The AIM Network

Keeping a safe distance

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Maybe I am being hyper-critical of the Prime Minister but I wonder whether his desire to be totally in charge is over-reach, given that he has a finite skill-set.

I actually live alone but most people do not.

If a family, all of whose members are living in the same house, goes to a restaurant for a meal, how does social distancing affect them?

Clearly, if any of them has picked up the Covid-19 infection, just living under the same roof pretty much guarantees the others are at high risk of becoming infected.

Yet the restaurateur might feel that (s)he is breaking the law if they are allowed to sit closer together than the regulations allow.

Will they have to provide proof that they do live under the same roof, even in some cases sleep in the same bed?

Or will whatever laws or regulations which are eventually released, make it clear that it only applies to people who are not in the same household?

I live in the Top End, where, to date, the number of Covid-19 cases notified requires only the fingers of one hand. There are also others in self-isolation who will shortly be emerging into the public.

We are about to close our borders – and rightly so, as the compromised health of so many of our remote Aboriginal people would lead to a disastrous outcome were the virus to gain a foothold among them.

In these circumstances, some of the restrictions being proposed at the national level may become, if you will pardon the inappropriate term, overkill.

I fully appreciate that the virus outbreak has a deadly potential – but so has driving on Northern Territory roads!

In fact, with the recent introduction of fracking, climate change leading to lower rainfall totals, water table levels reducing and growing fears of running out of potable water, we have other really major concerns needing to addressed in our backyard!

I do not wish to seem flippant, but I also feel that if regulations are not very carefully drafted, they might run the risk of making the law seem like an ass.

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