Exiting Afghanistan: Biden Sets the Date

Image from nytimes.com (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

It had to be symbolic, and was represented as such. Forces of the United States will be leaving Afghanistan on September 11 after two decades of violent occupation, though for a good deal of this stretch, US forces were, at best, failed democracy builders, at worst, violent tenants.

In his April 14 speech, President Joe Biden made the point that should have long been evident: that Washington could not “continue the cycle of extending or expanding our military presence in Afghanistan hoping to create the ideal conditions for our withdrawal, expecting a different result.” As if to concede to the broader failure of the exercise, “the terror threat” had flourished, being now present “in many places.” To keep “thousands of troops grounded and concentrated in just one country at a cost of billions each year makes little sense to me and to our leaders.”

For such a long stay, the objectives have been far from convincing. The US presence in Afghanistan should focus “on the reason we went there in the first place: to ensure Afghanistan would not be used as a base from which to attack our homeland again. We did that. We accomplished that objective.” A debacle is dressed up in the robes of necessity, the original purpose being to “root out al Qaeda” in 2001 and “to prevent future terrorist attacks against the United States planned from Afghanistan.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is marshalling European leaders to aid in the withdrawal effort. “I am here,” he stated at NATO’s Belgium headquarters, “to work closely with our allies, with the secretary general, on the principle that we have established from the start, ‘In together, adapt together and out together’.” There have been few times in history, perhaps with the exception of the Vietnam War, where defeat has been given such an unremarkable cover.

Little improvement on this impression was made at a meeting between Blinken and Abdullah Abdullah, chair of the Afghanistan High Commission for National Reconciliation. According to State Department spokesperson Ned Price, the secretary “reiterated the US commitment to the peace process and that we will use our full diplomatic, economic, and humanitarian toolkit to support the future the Afghan people want, including the gains made by Afghan women.”

At the US embassy in Kabul, Blinken made an assortment of weak assurances about “America’s commitment to an enduring partnership with Afghanistan and the Afghan people.” Despite the troops leaving the country, the “security partnership will endure.” There was “strong bipartisan support for that commitment to the Afghan Security Forces.” There would be oodles of diplomacy, economic investment and development assistance. And, as for the Taliban, joyfully lurking in the wings to assume power, Blinken had this assessment: “It’s very important that the Taliban recognize that it will never be legitimate and it will never be durable if it rejects a political process and tries to take the country by force.”

A better, and more accurate sense of attitudes to Kabul could be gathered in the remarks of a senior Biden official, as reported in the Washington Post. “The reality is that the United States has big strategic interests in the world… Afghanistan just does not rise to the level of those other threats at this point.” Afghanistan, in time, will be discarded like strategic refuse.

Critics invariably assume various aspects of the imperial pose: to leave the country is to surrender a policing function, to encourage enemies, to reverse any gains (shallow as they are), to lay the grounds for the need for potential re-engagement. An erroneous link is thereby encouraged linking US national security interests with the desperate ruination that has afflicted a State that has not seen peace in decades. For its part, the US contribution to that ruination has been, along with its coalition allies, far from negligible.

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell preached that the withdrawal was “a grave mistake,” a reminder that such foolish decisions had been made before. “Ten years ago, when President Obama let politics dictate the terms of our involvement in Iraq, those failed decisions invited the rise of ISIS.” For McConnell, battling terrorism remained a central purpose for keeping boots on the much-trodden ground of Afghanistan. “A reckless pullback like this would abandon our Afghan, regional, and NATO partners in a shared fight against terrorists we have not yet won.”

In March, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, told a National Security Council Principal Committee meeting that withdrawing would see women’s rights return “to the Stone Age.” Leaving was also not advisable, given “all the blood and treasure spent.” (Others at the meeting felt that Milley’s arguments had the soft stuffing of emotion rather than firm logic.)

