It’s clear Australian voters aren’t rational, but do they have to be so blatantly mindless as well? When I say voters, I’m currently referring in this context to the people recently polled by ReachTEL and whose responses contributed to this headline on News.com:
“Voters trust Opposition Leader Tony Abbott most to deliver NDIS, poll reveals”
I had to read this a couple of times before I believed what I was seeing. The figures in the article state that 57% of the poll’s respondents trust Tony Abbott to deliver the NDIS, more so than they trust Julia Gillard. Surely, even someone completely rusted onto the Liberal party, even Peta Credlin, even Gina Rinehart, even Rupert Murdoch, even Alan Jones, even Tony Abbott himself must see the inanity in this poll result. The NDIS is Labor’s policy. It was the work of Bill Shorten, and only with Julia Gillard’s support did it have any hope in hell in getting a name, let alone being successfully implemented. Tony Abbott supported Labor’s NDIS policy after many months of non-commitment, only after it became obvious that if he didn’t, he would be seen as the scrooge we all know him to be. But just because he supported it, does not mean he gives a crap about it. He never raised such a scheme as even an idea when he was in government for many years. And when the policy did finally pass the lower house, much to the joy of the Labor MPs who worked tirelessly to make it happen, Tony Abbott and his team weren’t even there to see it happen. Because they couldn’t bear to be seen celebrating a policy win by the Labor government. A Labor government policy. So on what far off planet do these voters live if they think Abbott would be the better person to deliver a policy that was designed and successfully passed through the Parliament by Gillard’s Labor government?
At this point I’m pretty much ready to say to Australian voters, wake the f*ck up. Could you really be so misinformed by the Murdoch, Fairfax and ABC press, so out of touch with the policy platforms of the two major parties, and so ready to hate everything Julia Gillard does, that even when her government successfully implements a policy of huge national significance, you give Abbott the credit?
Perhaps this isn’t just a sign of an electorate that is completely uninterested with the roles played by the Labor Party and the Liberal Party in delivering the landmark NDIS policy. Perhaps it’s a sign of just how disengaged ordinary voters are from, well, political reality.
I guess it’s these same voters who haven’t twigged that the Carbon Price is designed to save them and future generations of their family from the effects of climate change. It’s these same voters who refuse to equate Murdoch’s campaign to bring down the Gillard government with an agenda to destroy the NBN, a technology that puts his Foxtel profits at risk. It’s also these same voters who don’t understand that Gina Rinehart hates the Mining Tax not because she wants to make enough money to keep employing more workers, but because she doesn’t want to pay tax on her super profits. Because she wants to keep the money from the sale of Australia’s resources for herself. These voters are probably willing to support policies that they do understand, such as the Gonski school funding, but they’re still not willing to give Gillard the credit for designing and delivering such policies. Gillard is damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t.
The other truly frustrating part of this whole messed up situation is that Abbott supporters never have anything nice to say about Abbott. They only have bile to spew at Gillard. Ad astra is right, propaganda directed at the Gillard government is spreading hatred throughout the electorate. This hatred is making the electorate crazy. Here’s a challenge for any Abbott supporters who come across this post and decide to make a comment. Please tell us why you support Abbott, without mentioning Labor or Gillard. I dare you.
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No Libs here too full of bile.
The Polls ….. turns out to be useful tool to manipulate the masses.
Just like tv …. lets not use it for educational purposes lets use it to totally dumb down the population.
“Only when the last tree has been cut down; Only when the last river has been poisoned; Only when the last fish has been caught; Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.”.
Or when you wake up one morning and notice that you haven’t been paying attention.
Hello its nice to read something written another member of the 2% of Australians who actually has a brain to use without the meaningless dribble being spewed out of the mouths of Mainstream Media Mogals and those with a vested interest.
Thank you and I agree At this point I’m pretty much ready to say to Australian voters, wake the f*ck up.
Reblogged this on auguries14.
@kesa Amen to that. So it is true. Technology increasing,
human intelligence on the decline… scary thought.
Yes it amazes me how quick people forget the good this Gov has done. I want NBN not the rubbish that the opposition have proposed. I want Gonski, Who in there right mind wants to keep the education system way it is? As for mining profits! Well it’s about time! I remember Twiggy telling us that his company never paid 1 cent in tax.Ever! Are you serious?
The most obvious and logical explanation for poll results like this is that they’re either rigged, falsely reported or worded very misleadingly (I suspect the latter). If this really does represent the way the majority of Australians think, we are truly doomed.
