The AIM Network


As an agnostic, raised in a (UK) Christian household, in a nominally Christian country,  I believe that life is more satisfying all round when we make a reasonable effort to help those who most need help.

After living in Australia for 50 years, I wonder how its government has managed to become what it now is – a cruel, racist, sexist, selfish rabble.

Not every individual conforms to that description, but Julia Banks’ recent book makes it clear that the desire for the elected individuals to retain power and place is greater than their desire to change their leaders.

The thought that Peter Dutton might still become our Prime Minister sends cold shudders down my spine.

The failure of the government to seriously punish the blatant corruption associated with the sports and car park rorts (which are just the tip of the iceberg of malfeasance!) is disgusting.

The fact that 3 Parliamentarians who do not meet the pub test – at least one of whom, Christian Porter, is still a Minister – have not been asked to resign (or better still been thrown out) is more than alarming.

To prosecute Witness K and Bernard Collaery for trying to protect us from government mischief is appalling.

And our refusal to help Julian Assange is unforgivable.

The whole developed world – except Australia – is convinced that climate change is real and action must be taken.

What are we doing?

Promoting gas – a seriously harmful fossil fuel! Plus throwing money at Carbon Capture and Storage – which has been proved, over and over, to be both expensive and ineffective.

Labor instigated the NDIS and Medicare – both of which are under serious attack from Coalition policy changes.

We still call genuine refugees ‘illegal arrivals’ – despite being signatories to the refugee UN Convention.

We have no Human Rights legislation yet are still discussing protection for the religious – ignoring the fact that all necessary protection is provided quite adequately in the Constitution. And we ignore the fact that many of the so-called religious organisations – like Hillsong – are actually really sects which worship at the altar of wealth and power!

Having had a mild stroke in January, I have written little since for the AIMN as my drive seems to have been muted.

But we are due for an election in the next 12 months or so and I am desperate to do what I can to ensure that the Coalition is not re-elected.

Sadly, Labor does not present a good alternative and their inability to develop a reasonable liaison with the Greens is both selfish and childish.

Well – the Coalition has the Nationals under its wing, despite the willingness of Barnaby Joyce to undermine their policies!

We need all the people who care about the needs of the poor, sick, helpless and hopeless to unite to force policy change.

If you, like me, have enough for yourself and your family, please stop and think about those who have little or nothing.

We can donate to charity, but we need a government who is in there, working to help them – not telling them that they are useless!

Remember Robodebt?

Who gets more pressure from government to contribute to the country’s finances – the out of work poor or the tax-avoiding wealthy?

Please take a real interest in the effects of the politicians on those who cannot help themselves.

We need another, more disciplined, Whitlam because it really is time to stand up to fight corruption, self-interest and cruelty!

COVID-19 will be with us for a long time and our plans for dealing with it have, so far, been puerile!

Do you care about all this?

Please help change it!

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