The AIM Network

Expect Future Storms to Intensify

Image from (photo: Mike Hollingshead)

By Keith Antonysen

Malcolm Turnbull says that the LNP is doing everything possible to keep Australians safe in relation to terrorism (ABC, A.M. 4/10/2017). There are risks, but for an individual reasonably remote.

Yet, in relation to anthropogenic climate change the LNP and Queensland Labor government are seeking to increase existential risks through promoting the huge Adani mine and suggesting the need for new coal powered energy plants. The new coal plants are provided with all sorts of exotic names (e.g. HELE, carbon capture and storage); but, they still void significant amounts of greenhouse gases. Oceans are often not widely discussed in relation to anthropogenic climate change, though they have a significant role in the creation of extreme weather.

There has been much discussion about the hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria in relation to what influence climate change has had in relation to their ferocity; scientists state that warm oceans have a great deal of influence on the creation and strength of tropical storms.

Kevin Trenberth, one of authors of a new  study on Oceans, has stated: “The higher temperatures are driving marine life toward the poles in search of livable habitats, bleaching coral reefs, and causing severe impacts on fisheries and aquacultures. They also contribute to more frequent and intense extreme weather events.”

Several scientists have stated that a warm Ocean leads to the creation of higher levels of water vapour in the atmosphere.

It is commonly understood that oceans only gradually build up warmth, or shed warmth slowly in comparison to the atmosphere.

Quote: “Earth’s temperature is rising, and it isn’t just in the air around us. More than 90 percent of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gas emissions has been absorbed into the oceans that cover two-thirds of the planet’s surface. Their temperature is rising, too, and it tells a story of how humans are changing the planet.”

Satellite altimentary displays how sea level is rising; commonsense informs us that water when warmed expands its volume. The point being that a rising sea level is an important factor in leading to worse impacts from storm surges.

Through warming oceans, the strength of storms will become stronger.

Creating new coal mines and coal fired power plants is a completely reckless pursuit; Turnbull definitely has not had safety in mind when spruiking these new potential developments.

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