If your post is to highlight the power of the ill informed vote then I agree with that part! But to then lead into propaganda and conspiracy, your point gets diverted and diluted.
Point 1: Polls are an effective means of filling columns in news papers and challenging labor leaderships! Others then that they aren’t worth anything. Even the ill-informed know this calm down!
Point 2: News publication report news that sells papers! They always have and they always will! Demanding vested interest based on the fact they don’t agree with YOU? Really if you don’t like what they are writing then don’t consume them. In 4 years time liberal supports will be claiming the same thing! As did Howard supporters! It sells papers!!!
Point 3: Just because a person supports one party over another, doesn’t mean they have motives, other then to support the party they believe can produce the best outcome for the country! Liberal supporters make the same claim about the affiliation of the unions and Labor! But they could possibly hold more ground on the objections!
Tony Abbort is a strong leader, of a strong party, a united party! And regardless of public opinion, the liberal party have maintained composure to keep him in the position because they believe he is the best person for the job! The fact he supported and committed to the NDIS is faith in the scheme and its intentions! If you didn’t know that is a good thing! Talk about damed if he did damed if he doesn’t!
I had the pleasure of visiting my GP today. We got round to discussing politics. I must have made a comment on how our Vic. government have cut hospital funding as I’m waiting on a total hip replacement. The waiting time has been put back from 90 days to 180 days. She said to me ‘don’t you like TA’ & my answer was what makes you think he & his party would do a better job. This then brought the comment from the young GP that she thought that the Liberal party would be better – wait for it- because Julia Gillard had lied when she said that there would be no tax on carbon pollution if elected to govern.
I literally jumped down the poor dears throat, asked her had she actually seen or heard the whole of that press doorstop, she hadn’t of course. I told her I had and what the media had done was effectively left out the very next sentence which the PM followed on with, you know the one where she said ‘but I will put a price on Carbon’ etc.
It is obvious to me that there are many people out in the real world, who haven’t taken the time to really take anything in other that what is spewed out by the Murdoch, Fairfax, Sky & ABC etc and also the shock jocks – they are all too busy with their own little worlds, busy, busy,
I will challenge that young GP again when I visit in a months time and just see if anything I said has caused her to just open her eyes & see the big picture about what will happen to all of our futures if TA & his mob get into gov.
By the way, well written again Victoria. Thanks for putting yourself out there.
Lee. I have a feeling the polls could be spot on. It is the way they are being interpret, that could be fault.
please, tony abbott only cares about tony abbott. full stop. thats all there is to say about the weasel !
There appears to be a huge number of undecided out there that have to get off that fence.
I believe that most take their duty to vote seriously, while not having a great interest in politics.
It will be interesting to see which way these people jump, when they turn their attention to the parties, and their leaders.
One might get a surprise.
Sorry Victoria. one should never under estimate the Australian voter for getting it right, in the long run.
There is still a lot of water to run under that bridge.
Yes, please listen to his weasel words, when he says he supports the NDIS. Yes he might, but not the one in the pipeline now.
I believe the disable and their carers know this.
Also, I believe the choice for many, will not be Mr. Abbott, but the NBNco, CEF and Gonski.
It might not come down to a choice between Julia and Tony, but policies, posies that many want.
I took part in this ReachTel this evening, and I can tell you now Mr Abbot got zilch from me, who runs this census anyway, people you must read between the lines, newspapers/news/radio/tv they nearly all been bought by you know who. Listen people they are going for the throat, BEWARE !!!!!
The poll was rigged.
I have said in my blogs too that most of the polls seem to be rigged. They may call X amout of people, but always the same demographic. If they called a different demographic every poll they would vary greatly. But they don’t.
Reblogged this on Alternative Views to MSM.
so who designed that question.it was
We have “stopped listening” to Labor, according to the commentariat, Lyndal Curtis and Ross Gittins told me so.
Voodoo journalism.
Maybe, the truth is, we have stop listening to journalists.
If per chance Tony Abbott is elected it will be to destroy some Labor policies and implement other Labor policies. Nothing in policy terms of his own that I can see so far.
Tony Abbort is a strong leader, of a strong party, a united party!
Rubbish. Abbott is a coward, bully and misogynist. Those are the attributes of weakness, not strength. They are not the attributes of a leader. They are the hallmarks of a thug.
