The AIM Network

Donald Trump, Law And Order And The Effing Obvious

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Ok, Donald Trump is now promising to make people safe again.

F*ckin’ awesome.

All right, I know that swearing is not really appropriate and it just shows a limited vocabulary, but there are times when one just has to say:

F*ckin’ awesome.

Coz, gees, golly gee, it’s great that he’s going to promise such a thing.

Mind you, some may be thinking back to a couple of days ago when Ted Cruz’s wife was taken from the stage at the Republican convention because there were fears for her safety.

Some may suggest that it’s rather strange that a fellow Republican’s wife is not considered safe at a Republican convention all because the Republican did not ENDORSE the annointed one.

His wife. Not him.

And not because he said something critical of Trump.

Simply because Cruz failed to ENDORSE him.

But Cruz’s wife was considered unsafe. And security staff were needed.

But now Trump is running on a platform of making everybody safe.

Alannis Morrisette take note: that’s Ironic.

(For those not understanding that last sentence, you need to check out

F*ckin’ awesome…

We’ll all be a lot safer if Trump becomes POTUS. Yep, apart from those who dare to suggest that he shouldn’t be president. Or fail to sign the loyalty oath…

Stalin comes to mind.

Or Mussolini who’s remembered for making one train run on time.

Plagiarism, now that’s worth a whole other blog…



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