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Dutton to ‘force poisons’ onto the lands of Traditional Owners, can’t be trusted with nuclear

Queensland Conservation Council Press Release

Queensland Conservation Council strongly opposes the introduction of nuclear power into Australia, and calls on opposition Leader Peter Dutton to abandon his dangerous proposal to site nuclear power on the country of First Nations people.

Australia has a shameful history of forcing nuclear harm on First Nations, with the explosion of nuclear bombs for the British Government at Maralinga on the lands of the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara peoples, at Emu Field on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands, and Monte Bello Islands off the WA Coast, and the forced imposition of mining of uranium on the lands of the Mirarr People in Kakadu, and elsewhere.

High level nuclear waste remains radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. Currently, there are no long duration storage facilities for nuclear waste anywhere in the world, and most nuclear waste is kept in temporary storage near to the nuclear power stations that generate it. This waste will be stored in a temporary and unsafe manner, in storage devices that themselves will become radioactive.

Paul Spearim, Protect Country Strategist, Queensland Conservation Council said:

“White Australia has a short-sighted approach to country. You are still trying to clean up the mess of Maralinga, Emu Field, Ranger Uranium Mine, and the many closed mines that still scar the landscape across Australia, and leak radioactive tailings.

“You have forced poison onto the lands of traditional owners, and now Peter Dutton is proposing to create poisons that would last 100,000s of years.

“We have learnt that white Australia cannot be trusted with nuclear power, and you continue to act without care for our sacred country. We will fight these poisons, they are not welcome, and we will fight against proposals to force them upon us.”

Aunty Jannine Smith, Boujiebara/Dungibara Elder said:

“I live on Country in Kumbia (20 minutes from Tarong) which has no potable water supply. This project would cause a massive burden on an already struggling catchment and for what?

“Renewables are cheaper and more sustainable. I protested FOR land rights and AGAINST nuclear power in the 70s and my position has not changed.”

Traditional Owner Peta May said:

“In my experience Tarong already has very little respect for the rights of Traditional Owners to access Culturally Significant sites. There are Boujiebara Axe-grinding grooves within the boundary of Tarong my family have been repeatedly denied access to.

“An expansion or redevelopment to nuclear would only extend Tarong’s lease on this land, denying access for another century or more.”

Queensland Conservation Council is actively consulting with Traditional Owners on this matter.


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  1. Phil Pryor

    As I write this, we have a naval ship stuck in Darwin, unable to get home to Perth, with a few engineers trying. We have had a succession of used helicopters, all duds and crewkillers over time. We can’t build one. We have no ability to crew and farewell one conventional sub, right now. We cannot build enough homes for our people, gave up on electrics, white goods, cars, have no trades or skills base, cannot store and protect a minimal fuel reserve, are a target as a USA expendable skirmisher. What are we? Useless? Nuclear? Peter Duckwit-Futton is a front for declining orthodoxy in profiteering for the biggies, the foreigners, the exploiters. As for us, do the deplorable dunces of the Lib/country parties care.., or know? Disgusting dopes fronting for such maggoty mentality as the Merde Dog mouths are running this set of propagandistic lies. Actually think, folks, before…

  2. Roswell

    Phil, you remind me of what some old mates in the navy used to call the HMAS Tobruk.

    The “Toobroke”.

  3. Phil Pryor

    Roswell, they once said “We have Billy McMahon. The USA has Bob Hope and we have No Hope.” Also, Jack Howard walked up the steps to parliament with a frog on his head. The startled doorman, yelled “What the hell is THAT?” and.. the frog said, “well, it started out as a wart on my arse.”

  4. Kimble

    At the risk of sounding like a smart arse, what’s the go with converting methane to an energy source? I figure the amount of brain farts we’ve had from LNP over recent decades should keep Australia going for centuries. Any scientists out there looking at this viable alternative?

  5. Roswell

    Phil, I remember this one from yesteryear.

    America has Johnny Cash, Bob Hope, and Stevie Wonder.

    We have Malcolm Fraser, so no cash, no hope, and no bloody wonder.

  6. Andrew Smith

    Misread at first, thought it was ‘poisoning the wells’, but not surprising in my opinion, as similar occurs in our fossil fueled nativist political media narratives whether ‘the other’ or renewable energy sources, their existential threat?

    If one sees QLD (our ‘deep south’ & following US GOP) tied to the hip with Dutton, QLD LNP and outside influencers in ON, UAP, SPA (‘Tanton Network’) etc. for white Christian nationalism, following fossil fuels and a mining oligarch’s social Darwinism via Atlas-Koch (IPA & CIS esp.), NewsCorp led RW media PR cartel and ageing voters* in regions, while ABC stands aside; too easy the ‘architecture of influence’ (Jane Mayer in ‘Dark Money’).

    *Race against time to implement permanent changes a la Koch’s Heritage ‘Project 2025’ in US, i.e. an admission that their policies are so unpalatable normal people ‘replacing’ older voters, hence the need to legislate permanent change now, before the ‘great replacement’; in US Trump is their ‘tool’ and why many corporates are on board for another tax cut.

  7. Clakka

    Dutton is a lot like the Farage mirage – not a clue about anything, just practiced opportunists, kind of bent besuited Johnny Appleseeds spreading poison apples. No-idea evangelists that pick up any polished dross that embodies anti-science, hate and bad faith, and bugle it to the disaffected.

    They care about nothing but anything they can scrape up to maintain their wretched sinecures.

    They live by a mutuality with the dying death cult that is the sensation seeking mainstream media and the smug exploitative drongos of Silcon Valley.

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