Global Britain Slashes International Aid

Image from The Guardian

“Decisions on aid are eroding trust and eroding relationships between the UK and developing countries.” (Abby Baldoumas, Financial Times, July 15, 2021).

Politics is not merely the art of the possible but the pursuit of concerted hypocrisy. When it comes to that matter of funding good causes – foreign aid, for instance – wealthy states are often happy to claim they open their wallets willingly. As good international citizens, they fork out money for such causes as education, healthcare, sanitation. The goals are always seen as bigger than the cash, a measure of self-enlightened interest.

The United Kingdom is certainly such a case. For years, governments of different stripes praised the political importance of the aid programme. “Development has never just been about aid or money, but I am proud that Britain is a country that keeps its promises to the poorest in the world,” British Prime Minister David Cameron told the United Nations General Assembly in a 2012 speech.

This all started changing in 2020. The merging of the Department of International Development with the Foreign Office was a signal that pennies would be in shorter supply. On November 25, 2020, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak announced that the government would not spend 0.7% of gross national income on official development assistance in 2022. The allocation would fall to 0.5% of GNI – £10 billion in monetary terms. Relative to the 2019 budget, this would amount to an effective cut of around £4 to 5 billion. Aid had very much become a matter of money.

The 0.7% allocation has been part of British policy since 2013. Two years after that, it became part of legislation. Up till September 2020, it was even assumed that it would also be part of Tory policy, given its mention in the Conservative Party manifesto.

Sunak did not shy away from populist justification in delivering his spending review for the 2021-22 financial year. “During a domestic fiscal emergency, when we need to prioritise our limited resources on jobs and public services, sticking rigidly to spending 0.7% of our national income on overseas aid is difficult to justify to the British people.”

The Chancellor tried assuring his fellow parliamentarians that he had “listened with great respect to those who have argued passionately to retain this target, but at a time of unprecedented crisis, government must make tough choices.” Such a tough choice seemed to put Sunak in breach of the law, not something alien to members of the Johnson government, including the prime minister himself. But do not expect legal writs or the constabulary to be pursuing the matter: all that’s seemingly required is a statement to Parliament explaining why the aim was not achieved.

On July 13, Parliament passed a motion confirming the reduction in the aid budget, with 333 votes cast in favour of it. 298 opposed it. Despite being billed as a compromise, the former international development secretary Andrew Mitchell was wiser. “There is an unpleasant odour leaking from my party’s front door,” he ruefully admitted. The motion had been “a fiscal trap for the unwary.”

The consequences of these slashing initiatives have laid waste to the charity and humanitarian landscape. The list of casualties mentioned by Devex is grim and extensive. A few unfortunates are worth mentioning. On July 7, South Sudan country director of Christian Aid reflected upon the closure of peace-building efforts led by various churches in South Sudan given the 59% cut in UK aid. “These cuts risk having a lethal effect on the chances of a lasting peace here,” James Wani lamented.

On June 14, support was cancelled for the Strategic Partnership Arrangement with Bangladesh. In the view of the NGO BRAC, this would see a halt to educating 360,000 girls, stop the funding of 725,000 school places, and cut nutritional support for 12 million infants, not to mention access to family planning services for 14.6 million women and girls.

Whole initiatives will cease outright, such as the Malawi Violence Against Women and Girls Prevention and Response Programme or the Green Economic Growth for Papua programme, which focuses on preventing deforestation. In some cases, existing budget allocations have been reduced by staggering amounts. The UN Sexual and Reproductive Health Agency (UNFPA), for example, has seen its funding allotment from the UK for its family planning programme reduced by 85% – from £154 million to £23 million.

With all this devastation taking place, Prime Minister Boris Johnson could still breezily announce at the G7 summit that his government would be providing an extra £430 million of extra funding from UK coffers for girls’ education in 90 developing countries. The timing of this was exquisite: only some weeks prior, cuts had been made amounting to over £200 million for the same cause, down from the £600 million offered in 2019.

In April 2021, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab sounded every bit the stingy economic rationalist. “Throughout the business planning process, we strived to ensure that every penny of the FCDO’s (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s) ODA (Official Development Assistance) spent brings maximum strategic coherence, impact and value for taxpayers’ money.”

At the Global Education Summit this July, the bleak and razored approach Johnson had taken to aid was concealed by a mask of colourful praise for his own moneyed initiatives. He called the Global Partnership for Education “the universal cure”, “the Swiss Army knife, complete with Allen key and screwdriver and everything else that can solve virtually every problem that afflicts humanity.”

Without blushing at any point, he spoke about educating the world properly and fairly to “end a great natural injustice.” In giving “every girl in the world the same education as every boy, 12 years of quality education, then you perform the most fantastic benefits for humanity – you lift life expectancy, you lift per capita GDP, you deal with infant mortality.”

The aid cuts have not only aggrieved those in the charity and development sector. Baroness Liz Sugg resigned as minister for overseas territories and sustainable development in response to the cuts. “Cutting UK aid risks,” she wrote to the prime minister last November, “risks undermining your efforts to promote a Global Britain and will diminish your power to influence and other nations to do what is right.”

