political donations being redirected to provide housing for the homeless needs such bi-partisanship. So, I’d be careful about pushing the IPA links too much. Name and shame only works if you’ve got some power. Again it needs Media attention.
Any action on homelessness will need Government organisation, through the charitable resources of taxation. Maybe a campaign to redirect Government donations of taxpayers’ money from the corporate sector to the homeless might be most directly effective. But then you might come up against Labor policy-makers. But then, that might be irony again. Is it friend or is it foe?
Snarky little attacks seem to follow Trish Corry in every article she writes .
This wasn’t one off, it is continual , and I am sorry I asked Trish to write this article and cop it all over again.
I shhould have known better :-{
You may enjoy rehashing – I do not. You have admitted you spend little time here so you would not have seen the many times I have asked for civility, the times I have expressed my support for others, the admiration I have expressed for valued contributors, and the desire that, despite our differences, we try to work together towards a common goal. I find your criticism of me unfounded and I will express myself as I see fit. You are welcome to do likewise.
I enjoy the contributions you make with suggestions. I dislike the deliberate poking. I also think people sometimes read attacks were none are meant and things escalate for no good reason.
I disagree. It’s a great article and I’m glad it was written.
“While you are at it, check out the corporate donations to Labor. You will of course find names you saw among the Liberal ‘list’. ”
I noticed that too. I also noticed Ernst-Young on the list of donors, which prompted me to look at the donors for ALP (SA) and sure enough, there EY is again. EY was commissioned by the ALP SA government to review SA Pathology and Mental Health for efficiency, effectiveness and financial performance. EY recommended privatisation of some of the services performed by SA Pathology, and slashing 332 staff. I’m not the only one who suspects that the ALP and EY are teaming up to trash the service in order to justify privatisation. I’ve only had a brief look at the review on MH, and while it doesn’t seem as harsh, neither does it recommend an increase in resources. EY’s donations are resulting in very healthy returns for EY, not so much for the rest of us.
Kaye Lee for P.M.
I also think people read attacks were none are meant and things escalate for no good reason.
That statement bears repeating. It is so true.
As for naming and shaming, one problem with that is that companies who do things like donate to the IPA or LNP or wherever, have at their disposal the argument that such support means support for a panoply of policies that together help mitigate the causes of homelessness (whatever you personally think of the merits of that). It’s an argument with at least one sound premise: that the battle against homelessness must be fought across a variety of policy fronts. That’s Labor’s view also. It’s a point that will find favour because it’s true, and as we know, the best lies and propaganda always have an element of truth to them.
You would also need to know where every company places every cent of their charitable donation budget, you know, to avoid clashes of egg with face.
Shaming companies who can make that argument is, for me, a risky endeavour. The danger being that of coming off as crazy crusading SJWs. For me, time, energy and money is better directed at promoting and supporting the various social agencies that are already at the proverbial coalface of the issue and who struggle to meet needs. And of course promoting the problem in the minds of our representatives [cynical cough].
I’m not attacking the idea of naming and shaming here, I’m merely expressing a concern regarding it.
Kaye Lee for P.M.
She’d need to change the parliamentary dress code.
Have to agree with ByB – I doubt they’d accept pyjamas being worn in Parliament.
Nick Xenophon would support it.
Kaye Lee,
‘Asking for civility’ is very obviously not working. It’s a bit ‘even-handed’, like an evasion of the issue.
It’s a small matter to me – but it should be a large matter to you, as you spend so much time and effort on your valuable and pivotal contributions here. The place would be much less without you.
Once again you address me, and not the problem. Bighead should have been banned from this site as a brawling abuser. He is here to clear the tracks for those who sentimentalise themselves as Labor stalwarts. I have more faith in Labor than I have in them; and that’s not saying much.
You are again slighting my concerns for this site. Would I bother at, say, Indep. Aust.? (Why are these people not there, where they applied their methods for years?)
The issue is clear. Either AIMN deals with the issue or the issue will deal with AIMN.
The AIMN is run by a couple of volunteers. The only other option is to have ALL comments moderated first, and this will not be happening.
