The AIM Network

I write because l cannot remain silent

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I awoke this morning with my mind in turmoil, foraging through “what ifs.” What if the Morrison Government was re-elected? What if they got an outright majority? The same leader with the same imbecilic ministers with cart blanche to do as they liked. What would be the consequences?

“It’s not possible,” I whispered to myself. But it speaks the voice of reason. They could be. We could easily see more cock ups like Robo Debt and Sports Rorts. They would claim a wide-ranging mandate that would see Morrison emboldened to marry politics and religion. And forget about doing anything about climate change, a National ICAC, an Indigenous voice or even a republic.

The decline in parliamentary standards of secrecy and transparency would further decline, and imagine Barnaby Joyce with the freedom to indulge himself.

The Government would give more incentives for mining coal than looking after the aged. No improvement has been made in Conservative governance for a decade. What makes you think they will improve sufficiently in another term?

They have been a decaying Government with a lousy leader for three terms. Would giving them another one see any less corruption – no, less harassment of women or any improvement in inequality or equality of opportunity?

The sheer bastardy of neoconservative thinking where a drip-down effect from the rich looks after the poor l find both shameful and revolting economics.

This is why I write about politics and social justice. You see, a lady on Facebook gave me a hiding last week for not ever giving some praise to the Government. I had to admit it was true. It was indeed something l needed to reflect on.

‘Reflection’ is a marvellous word. It means to contemplate, look back on or give serious consideration to what life throws at us, good and bad. The purpose of a diary is to record the events of the time and the emotions and circumstances surrounding said events.

Well, after four minutes on the egg timer, I had my answer. From where does my political philosophy stem? Well, l like to think that l was born with it, but that wouldn’t be true. The truth is that an ongoing observation of inequality over many years reassures me of what shaped it? Of course, it is much more complicated than that, but that will suffice for this piece.

As far as the lady who gave me a hard time goes, well, the reason that I provide no praise for the Coalition is simple. Regretfully, they are by far the worst bunch of men and women ever to govern our country. I hope that explains it.

Therefore, at 81-years-old my motivation is to see my country rid itself of by far the worst Government in my lifetime. To again become the true democracy it once was.

Am l being true to it? Sometimes in the daily grind of it all, one can easily miss the point, the why of what l do.

When confronted with the abuse the feral nutters dish out, why do l persist? Is it all worthwhile? Other writers at The AIMN, I feel sure, would attest to the time it takes to pull an article together.

Even when you want to throw mud because you are so offended by their persistent lies, it’s good to pause now and then and question one’s motives. Many questions arise for the author. Am I being objective or just biased? Is what I have written accurate and fair?

I started writing for The AIMN in November 2013 and have enjoyed some success by my standards. I don’t profess any ownership of excellent knowledge or self-righteousness. I am certainly of the left but believe that in a democracy, we should never be foolish enough to assume our opponents should never win.

I battle on, sometimes under trying circumstances, with words that are central to my life experience. I believe that the left of politics is concerned with people who cannot help themselves, whereas the right is more concerned with those who can.

But central to the purpose of my lingering observation is also to think about those who take the time, or to put it another way-make us worthy of the time they devote to reading whatever it is our minds dictate to our keyboards.

Of course, my indebtedness is extended to The AIMN’s editorial team, which devote their time to seeing that my words are in keeping with its standards.

Some years ago, a homeless man in Sydney messaged me to remind me of how important it was for me to also post my work in text form on Facebook because it’s the only way he could get it on his phone, so much he looked forward to it.

Another lady wrote about how much she enjoyed my writing. When she explained why I was filled with an immense feeling of satisfaction, the reason for what I do became clear to me.

I continue in clear conscience that I am on the right side of history. I write because l cannot remain silent.

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My previous diary post: The Government is falling apart… let’s hope the voters are paying attention.


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My thought for the day

I don’t mind the criticism, but please don’t do it on an empty head.

PS: 8 Feb Question time… “The PM is a fraud,” interjected the Labor member. Withdraw, said the Speaker amid laughter. The PM makes a point that the Opposition is politicising the Pandemic. Well, l never.



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