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EQUALITY: What does it look like?

The Supreme Court of Western Australia is the scene for the next chapter in one of the most disgusting cases of inequality imaginable in an ostensibly civil, democratic society.

Brittany Higgins is again forced to relive the night she was raped as her doubting former boss, Linda Reynolds cries crocodile tears over her damaged reputation, putting her house on the line to potentially tap into the $2.3 million payout Ms Higgins received from the government when she left her job.

* * * * * * * 

Centrelink clients were given the option to have essential payments taken from their accounts, ensuring rents, power and other essentials were paid. The Centrepay debit system was designed to reduce the threat of homelessness for some of our most vulnerable citizens. The Gillard Government ordered a review into the system and that was presented to the government just prior to the 2013 election, and found that the system was being exploited by some unscrupulous operators, essential businesses such as power suppliers and communications providers. The report was buried although some minor changes were made in 2015, according to reporting in The Guardian today.

I wondered what equality may look like. Not just in this power play but both from a historic perspective, before it turned to a striving to be better than every one else, to be richer, more powerful than the next person, or even other groups of people who are somehow different, and how it may look in Australia today. The signs of inequality abound, but what can we strive for? What can we hope for?

One time, long ago, all people were equal. At least that is what some paleoanthropologists claim as a result of their studies of ancient peoples:The interpretation of ancient cave and rock art and the study of ancient burial site.

Men and women were considered equal, the raising of children a shared, communal activity. That sense of community is still evident in the few remaining indigenous groups as found in the Amazon, in parts of Papua New Guinea and among First Nations Australians and other regions where tribal communities of indigenous peoples still exist.

The change which so altered the relationship between men and women was the transition from hunter/gatherer to dependency on agriculture for survival, and with it the rise of religion. From a nomadic life, following through the seasons the natural cycles and the movement of flora and fauna to a sedentary, settled lifestyle where the seasonal variable and the uncertainties of weather made life less certain, instead of following the food, it was waiting to see the harvest of sowed crops. And that involved hard work, clearing the land, tilling the soil, sowing, protecting the growing crops from birds and bugs which could destroy it, harvesting and storing the bounty, building permanent homes, and so forth. Life became tough.

The dependency on the vagaries of nature caused the creation of gods. The halcyon days of the Garden of Eden became part of the legend of a supreme God, a creator God, and when the womandisobeyed the commands of that mythological being, she caused the expulsion from Eden and so was blamed for the hard lives which followed. From being created equal, as described in Genesis 1 verse 27, So God created mankind in his own image male and female He created themto her being blamed and cursed in Genesis 3, verse 18 I will make your pains in childbearing very severe, with painful labour you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you.

The woman, the wife is subservient to the man. Slave-like. In many ancient languages, the word for woman and slave were closely related. In Chinese for example, nu can mean slave, concubine or woman.

The same story appears in one form or another in Greek mythology, in ancient Babylonian stories and in many other places at about the same time, some 2,500 years ago.

Along with the move to agriculture came the ownership of land. Communal plots became family plots and the man controlled the work to be done. Along with the development of a form of governance, at first a religiousleadership, which taught the myths which controlled the production of foods and their distribution in the form of tithes and with the increase in population and the growing accumulation of wealth came threats from nearby communities and the beginnings of a form of nation building which morphed into the need for greater overarching control and the need for a defence force of some kind or other and rulers, kings, pharaohs, emperors.

Each power structure required administrators, means of controlling the economies of the various jurisdictions, a taxation system and a means of keeping populations under control, and in expanding territories, armies which needed feeding and clothing. The time of ancient imperialism has been well studied and one of the most descriptive comes from the mythology surrounding the establishment of the Land of Israel described in the earliest books of the Bible, as God gives instruction to the Israelites to destroy all who stand in their way of occupying the land He promised to Abraham. That was a shortly after the Ten Commandments had been presented to them. Oh and a couple of those commandments, dont kill, dont steal. Its great to be of Gods People. The laws only apply to them, you cannot kill them or steal from them, but anyone else is fair game.