And the Liberal Party (they’re not liberals) is NOT STRONG. It resides in a proverbial wheelchair, pushed along 24/7 by the one-sided media. If you were to subtract the media welfare from the equation, the so-called “Liberal” Party would be finished.
Cut the crap.
Note the claim of Please that Liberals are more united as a team. True BUT I am not for unity for the sake of it. Labor are wrong to have the ongoing hissy fit over leadership and just look pathetic. They want a united team but on the terms of the minority? but Liberals should remove Abbott. He is a populist of the most damaging variety and national interests should demand he be replaced. That is not strong leadership, IT IS IRRESPONSIBLE. They are simply better at propaganda and that is it, The result is so many will vote against their own best interest so no democracy at all. The use of fear mongering on the economy is same as holding a gun to someones head and demanding who they vote for. Fear based decisions do not result in democratic outcomes.
The use of fear mongering on the economy is same as holding a gun to someones head and demanding who they vote for. Fear based decisions do not result in democratic outcomes.
The Liberal Strategy: If we can’t give you a good reason to vote for us we will scare you into believing something terrible will happen if you don’t.
LNP: Lies Not Policies
Yes. two. Direct Action and PPL.
I forgot, will stop the boats.
Personally, the noise we hear coming out of the Labor caucus lately is very healthy.
Alternative views put forward and discussed, vote taken, decision made.
What is wrong with that process.
We vote for and give individual MPs a mandate to act on our behalf.
We do not voter for one dictator.
jjm7530 thanks matey and it is a fact humans who access to technology are loosing the ability of critical thinking and research.
I was phone polled by ReachTEL last night for the first time ever about how I will be voting. Now that they know I am strongly for Julia Gillard, I wonder if I will ever be polled again. Anyone who trusts Tony Abbott and the LNP is nuts.
Jossie you have got a point there, will they re call us. I don’t think so !!!!
You rusted-on Labor supporters should try living in the real world. Just because you don’t have the intelligence or the knowledge to either own a business that supports people or the intelligence to work hard for a living, you try to blame the Liberals for everything. You even balme the media and the polls for not getting your own way. Well wake up and see this dreadful government and its criminal pm for what it is- a filfthy parliament with an evil, scheming, shrill, vicious harpy as its leader. thanks God for the Liberal party.
Re your letter Jenjen, maybe you should have schooled under labor, because your spelling ain’t the best, and I don’t think Rupert would take you on either, ps everybody cannot have a business, ps do you sell scrabble sets ?????
Well done Victoria. I am living an excruciating life trying to answer that question. Who are these closed minded people who would think that Abbott is best equipped to roll out the NDIS. This is the power of the media and how cleverly they have dumbed down the public. Conservatives like to keep the public dumb so there is no dissent. I hope this era passes very quickly because I probably will pass on before we see accurate and intelligent debate on significant issues that affect not only our lives and those of generations to come, taken seriously by the msm/ABC. We really do need to change the media ownership laws in this country now more than ever! Thank God for u and other like u. You keep me sane and grounded.
The NDIS is Labor through and through. Name me one great reform that any Liberal govt. has ever introduced that made a difference for the masses. All they care about is profits and yet it is business that is so corrupt these days, cut corners, people dying on jobs for the sake of profits, using cheap labour and having to be propped up by govt. What a misguided philosophy the LNP stand for. Privatisation, killing off the low income people with user pays nonsense. Only the rich will survive their austerity measures. God help us if they ever prevail!
Just watching Mr Rabbit, sorry I mean Mr Abbot talking at Liberal Federal Council meeting, I looked and listened to him and I believe he has got a bit of a problem, he, in my opinion told 52 lies, and if they win God Help Us ! I am just off to the Vets because my best mate my dog has just started vomiting, who says animals don’t know what’s going on !!!! Thanking you, Colin
I wouldn’t worry too much. Most of the ‘haters’ don’t know how to fill in a ballot paper. And when it comes time to actually tick the box, there will tens of thousands will hesitate………………….
Tony Abbort is a strong leader, of a strong party, a united party What utter rubbish..He is neither of these andr u all diluted if u think he is/////
Sandra Searle wrote:
Your young GP was right, and it is you who are incorrect.
Your ‘jumping down her throat’ probably made her think you were a silly old duffer who doesn’t check her facts before she speaks.
Which is, of course, completely false.
Gillard never even mentioned “carbon price” or “price on carbon” or anything
even remotely like that in the interview.
It is obvious to me that some people are pots calling the kettle black.