From the levels of local government, Shropshire councillor Andy Boddington also expressed his dismay. “Our local MPs and Boris Johnson should bow their heads in shame and recognise how this unnecessary cut has diminished Britain on the world stage just as we prepare to host the international climate summit COP26.” The good councillor would surely be aware that the allocation of shame, for Johnson, is much like Britain’s current aid budget: diminished in supply.

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About Dr Binoy Kampmark 1443 Articles
Dr. Binoy Kampmark is a senior lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University. He was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. He is a contributing editor to CounterPunch and can be followed at @bkampmark.


  1. Decades of Globalisation their policies and Agenda
    Developed Nations have compromised their Economic Independence
    their internal stability
    Decades to fatten the profits of Global Corporations, Bankers & Investors Developed Nations Industries, Technology & Jobs have been exported to the 3rd world.
    Poverty injustice grows the insatiable Unfettered unsustianble Greed of the benefactors of the Pyramid Racket ever whine for more govt handouts tax cuts incentives NOT ENOUGH the global accountancy firms restructure & untilise tax havens minimise tax to nations greed profits off.
    To maximise their power influence profits global billionaire, bankers investors club World Economic Forum World Bank etc etc put state against state, nation against nation the blackmail system GIVE US MORE and we’ll provide a few jobs.
    Deregulation of banking financial sector a disaster along with selling off the Govt Banks that served the people well.
    Global Financial Crisis, the Australian Banking Royal Commission ANY CEO BOARDS go to Jail?? Any Crippling Fines to deter a repeat of money laundering corruption exploitation?
    Democratic Governance Where?

  2. The growing poverty within Britain another decades and it will be the 3rd world the emerging economies sending aid to Britain the economy in decline for the majority

  3. SO SO SO TYPICAL of the mean-spirited, self-obsessed, callously cruel conservative regimes that currently spread their toxic inhumanity within the UK and Australia! It won’t be long before the selfish, non-achieving, smirking megalomaniacal narcissist, Sloth Morrison, follows suit! There has NEVER been a time, during this worldwide pandemic, where desperate third world nations need the assistance of comparatively wealthy first world nations more!

    The “unmade bed”, Boris Johnson, who has had an obscene life overflowing with wealth and privilege, is BEYOND cruel, BEYOND heartless in tearing away desperately needed funds from those poor nations who do not have the monetary means or resources to ride the tidal wave of increasing poverty and despair that inflicts vulnerable nations, especially during this devastating pandemic. What the fcuk is WRONG with the pompous, selfish elitist sociopaths that so often occupy the cabinets of ultra-conservative, heartless right-wing regimes? These grand-standing, unspeakably self-serving, totally corrupt political parasites are turning themselves into multi-millionaires, sucking up HUGE undeserved salaries at the expense of hard-working taxpayers yet REFUSE to assist the most desperate people on the planet!

    The bible-thumping hypocrite and Hillsong Cultist, Sloth MorriSCAMMER, is a salivating admirer of the type of mean-spirited FAILED “Reagan” and “Thatcher” style of elitist economics that reward the wealthiest members of the Top 1% whilst targeting and attacking the poor! I am, by no means, the sanctimonious church-goer that Morrison claims to be BUT everything, absolutely EVERYTHING, the paedophile-protecting, prosperity-driven Cult of Hillsong preaches goes AGAINST the most basic principles of Christ’s teachings, ie be generous to the poor and treat others as you wish to be treated. This unspeakably miserable, self-serving decision shows the level of depraved bible-thumping HYPOCRISY that is so endemic right throughout the ghastly me-me-me ideology that permeates every level of the Tory and LNP regimes!

    Right-wing extremism = callous inhumanity, self-serving corruption, elitism and a depraved indifference to the suffering of others!

  4. I read replies of those who are angry at the cutting of foreign aid

    they appear to be blind to the crushing poverty within their own nation

    and in Australia the pockets of 3rd world poverty & deprivation via I think Criminal Neglect.

    The poverty pittance Dole the hounding vilifying of the unemployed when the Fact is Govts abandoned support for full employment years ago.
    Govts actively ensuring there was a pool of unemployed insecure workers to keep wage claims low.

    Our Priority should be our own family nation when that issues resolved then it’s time to increase foreign aid.

    How many underdeveloped nations are exploited by global Corporations Global Miners the Global World Bank etc How many have Governments funded by powerful vested & self interests that keeps their nations & peoples in poverty?

  5. It is dangerous to retreat to national interest as these cuts may well make more likely the waves of desperate refugees fleeing hunger, desertification, pressure on water supply due to population pressure, loss of farming land and of any land especially low lying islands.

  6. Maggie, It’s not either / or.
    The wealthy nations of this world can fix both their own countries and third world countries.
    Those who hold the wealth (until the – next – revolution) don’t have the will to do so. Blinded by greed.
    Voters believe the spin.
    Tell me we’re not doomed.

  7. Maggie! Spoken like a typical, callously inhumane, self-serving and totally deluded right-wing supporter of a government up to their red necks in criminal acts of misogyny, blatant ongoing self-serving corruption, bible-thumping hypocrisy, relentless inhumanity, insular xenophobic racism and a deplorable level of smug, condescending, contemptuous arrogance.

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