The discovery of The New Worldwas a mistake by Christopher Columbus, He wasnt in India, as he had hoped, but on an island in the Caribbean which he claimed as new landsfor the King and Queen of Spain in the name of the almighty God who had guided him there. Soon the new settlers managed to kill off the indigenous people by infecting them with smallpox as the European plantation farmers began growing all sorts of good things like sugar, tobacco, coffee, cocoa and so forth, but finding labour was not easy so establishing a market for farm and plantation labourers, slaves from tropical Africa.

Equality under colonialism was for the white land owners. Not the slaves, and not the women. Women were as much owned, were chattels throughout the Christian period, carrying the curse of Eve, subservient to their husbands. Even daughters were owned by their fathers until marriage when the ownership transferred to the husband. Rape was not a crime against the victim of the rape, the woman, it was a crime against the owner of the woman. The rapist had devaluedthe mans property. Rape as a weapon of war recognises that devaluing, as was explained during the Croatian/Serbian conflict of 30 years ago. Muslim women were raped so they could not be married as virgins, be undesirable as brides or be rejected by their husbands.

I guess the question is will there ever be equality, a governance which recognises the innate humanity in all of us, where the needs of life are distributed in an equitable way, where the powerful are not exploitative.

It seems the rich and powerful today are no different than those of by gone times. Could it be that they see themselves as gods, like the pharaohs of ancient times? That the rules do not apply to them, rules like actually paying fair wages, paying taxes.

In my lifetime there have been many changes which have sought to redress some of the inequalities, the womens liberation movement building on the earlier gains of the suffragettes, the ability for women to control their fertility, equal pay for equal work to address the income disparity between men and women, the post war reconstruction boom which saw for the first time in history economic gains for workers allowing for greater access to home ownership. Recognition of difference, racial, religious, sexual definitions, becoming a more humane society.

And how quickly that is being reversed.

We see a Senator accusing a former employee of defamation, taking the employee to the highest court in the state, we see powerful corporations stealing from their most vulnerable clients, we see the divide between the richest and the rest of the population grow exponentially.

We see women who have been sexually assaulted cross examined in courts while the accused remains mute, all their lawyer needs to do is produce doubt that the rape was actually rape. The accused is not asked to defend himself, the victim is further victimised, the trauma amplified, and in the case of Ms Higgins, repeatedly in court case after court case. The victim is vilified repeatedly. (The opening statement from the Senators lawyer included the term fairy tale, an implication that the rape is a fantasy used by the victim for whatever reason.) The senator repeating her doubt that the rape occurred, accusing Ms Higgins of concocting a story, a vengeful act to undermine the senators reputation.

We see a refusal to engage in Truth Telling, a refusal to understand the impact of colonisation of the First Nations people, a refusal to accept that colonisation was in fact the theft of their lands, the brutal genocidal acts as power to take the land was resisted, that the refusal to accept the culture and language deprived the first nations people of their identities, effectively dehumanising them. We brought them our religion, they should be grateful for that.

We see pressure on wages, a cost of living crisiswhere workers are dehumanised,  valued only as contributors to company profits, paid effectively subsistence wages, needing to return to work just for survival while corporate employers devise ways to steal from their workers, forced unpaid overtime for example, as in one transport company putting office staff on salary but demanding reasonable overtimeas staff who leave are not replaced and the remaining staff compelled to work longer hours to complete the allotted tasks. Modern slavery perhaps? Yes, people are paid, return home at the end of their shift but return to do it all again merely to survive.

We see political parties endorsing candidates who seek to reverse the rights women have attained, the wifes place is in the home looking after the kids, she is to be the chattel of the husband. Daughters are owned by fathers to be transferred to husbands on the wedding day. (And the only way to ensure that we get the rightgovernment is to deny women the vote. They may dare to vote differently than instructed!)