And I challenge you to have the humility to call the young GP to apologize for your rude behaviour.
The original, unedited version of Gillard’s infamous “There will be no carbon tax” interview – all 3 minutes and 9 seconds of it – is still sitting freely available on Channel Ten’s youtube channel as it has been since August 16, 2010.
Readers interested in the actual truth can verify this for themselves:
@CS still censored, it occurs to me that what was mentioned by Sandra was a doorstop, this interview is not a doorstop, so maybe you are talking about different things. Also just for your and other Libs edification here is the front page article printed in The Australian on the eve of the last election. This I think makes it unequivocally clear she always intended to put a price on carbon:
@Jenjen You couldn’t do it could you?
“Here’s a challenge for any Abbott supporters who come across this post and decide to make a comment. Please tell us why you support Abbott, without mentioning Labor or Gillard. I dare you.”
No you did the usual thing and went for the personal attack all of which is actually utterly untrue.
Let’s take them one by one:
Criminal Pm – as much as the Coalition and MSM tried to make it stick, the whole slush fund affair was thoroughly investigated and she was totally cleared. So – wrong.
Dreadful government – matter of opinion I suppose but we are in good place economically with a AAA rating from 3 agencies for the first time ever. Unemployment is low and the recent job losses at Ford etc are not the government’s fault. We survived the GFC better than most other countries. We have an NDIS and NBN to the home is being rolled out. Now there might be some things you don’t like, there always are with any government but dreadful – no.
Now this one I like: “a filfthy parliament with an evil, scheming, shrill, vicious harpy as its leader.” Wow Jenjen, don’t hold back will you? Ok filthy parliament – well don’t forget that parliament is made up of MPs from all the parties and well as the independents. Do they behave well? No I don’t always think they do but Tony Abbott is as guilty of poor behaviour as the worst of them and Julie Bishop was thrown out at least twice just last week.
Now onto “evil” – in what way? I don’t like Tony but I don’t even call him evil, it’s just a bit extreme isn’t it?
Scheming? I think they all scheme to some extent but I don’t think she schemed against Rudd, I just don’t think anyone could work with him anymore. I liked him but I know he’s been scheming ever since he was ousted. So it’s a bit both ways that one and if you think that Tony hasn’t been scheming you are deluded.
Where were we – oh yes “shrill”. No she’s never shrill, in fact her voice is very level, maybe a bit too level. And anyway what has her voice got to do with her policies?
“Vicious harpy” An oldie but a goodie. Is this because she gave Abbott the serve he so thoroughly deserved for being a sexist liar, amongst other things? Well we won’t agree on that one.
And Jenjen, just so you know, we are intelligent people who own our own business and work really hard.
Oh and about that challenge………………….
Ok to all, what people seem to have lost in all this run up to the election is.WE THE WORLD HAVE GOT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT POLLUTION. And many leaders of this world are starting to wake up. It’s about time Mr Abbott and his party woke up. If these large companies around the world are polluting they should pay. But I see the Abbott team want to look after their sponsors. ITS UTTER GREED. in years to come looking back on history we will see the answer. IF WE ARE ABLE TO LOOK BACK.
Just watching AM AGENDA, where do they get these guys from, REITH, RICHARDSON, and the host, what ultra biased rhetoric I just watched, people have been saying how biased the news has been in the run in to our coming election, well I can say this was very very biased, why cannot they put the other sides views on !!! And these three gentlemen ( if I may call them that) are getting paid for this by you know who !! We all know what REITH was about in the late 90s and Richardson, what a slimy person he was and is. It’s about time people realized what the media if your in full control of it, what you can put over the people. I for one can read between the lines “TO COIN A PHRASE”. The ABC seems to be the only place where you get a 50/50 go. And I must state The ABC how long will that be around in it’s format if Abbott (GOD HELP US) cohorts his way in to Prime minister……..
Hmmm, I often wonder if this whole anti-Gillard thing is really just a right-wing media beat up. I do wonder if the ‘people’ really do support it or largely ignore it, as I have been doing. The one consistent poll out of all of them is that Australian voters are largely disillusioned and disengaged from politics because they can’t stand how absurd and unproductive it has become. Several new independent political parties have sprung up this year in response and it will be interesting to see how they fair in September. I would urge anyone unsure of how to vote to vote for one of these independents to send a very strong message that we are fed up with partisan politics in this country and the lack of vision that is currently informing policy. I literally cannot bring myself to vote for either of them in September.