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Famine risk increases as Israel makes Gaza aid response virtually impossible – Oxfam

Oxfam Australia Media Release

Two-thirds of population now squeezed into less than a fifth of the Gaza Strip

Israel’s relentless air and land bombardment and deliberate obstruction of the humanitarian response is making it virtually impossible for aid agencies to reach trapped, starved civilians in Gaza, Oxfam said today, as the latest ceasefire deal negotiations continue.

A lethal combination of closed border crossings, ongoing airstrikes, reduced logistical capacity due to evacuation notices and a failing Israeli permission process that debilitates humanitarian movement within Gaza, have created an impossible environment for aid agencies to operate effectively.

With the Rafah Crossing closed since 6 May, Kerem Shalom is the only crossing that thousands of humanitarian aid trucks queued at Rafah could be re-routed to use, but inside is an active combat zone and extremely dangerous. Long delays in Israeli approval to collect and move any aid that enters, means that missions often have to be aborted.

Over one million people have fled Rafah into Al Mawasi, Deir al-Balah and Khan Younis. 1.7 million people, more than two-thirds of Gaza’s population, are now estimated to be crammed into an area of 69 km2 – less than a fifth of the Strip. Despite Israeli assurances that full support would be provided for people fleeing, most of Gaza has been deprived of humanitarian aid, as famine inches closer. Last week, Israeli attacks killed dozens of civilians in tents in areas it had declared “safe zones”.

As the humanitarian situation within Gaza deteriorates even further and more children die of starvation and disease, Oxfam said that:

  • A food survey by aid agencies in May found that 85 per cent of children did not eat for a whole day at least once in the three days before the survey was conducted, with dietary diversity worsening.
  • Living conditions are so appalling that in Al-Mawasi, there are just 121 latrines for over 500,000 people – or 4,130 people having to share each toilet.
  • Just 19 per cent of the 400,000 litres of fuel a day needed to run the humanitarian operation in Gaza – including transportation, the provision of clean water and sewage removal – is being allowed in and is not delivered every day.
  • According to the UN, aid deliveries have dropped by two-thirds since Israel’s invasion of Rafah. Since 6 May, just 216 trucks of humanitarian aid entered via Kerem Shalom and were able to be collected – an average of eight a day
  • It’s estimated that hundreds of commercial food trucks are entering daily via the Kerem Shalom crossing. Although important for increasing food availability in Gaza, the consignments include items like non-nutritious energy drinks, chocolate and cookies, and food is often sold at inflated prices that people cannot afford. Lack of dietary diversity is one of the key drivers of acute malnutrition and has been assessed as ‘extremely critical’ in Gaza 
  • People are paying nearly $700 for the most basic tents and there is so little space left, that some have been forced to set up tents in the cemetery at Deir al-Balah

Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Middle East and North Africa Director said: “By the time a famine is declared, it will be too late. When hunger claims many more lives, nobody will be able to deny the horrifying impact of Israel’s deliberate, illegal and cruel obstruction of aid.  Obstructing tonnes of food for a malnourished population while waving through caffeine-laced drinks and chocolate is sickening.

“Israel claimed weeks ago that it would provide full humanitarian support and medical assistance to civilians it had told to move. Not only is this not happening, its ongoing impunity, bombardment and deliberate obstruction have created unprecedented and impossibly dangerous conditions for humanitarian agencies to operate.”

As the occupying power, Israel is legally obligated not to restrict or delay the entry of goods required to meet the basic needs of Gaza’s residents, and must actively guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted supply of all aid.

Meera, an Oxfam staff member in Al-Mawasi who has been displaced seven times since October said “This area was designated a humanitarian zone, but there is nothing humanitarian about the situation here. The conditions are unbearable, there is no access to clean water, people are forced to rely on the sea.

“These people deserve so much better. Children should be in school, not worrying about how to support their families. Babies should be sleeping in warm beds, not exposed to insects.”

Oxfam is calling for an immediate, permanent ceasefire to end the death and destruction, full and permanent access of all ground crossings for humanitarian aid to be delivered at scale and the release of all hostages and unlawfully detained Palestinian prisoners.


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  1. David Baird

    Since when is such a deliberate policy of starvation not a war crime? When the kids who do survive grow to develop a visceral hatred of Israel, who will be able to blame them? This whole business did not start on Oct. 7. and to sheet it all home to that event, though truly awful, is absurd. Check the litany of Israeli terrorism in Gaza and West Bank since 1948 and watch for the cycle of violence to continue.

  2. JulianP

    David, the matters you raise are beyond dispute, particularly the assumption of there being another generation to come of age full of rage and resentment against Israel.

    You could safely assume the Israelis would be all too aware of this (as in the past) and be prepared yet again to employ the violence considered necessary to ensure the safety of its citizens, and seemingly be prepared to do this for ever and a day.

    To anyone not aware of Israel’s history of terrorism and murder against Palestinians (and their responses), this apparently endless cycle would appear to be justified and normal – UNLESS there was another plan in place – one established long ago and designed to be implemented over many years – and that, quite simply, was for the State of Israel to rid itself of anyone not Jewish.

    Information about this has dribbled out over the years, indeed early on there were those in the Israeli establishment who bemoaned the fact that the job wasn’t done in 1948.

    You can easily find quotes from early Israeli military and other leaders who clearly knew of, and openly acknowledged the hatred of Palestinians towards them and towards the emergent State; what was never admitted, at least openly, was the master plan – something now being openly expressed by a number of Israeli officials who seem to be of the view that it’s time for one final push – the establishment of “Greater Israel”.

    On this view, a Palestinian State (of any sort) is a logical impossibility, and always has been so.

  3. Pingback: Famine risk increases as Israel makes Gaza aid response virtually impossible – Oxfam – Equilibrion

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