The Washington Post, in a vein similar to that of McConnell and Milley, resorted to the conventional betrayal thesis: leaving was “an abandonment of those Afghans who believed in building a democracy that guaranteed basic human rights.” It would also mean nullifying “the sacrifices of the American servicemen who were killed or wounded in that mission.” Little thought is given to the shallow, corruption saturated regime in Kabul that can barely claim any semblance of legitimacy beyond the sponsorship of external powers.

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Burns, takes a more prosaic, utilitarian line. Leaving Afghanistan will, he explained at a hearing of a Senate Intelligence Committee on global threats, drain the intelligence pool. “When the time comes for the US military to withdraw, the US government’s ability to collect and act on threats will diminish. That’s simply a fact.”

The pessimists from the National Review are also full of warning. Jim Geraghty is almost shrill in worrying what the media headline, “Taliban Rule Afghanistan Again” will do in spurring on “global Islamist jihadism,” claiming that, “[a] bad withdrawal only sets up the need for more combat in the future.” Kevin Williamson is at least accurate on one point: Afghanistan, for the US, is a clear picture of “what failure looks like. What success is going to look like, we still don’t know.” Nor, it would seem, ever will.


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About Dr Binoy Kampmark 1443 Articles
Dr. Binoy Kampmark is a senior lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University. He was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. He is a contributing editor to CounterPunch and can be followed at @bkampmark.


  1. My sympathies to the returning and returned Australian troops. You were there under false pretences and given mixed command messages. The fault is not with you, it is with the politicians who expected too much and gave you duties that are not usually expected from young men. They should have flown in social workers.

  2. Re:

    an abandonment of those Afghans who believed in building a democracy

    Where is/was the evidence that a significant number of the locals wanted a democracy? Is their everyday life about notions of equality? Are they encouraged to make their own interpretation(s) of the Koran? Is free will a key concept in understanding the human condition? Is their ethical system about intentions or outcomes? Would there ever be a realistic separation of Church and State?

    Democracy does not translate easy (if at all) across cultural boundaries.

    And given almost universal failure/decline of democracy in the West (and the rise of effective dictatorships) why would Afghan go in that direction. Unlikely to be a case of God willing.

  3. There are three wars that Australia should have avoided like the plague rather than invite themselves into the fray:

    1) Korea – to prevent the PRC China sweeping through now South Korea and threatening post WWII US vassal state Japan:
    2) Vietnam – to build the Imperialist empire of the USA (United States of Apartheid);
    3) Iraq and Afghanistan – for US multinational oil corporations to control the Iraqi proven and projected oil reserves.

    Liarbral Prime Ministers invited Australia to these disasters; Menzies to assuage his personal guilt for resigning his Australian Army commission on the first day of WWI, Harold Holt to go waltzing matilda with LBJ, LIttle Johnnie Howard to suck up to Shrubya Bush after 9/11.


    With war crimes now a hot topic of conversation perhaps it is time to discuss the consequences of these adventures in terms of the war crimes of the politicians who made the decisions.

  4. NEC
    Disagree with Korea it was the UN who stepped in when North Korea, backed by Stalin, cleaned up the South Koreans and were pretty well in charge of the peninsula.
    The better armed and trained Aussie and Canadian UN troops pushed them back north of Seoul, which the north had captured. …….. then with warmonger MacArthur (even sought the atomic bomb) escalating the conflict past 38th, China warned it would protect the border.
    The septics ignored the warning and China entered the war resulting in many casualties and deaths.
    A cease fire was arranged between the septics and nth Korea but not south Korea’s Rhee with the treaty demilitarised zone at the 38th//.

  5. Oops forgot the first bit, Dr Kampmark.
    A sad sad read!!!
    The Afghanistan of the past for women is gone.(as is that of turkey)
    1979 Russia invades to protect a government and 2001 the septics invade to destroy a government.
    Neither knew what they were doing. They killed and were killed for no result.
    With over 40% below the poverty line and the majority of women and men uneducated, the religious society will prevail and, as the Russians before, the septics will go back to buying heroin and the women will retreat to the burqa.
    There is some hope for girls schools if massive bribes can be maintained to keep the taliban happy but I doubt that women will ever have the right to think of themselves as anything but receptacles for sperm.

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