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It’s Mother’s Day And The Liberals Are Launching Their Election Campaign…

Nup, really.

I’m not making it up.

Six days before the election, you launch your campaign. And on Mothers’ Day!

Still, I listened to Scott Morrison on 7:30. He didn’t answer the question about whether he’d have three ex-PMs at his launch preferring to tell Leigh Sales that he was more concerned with talking to the people… I’d take that as a no, personally.

Perhaps, Scott should have replied by suggesting that they couldn’t make it because it was Mother’s Day… although that may prompt someone to suggest so those mothers had to celebrate their special day elsewhere!

There was just too much to write about yesterday. I mean, when I first woke up and read about Centrelink suddenly finding that the person mounting the test case for the Robodebt didn’t actually owe any money. I mean, they’d had another look at it and they suddenly realised that they’d made a mistake so let’s not proceed with this test case thingy…

Yeah, I thought that would be the worst thing all day. And when I came home and found that Josh Frydenberg had placed a little card in my letterbox… Well, not personally. He did handwrite the bit on the back explaining that he was telling me all about what he’d been doing in the electorate… No mention of the election. Apparently, he’s removed the level crossing at Glenferrie Road. Or rather he will, because he’s suddenly realised that he may need to promise that just to make sure that he’ll get elected even though he’s in one of the safest Liberal seats…

But no, Scott Morrison was on 7:30. And he was back to his boring best. Quoting numbers to the point that your eyes glaze over and you wonder if a billion now is more than a trillion in the 33rd Century and does the government really need to deliver surpluses before they can stop increasing the debts and do pink batts stop pink balls and is night cricket ever going to… Sorry, Leigh, I hadn’t finished answering the question you didn’t ask…

But there it was in the middle of all the waffle:

LEIGH SALES: But my point is, what does it say about your principles if you’re prepared to do deals with those kinds of people to stay in power?

SCOTT MORRISON: Well, it says that do I think the United Australia Party is a bigger risk to the Australian economy and jobs and Australia’s future than the Labor Party and the Greens? No, I don’t think they’re a bigger risk. I think Bill Shorten and the Greens are a much greater risk to people’s jobs and the economic security and national security of this country than the alternative.

Now think about that for a second. A vote for a failed businessman whose company went into liquidation and who still owes money to many people is preferable to the Labor Party. In spite of Clive’s assertion to the contrary, I tend to doubt that his part is on track to win the election but that doesn’t really matter. When you preference someone, you’re implying that you’d prefer them to be elected than all the people below them. However, in this case, we have our PM telling us that explicitly. We’d be better off with Clive Palmer as our leader than Bill Shorten!

Does he believe it? Or is he prepared to say whatever in order to win the election?

Makes you wonder who is behind the posts on social media about Labor’s “inheritance tax”. I read one today explaining how it would work. It read:

“Just stole this off another post

“For those who don’t know, here’s how Shortens inheritance tax will work:
“If your parents leave you a fully paid for $400,000 home, you will get a bill from the Tax Office for $160,000 (40%).
“If you can’t pay that, they will sell it.
“If they get $400k, they will take $160k, the real estate will take $8-10k and you will get around $230k
“Not bad considering your parents worked all their lives for it, paid taxes on all the money they earned along the way and and just under half of what they worked for now goes to the government.

“What about if they leave you a fully paid $40k car, congratulations you now owe the Tax Office $16k for that car.

“What a wonderful world where we can leave so much to the government.”

Interestingly, when I posted a comment that this just wasn’t true because Labor doesn’t have a policy for an inheritance tax, my comment disappeared. Actually, even if a party had one, surely they could start at a slightly lower figure than 40%, but let’s leave that to one side because a made-up scare campaign couldn’t possibly work if it wasn’t so outrageous.

Well, happy Mothers’ day everyone!


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  1. New England Cocky

    The Liarbral Party, the politics you get when you prefer to remain uninformed by intelligent news sources.

    The Notional$ Party, the politics you get when you want a 19th century future led by an Adulterer-in-Chief.

    Anybody want good policies for an egalitarian Australia? VOTE ANYONE BUT NAT$ & IMPROVE AUSTRALIAN POLITICS

  2. Kaye Lee

    If Scott is more concerned with talking to the people, why has he refused to appear on Q&A?

  3. Terence Mills

    I didn’t see Shorten on Q&A but I gather he did quite well and was authentic and not evasive as Morrison frequently is : Chris Kenny on SKY was less generous, saying of Q&A well what would you expect it’s like a (Labor party) branch meeting

    If this mob do get back in it will be curtains for the ABC and their independence.

  4. Vikingduck

    SBS reporting that the smirking jerk was egged at a CWA event in Albury, apparently the egg appears to bounce off his scone. Even the egg wants nothing to do with this repulsive creature.

  5. John L

    Have shared that around already….well, the sorry thing is, it’s not satire!

  6. Aortic

    Terence, I did see Bill on Q@A and thought he acquitted himself particularly well. His measured performance largely resonated with the audience judging to the applause received. Did not waffle or prevaricate and his candour went over well I thought. Apparently the gutless Morrison has declined to appear despite several requests to hold it at at a time and place convenient to him. At least Turnbull and Gillard has the intestinal fortitude to face the questioning and Tony Jones and it speaks volumes doesn’t it tha Abbott and Morrison were and are missing in action.

  7. Yvonne Robertson

    A launch on Mother’s Day tells you everything you wanted to know. They don’t want people to watch. They don’t want the contrast or the pitiful lack of policy, senior politicians or women, to be obvious. At least this way, they know those who do watch just don’t have mothers or fulfilling lives for that matter.

  8. DrakeN

    For them, we are but mushrooms.

  9. Florence Howarth

    It looks like they won’t even have Howard. According to the Messiah, the battle is between Morrison & Shorten. It is about the future, not the past. Not about the Liberal party. Not about a team.

  10. paul walter

    Yes, nothing about team spirit ( of course ) and nothing about policy since their only policy is looting.

  11. Florence Howarth

    I have this funny feeling that Morrison could be up to something underhand on Sunday. He has not lost the smirk. His confidence for no good reason is growing. Does he intend to his mind finish Shorten off, with a truckload of filth? This campaign has been bizarre as any I have witnessed. Nothing is adding up with Morrison. Would not put anything past him. We know the truth doesn’t matter.

  12. paul walter

    You know, Florence my feeling is similar…attack advertising and the like, smear and fear. They have told prodigious lies about the deficit and about economic management.

  13. Zathras

    A bogus Inheritance tax?

    I wonder how many retirees are aware that if they have existing self-funded pension funds and both the retiree and partner die and subsequently leave the proceeds to their children then that amount will become subject to tax?

    That little stunt was buried in a Coalition Budget a couple of years ago and sounds a lot like Death Duties to me. It’s strange that it wasn’t mentioned much in the media but picked up by alert financial advisors. I doubt that the ALP will raise it now because they would be obliged to wind it back.

    The only way to avoid it is to create new funds and progressively transfer existing funds into them.

    In any case it’s typical hypocrisy when it comes to making tax allegations – scare people with Inheritance Tax while quietly hitting them with Death Duties.
    It much like when then-Treasurer Joe Hockey flagged dividend imputation refunds as an obvious target in his first Budget but decided to defer the idea.

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