“The federal government is currently undertaking a Reform of the Federation process. This will address the responsibilities for federal and state/territory governments in relation to a number of issues, including homelessness and housing. Early indications show that the government is likely to completely withdraw from homelessness funding (and a large percentage of housing), leaving the states/territories and charities to foot the bill.”
Bob, that will be a huge problem for states that aren’t flush with funds and have large areas. WA comes to mind.
Michael Taylor April 15, 2016 at 12:18 pm
Therefore Michael you may see some sense in the emergency Levy proposition
Whereas the Flood Insurance Levy brought in $3.8+ billion just look at how much misery would be alleviated doing the same to end the housing shortage for Homelessness [most especially as the increasing DV situations arising from unemployment are creating a human tsunami of victims]
cornlegend April 15, 2016 at 10:44 am
As usual comrade you have done an excellent thing and asking Trish Corry to write on this has shown us all yet another style of her amazing ability to walk in someone else`s shoes
The comment section bash up has long been coming to AIMN and Michael Taylor has let the true wishes be known as how to proceed
I thank you on behalf of those like Ned`s son who are fortunate enough to accept help,because we all know so many are too hurt for far too long and their peers on the street are the only ones who give them solace
Never doubt what you and your family do as a social service for so many in need,you are My Captain,Captain
A levy would be hard to sell unless the situation was turned into a national emergency.
Naturally, if Labor we’re currently in power the Liberals would be saying it’s a national emergency and try to make an election issue out of it. But Liberals are in power, so the situation doesn’t exist. “What homeless people? We don’t see any”.
Michael Taylor,
“Any comments that contain an insult to the authors or any other commenter will be deleted or edited.”
13/4 1:04pm
“If you were an dog or cat I`d take you to the vet to have you put down
Go to hell you piece of filth”
Hic Rhodus, hic salta.
(or we can just accept that your AIMN comments section is merely copping the ‘bash-up’ that has, apparently ‘long been coming’.
Corvus boreus, so you expect me to trawl through the 115,000 comments that have already been made prior to my comment?
I had hoped that most people would have seen that I was referring to comments from that point on. I’m sorry if I didn’t make that clear.
I am the only moderator here now and I can’t do everything. I’m relying on commenters to show a bit of decency and maturity, and I’m proud to say that we have a 99.9% record.
Which would you prefer?
Do you want me to pay people to moderate 24 hours a day? Well I can’t afford that. Do you want all comments to be moderated first? Well that will be an inconvenience to all the decent commenters we have here. It will also mean either I’m here 24 hours a day to check all comments, or pay others to do so. I can afford neither the time or the money.
I would prefer to keep it as it is. I’m sure that most people would agree with me. I’m sorry that this doesn’t satisfy you, but that’s the way it is.
If you knew how much time and money it took to keep this place going then I think you’d be in for a bit of a shock. It actually runs at a substantial loss. I’m 100% sure that you wouldn’t do it.
Michael Taylor,
I would prefer that you checked the validity of complaint about specific incidents pointed out, and addressed those who repeatedly commit breaches of your policy (eg persistent personal abuse, false accusations of criminal offense) directly, but I understand that this is not likely to happen.
Thank you for all the work and resource you (and others) put into providing this forum for discussion.
I shall say no more.
Thanks CB, I appreciate that.
And to be honest I had not read all the comments on this thread. I posted my comment as a response to an email we’d received about the way this thread had deteriorated.
But having said that, I will now review what has been written by others and edit appropriately.
But moving forward . . . in future the site is relying on common decency being exercised by all the commenters.
One last thing: we had a reader offer to moderate a couple of years ago but he ended up deleting half the comments here! He was so ridiculously one-eyed in his political siding that he deleted any comment that had any minor criticism of that party. Oops. ?
Corvus Boreus. This thread deteriorated, the same as all of my other blog posts on this site do, because there are some people in particular, for no reason whatsoever, decide to take personal stabs, passive aggressive jibes and ridicule my writing on AIMN. If you are pointing at Biggy, he was the retaliator, not the instigator. It is not just my article which is attacked, it is any comment I make in response to others also is at risk of attack. Imagine what that must feel like……..
