Having just listened to a very concerned Greg Hunt and Ian Macfarlane announce a review – yes another one – into the renewable energy target and industry I have decided to put on my thinking cap and save us all from freezing to death because we are too scared to turn on the heater.
I know we have to reduce the cost of electricity…one would have thought that having an oversupply, as we do, and competition from the renewable energy sector, which we do, and ground-breaking research and development of renewables and sustainable practice, which we do, that the price may have come down due to market forces….but I digress. I am here to help.
I have just gone through my electricity bill with a fine tooth comb and come up with an idea.
Make electricity GST free. Voila! Everyone’s bill reduced by 10 per cent AND we get to leave a planet to our kids.
You’re welcome,
Kaye 🙂