Can we go back to that?

We see politicians, religious leaders and the most powerful, and the wealthiest people on the planet try to wind the clock back, trying to restore the power lost or gain more than has ever been achieved.

It seems in the long view of history, history is repeating itself as no lessons are learned.

Surely we can do better than that!


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  1. Andrew Smith

    It has the whiff of a cack handed ‘SLAPP’ as Australia still does not have related anti-SLAPP laws like the US and EU, while the UK has been used by Russian and other oligarchs to threaten and intimidate critics etc.

    ‘Commission welcomes political agreement on countering abusive lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP)’ European Commission

    And unrelated, see how Russian oligarch Deripaska is being defended by Porter in the Federal Court to avoid Australian government sanctions on his local business interests.

  2. Williambtm

    The minds of the Liberal party acolytes and their rusted on believers are a tyranny upon our humankind, what right do these self privileged deceptive employers of people, to elevate themselves to higher stations than their fellow people?
    Fact is that the Liberals have invented themselves, then convinced themselves, that they are of a higher species of mankind.
    Just observe the contribution to Australia’s people by the self privileged fop like Dutton, when and where bugger all is directed by them toward our nation’s people.
    The words of spiv, dictating arseholes, listen to us, we are your government. (When foolishly elected.) Morrison, a Liberal party shyster for example, had committed an act of treason upon the Australian people through his dishonest actions to agree to the Mike Pompeo subjugation of our nation to believe the false aspirations abounding in that people slaughtering USA.
    That action by he, better known as “Scummo” had created a huge financial obligation upon our nation’s people after he had conspired with the slimy former CIA director (Mike Pompeo) to the amount of a ‘3rd of a Trillion Aussie taxpayer dollars’ to purchase little other than a Hollywood fantasy…Beloved of the USA war dog nation.
    Yet no one in our Aussie nation, serving in an elevated role, has made it their business to pursue the treasonous Scummo. That Scummo bastard should already be imprisoned.

  3. Patricia

    “It seems in the long view of history, history is repeating itself as no lessons are learned.”

    The German philosopher Georg Hegel famously said, “The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.”

    “Surely we can do better than that!”

    Apparently we are cannot and are not.

    All good points, and so true of what society(s) has/have become, again.

    While ever wealth, or the lack of it, is the main and sometimes only descriptor by which we put value on human beings we will have what we have had before and what we have now.

    Being human should be more than just how much money a person makes or has. Society fractures when we forget that community is everything, the most successful communities are ant and bee communities, where everyone has a place and each place is as important as the other.

    What would our societies look like if we had no garbage collectors, no sanitation engineers, no cleaners, no nurses, no teachers, no truck drivers etc. etc., but yet these roles in our current society are devalued and undervalued while CEO’s who are paid on how much they make for their company by sacking workers, reducing the quality and increasing the price of their product are seen as the most important component of a successful business.

    Get rid of the CEO’s and see just how important they are. Get rid of the garbage collectors, teachers, nurses, truck drives and we would quickly find out their importance.

    The Thatcher/Reagan/Howard view that there is no such thing as society that has been the driving force in many countries for the past several decades has helped bring us to today.

    Can we get back to what a real society that values all of its peoples should be? Maybe, but it will never happen while ever we have a few who have so much and so many who have so little.

    Countries that boast about how many multi billionaires and multi millionaires it has are totally on the wrong track, they have little to no concept, or choose not to see in their pursuit of wealth, of what it takes to make a country run.

    Countries that boast that they have no homelessness, that all their citizens can access good quality education, healthcare and jobs are what we should all be striving for.

    Politicians and economists constantly talk about GDP and economic growth without the acknowledgment that these only come about when everyone who is able and who wants to enjoys that benefits.

    The old saying “A rising tide lifts all boats” should take the place of the conservative neoliberal trickle down theory.