This is not just this thread, this has been occurring over a period of time, and frankly, I nearly chucked it in at one stage, but I said “Stuff ’em” Why should these people who constantly nitpick think they have the right to shut down my voice, right? (Thank you Clem Ford for being a strong example for women).
And no, I am not reading things into the comments that are not there and no, I will not ignore them, esp. when they get personal or ridicule me.
This site is run by volunteers and If these particular people had any respect for this site, they would cease immediately and only contribute seriously to the conversation or just not comment on anything I write at all, if they simply cannot help themselves. I am not saying they cannot comment, and I have no problem with serious discussion or criticism, (as this only makes one a better writer) but this is not what has been happening.
It is a shame a post as serious as creating awareness for youth homelessness ended up in more commentary about comments made instead of the important topic at hand. That certainly was not my aim when I wrote this post.
Good on you Trish. Stick by your guns. You are far more valuable and powerful than those who wish to ridicule you or your articles.
As an author I’m fairly sure you have the option to delete articles on your posts. Feel free to do do if you are able to.
Ok thanks Michael. I’ll send you an inbox later if I can’t work it out. I had no idea I could do that. Thanks.
The most offensively abusive comment has been removed, and I have no wish to further discuss that matter.
On topic; involuntary homelessness is obviously a very bad thing, particularly so when it effects the young/most vulnerable, and serious societal/governmental attention should be given to finding practical means of alleviating both it’s underlying causes and consequential effects. This would include a sessation of the stripping away of existing support services and preventative/educational programmes.
Other than that, I have no specifics insights or suggestions to offer. The subject is outside of my main focus and thus any depth of knowledge/insight. I do biology and ecology a lot better than I do sociology.
I could offer up anecdotes of my own personal experiences where episodes of mental divergence and social dysfunction caused periods of itinerant non-residency (tattered tarps under blessed stars and cursed clouds, and the occasional unfamiliar ceiling), or tell some tales of encounters with people living in boxes or scrub humpies, but such tales would probably not help greatly towards finding any solutions to the worst of the problem.
So, as I said, I shall say no more.
Actually I came whether anyone else got the significance of the Jack Layton reference. Layton was the leader of Canada’s progressive NDP (the official opposition party during Harper’s last term). But for his untimely death in August, 2011, he might well have become the Canadian Prime Minister.
He’s also the author of this book (which I highly recommend):
Homelessness: How to End the National Crisis
Several sections may be previewed at the link above.
The 3 comments prior to Jexpat’s at 4:08pm have been deleted. Jexpat, we apologise that one of them had to be yours.
Bighead1883, you were clearly the cause of this. Just when the thread settled down you came in to again unnecessarily inflame it again. If you continue to do this then we will have no option but to place you in moderation.
The AIM Network
I think it might have been me who kicked this off so moderate me if necessary
I would do it again and would stand by my earlier comment,
which was
“cornlegendApril 15, 2016 at 10:44 am
Snarky little attacks seem to follow Trish Corry in every article she writes .
This wasn’t one off, it is continual , and I am sorry I asked Trish to write this article and cop it all over again.
I should have known better :-{”
Neither Trish nor any other contributor of articles should cop the personal attacks
Disagree with what they have to say , but hey, give them the respect due
Cornie, please drop it. The matter is closed. You did not start anything, so do not worry yourself.
We too have noticed that Trish comes under attack in all her posts. This will no longer be tolerated. Those who comment purely to gain delight in attacking Trish will be either be placed in moderation or blocked from commenting altogether.
Now having said that, any futher comment in this thread will be deleted if it is not discussing the issue. Let’s give Trish the respect she deserves.
Backyard Bob
I envisage that embarrassing entities and using peer pressure will not be as heavy handed (or crude) as naming and shaming. A full on attack toward the entities you want to donate will not achieve the desire outcome. Proving to business people there is a need for action from our government/s adds weight to the cause.
Several years ago approaches to the local shire to create an online trade directory fell on deaf ears so I created a website to service what I felt the region needed. Within 12-18 months the shire created a local business directory on their website. They say it was their idea and blah, blah, bullshit but that is irrelevant, the service that business need now exists in the most logical location.
The way I see it is any money raised will benefit someone in need and I appreciate everyone’s comments/input.