4,600 posts, 13 million hits, over 150,000 comments.
In their raw nakedness these figures probably don’t mean a lot to the person reading them. To the writers and administration team at The AIMN they are of significant importance. The figures in their own way are a stamp of approval given by the readers of The AIMN.
The fact that people return every day to have a read of the articles we produce further indicates that there is a role for blogs like ours who are independent of the mainstream media.
“Why am I writing this?”, you might ask. Well you see the main editor, Michael Taylor, is so flat-chat doing all the editorial things that editors do so I took it upon myself to tell you all that yesterday was our 4th birthday. I was a little disappointed that we weren’t making a fuss because the important work we post is worthy of a little kudos as is the support we get from our readers, and those who take the time to comment. But I suspect Michael didn’t want to make a big fuss about it, preferring to quietly build on our growing reputation.
We are apt to forget at times the work Michael and his wife Carol put in and the nonsense they have to put up with from some commentators or the occasional aggressive person who send emails to The AIMN.
Mind you, the writers never shy away from authentic criticism, in fact we welcome it. It’s just that some of the comments they have to read and reject are beyond belief.
It’s hard to believe it is was almost four years ago when Michael saw a piece I had written titled “An Abbott in the Lodge. Never” and he invited me to write for The AIMN.
The AIMN was originally established by Michael, Carol, Kevin Rennie, Alex Schlotzer and Barry Tucker. Victoria Rollison joined a few days later.
One of our prolific writers, Kaye Lee, was a regular commentator and Michael and I knew from her comments that she had a rare talent for citizen journalism, and she was asked if she would like to be an author on The AIMN. Look at the success she has had. Later the blog was opened to other writers and more success came with a culture of the grassroots variety. Thanks to all our readers too who also play a major part in making us the success we are.
We look forward to continuing our high standard of citizen journalism into 2017.
For all the writers and in appreciation of the editor.
John Lord
And long may you all continue in your good work ….. have a grand 2017 …..
Congratulations AIM Network. You provide us all with a proud, equitable tool to express ourselves and to inform each other.
If the poxy pollies aren’t reading it, be it on their stupid heads. Same for the odious MSM. I suspect they are anyway, even though they wouldn’t admit it!
Long may AIM live and thrive for us to survive!
a raft of sanity in the sea of chaos and madness that is our government and our country at present, thank heavens for AIMN.
Happy Birthday.
As I said yesterday,
The light in the darkness of politics.
Thank you.
Many many happy returns to all in the AMIN team… you all clarify, expand and improve our understanding, and give us a voice.
Happy Birthday !
A great big thank you to Michael, Carol, Kaye, the Johns and other writers. TheAIM is a wonderful antidote to all the propaganda from one particular source. Long may you all continue. I made a donation before Christmas to help you continue your good work. I love the term “citizen journalism”. A big pat on the back for all of the writers, and the commenters too. May 2017 be the best year ever for all of us.
Happy Birthday, AIMN. (Hope this link works ? , if not…Mods.. “Help” ?)
Thank you for those kind words, John, and thank you for those kind comments.
Does it make any sense if I say it on seems like yesterday that The AIMN started, yet it also seems like fifty years ago?
Adding my support for John’s comments and congratulations on the milestone. As a former journalist I appreciate the work that goes into the writing showcased here and, like others, I hope or wish our politicians read it, especially Labor who have much to learn from it. Suspect LNP are beyond redemption.
It is great to have a place where not only we can reflect on events, but propose ideas and solutions, something the MSM completely lacks. It is more than a blog – it is a community, and I for one am glad to be part of it. Happy Birthday, and big thanks to Michael in particular, but also the many contributors and commenters too.
Thank you all for your wonderful contributions over the years. Lots of love and wishes for a great future.
It is essential reading.
Occasionally, very occasionally, I find I am in conflict with other contributors, usually over something moronic I have opined, or something someone else feels is moronic, or fails to actually read/understand.
To those few I have offended, my unreserved apology.
To Michael, Carol and the team, my heartfelt thanks for not having my twisted societal views fall on deaf ears.
It is like a community and as I have said so many times you are what keeps me sane. Thank you isn’t enough. Truly, the best place to read put there.
Happy 4th Birthday AIMN and congratulations on your continuing success. Thank you Michael, Carol and the marvellous team of contributors and commenters for your efforts/input. My favourite news site … ok, my ONLY news site 🙂
Happy 4th birthday to the aim and a huge thanks to all the contributors! One of the few places I regularly visit and still enjoy after quite a few years, keep up the fantastic work team! ?