  4. Clakka

    Yes Bert, a concise pass through history to today’s matters, and the apparent attempts at reversion to old power plays.

    What a competition, between and within man and woman.

    Seems we’re all some way or another vulnerable to corruption. But one would think by now, for the sake of equity, we’d be able to distinguish between alleged strongmen and women, the intellectuals, the bespangled and poseurs, and the ordinary trying to get by. Evidently not yet, but it seems to be heading that way.

    Faith, belief, dissatisfaction and uncertainty remains, tampered with by sophistry at all levels, by gangs, cabals, and institutions pressing cultural and economic buttons for the purpose only of win-at-all-cost supremacy. Yet globalization continues its march, obviating notions of difference.

    Despite the desperate screeches of the despots, the protectionists and isolationists, more and more there’s a realization that we are now inextricably interdependent, so old notions of hostility to difference ought be replaced by cooperation and equitable sharing of advantage wherever it exists. Thank goodness the young of today are more globally aware.

    Just where we’re at and where we’re going with all that, is anybody’s guess, as it seems that fixed planning is something that blows with the winds of each day as they come and go. Everyone surely knows there’s nothing to be gained by pissing into the wind.

  5. Bert

    Patricia, thank you for your response. I have just asked my brother to explain why nothing will work in the Israeli/Palestinian situation, which part of being Palestinian stands in the way.

    Are they not Human enough?
    Are they the wrong race?
    Are they the wrong religion?

    They are three factors beside how much money one has, or what possessions they have which affect the equality/unequality.

    I doubt he will have the good grace to answer, except to indicate, as he has before, that the conversation is not going where he wants it to go.

    We need to do better in that situation as well as the blatant inequality we have here.

  6. Bert

    Clakka, Thanks for your interest and comments.

    Race, faith, status, wealth are the great dividers fostering inequality.

    And yes, men are so very afraid of losing their dominance over women. That has lead to the spike in violence against women I believe, that women have been empowered, have accepted their position of equality, that they will not put up with the crap that some men throw at them or subject them to.

    More needs to be done there. We have a state election coming up in March. The Libs lost big time last election and are endorsing candidates to win back some of the seats they lost, including one Labor holds by a very thin margin.

    The endorsed candidate is the Mayor of Perth who has closed down a women’s refuge shelter, throwing that curveball to the state government. He was a ‘shock jock’ on a commercial station here and loved to tell misogynistic jokes.

    He has tried to stop ‘safe Friday’ at the refuge shelter which has reopened Safe Friday means no men allowed near the place.

    My daughter works with homeless people, and has commented how fearful women are of that man’s election, and his leadership aspirations. It is scary that such a man should even be considered, but the formerly safe seat will fall to the Libs and he will get to be a member of the next parliament.

  7. leefe

    re the Gender divide:

    The world has changed, society (sorry Mags, it still exists) has changed; many people have changed, especially women and other AFAB folks; by and large, straight white cis blokes have not. And they can’t cope with those changes so they want to change certain things back because that seems easier than actually trying to change themselves.
    I almost feel sorry for them. If they’d just the fuck over themselves and grow up, I might even manage it.

  8. wam

    Well said, Bert, Sadly for women, equality is obvious to the eyes but made invisible by belief. William Golding “I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men. They are far superior and always have been Sacha Guitry I would gladly admit women are superior to men if only they would stop trying to be the same as us. 2400 years ago, Socrates’ words are still the killer: “When a woman is allowed to become a man’s equal, she becomes his superior.” This is the fear that drives the three bible faithers desperate faith that god DELIBERATELY made women unclean for 25% of each month, thereby rendering them unable to be equal to men. Of all the inane things the rabbott said the worst to my way of thinking was his earnest assessment of Sophie Mirabella as one of god’s exceptions. Till women stop believing that they are inferior, men will get away with ridiculous god given claims. For example a mob of handclappers belief when boys reach 12 god gives them the power over women, including ‘mom’.

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