Happy Birthday AIMN and many Happy Returns. …. Michael, Carol and all others on the team do a truly remarkable job. Much kudos and applause for great achievements.
And thank you John, for posting this article on the AIMN’s great success, over these past 4 years.
Happy birthday, AIMN.
The AIMN remains my favourite site of its kind, and I feel privelaged to have had the opportunity to write and do a bit of admin for it. It has that ‘Cafe Whispers’ feel about it, which was a proven formula.
I don’t agree with every article and I don’t agree with every comment, but I always feel welcome when I engage with people.
Thank you for what you do.
Hard to believe only 4 years. You’re a real asset to the Australian community and have difficulty imagining my week without your great journalism. Thank you one and all.
Well done AIM. A much needed voice of reason within the turmoil of this hapless Govt and the majority of the MSM. Happy 4th
Congratulations and happy birthday to the Australian Independent Media Network.
Thank you both, Michael and Carol Taylor, deeply and sincerely, for creating and maintaining the AIMN.
Also, thank you to all the writers (esp. Kaye Lee and John Lord, my personal favourites), and the contributors who help sustain this relative oasis.
Thank you for the past 4 years and Happy Birthday, with many returns we all hope. I always make it a point in my daily scanning of the internet to see who has written on AIM, and if the topic is of captivating interest. It often is! In particular, if Kaye Lee writes a contribution, I read it immediately and share it with another keen observer, Joyce. We both have lived in Australia, and now in Penang, Malaysia. Keep on with the attacks on this pathetic excuse for a government in Canberra.
Thank you to each and everyone of you and wishing you all many Happy returns for your 4th Birthday.
I am so grateful for your articles they are my sanity.
Yes thanks for the material and happy fourth birthday. You are legends.
What can I say that has not already been said.
Keep up the good work folks.
Have a great new year everyone, hopefully the new one will be better.
Everybody, you are so kind.
We are indeed a community in the real sense of the word in my opinion. I learn so much from you all in a place where I feel safe. I truly enjoy the conversation. I thank you all – and my family thanks you because I have someone else to rant at. 🙂
Hippy Happy New Year to everyone and especially to our hosts.
PS John Lord, you were why I started reading the AIMN in those very early days. I still get up and look for you first thing most mornings.
Well done, a very good service for the Australian community, I see that Susan Ley who spent $12,000 on one flight has now cut the rebate for diabetic test strips, how’s that for a good issue and story, keep up the good work.
Thank you all for putting my personal thoughts into words, words that I can’t seem to express adequately. Wishing all at The Aim Network many more happy birthdays. In this twisted age of post truth and obfuscation I always find comfort in reading the daily views of the various bloggers as it gives me some hope that there is a little light at the end of a very long tunnel.
Can’t help but congratulate AIM.
This has to be the new mainstream media. I don’t mind at all if honest journalists earn a good living, if the reporting is factual, truthful, almost void of any ideology (not always easy) and, of course educational and interesting.
I will donate another little bit but I understand, its not the world.
You must keep going and Australia will be a better for you and others with a critical, inquisitive mind.
Thank you
Wow, it seems like AIMN has been here for years! Congratulations, Happy New Year & PLEASE continue to provide all the thought proving & thoughtful items you have done so successfully in the past. Some of my best reading EVER in these last 4 years! More power to all who contribute to this excellent web page, bravo!
Just a small plug for Michael, the extraordinary amount of work he puts in is quite outstanding. So, thank you for everything that you and the authors and commenters are doing in order that we all (myself included) might hope for a fairer more progressive Australia.
Yes Carol,
whenever I have contacted Michael, I have appreciated how he responds promptly.
That’s a good sign of a well run site and respectful treatment.
And he has so many of us contacting him….I doubt people realise. As JMS says, his responses are far quicker than mine ever are and always helpful. I agree he is deserving of kudos for his work effort and equanimity under the barrage.
Cheers to both of you.
Today I told some one that the ugly face of Hillsong was shown by Scott Morrison, and she ( a mature person) asked ” who is Scott Morrison” ? This says much about general understanding of politics, as she had just told me that pension changes would hurt her. When will our media realise that their job is to inform the public, not encourage ignorance and intolerance? All the while helping their rich and powerful mates.