The AIM Network

Divided we fail – united we can achieve miracles!

Image from (Photo: Takver/flickr/ccc)

There are so many questions to which we seem unable to find answers, despite learning more and more about the human brain and the processes of evolution.

We know how we are born but there is no universal answer to the question “Why was I born?”

Research on the brain in recent decades has shown that the part of the brain which relates to empathy appears to have failed to develop in psychopaths.

We know, from work done with stroke patients and others who have sustained brain injuries that, while certain areas of the brain generally control specific functions, it is sometimes possible to train other parts of the brain to take over the function of an area which has been damaged.

The brain is, in itself almost mystical, although technicians are working really hard to develop AI which can perform as well as the brain.

I wonder whether it will develop irrational processes as well as rational ones? Certainly, early computing processes were based on logic, whereas, particularly when it comes to beliefs, the human brain is clearly capable of highly irrational processing.

Under the current government, religion has become an issue to an extent we have never before experienced. Sadly, it seems that the irrational, witch doctor approach has won out.

Having, as a teenager, studied the Scriptures – as an academic exercise – I was left with several very clear impressions.

The Old Testament, the first five ‘books’ of which form the written part of the Jewish Torah, the Law of Moses, is essentially the history of the Jews, their exile from the Promised Land during the reign of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, then going on to the teachings of their prophets and their belief in a future Messiah.

The New Testament opens when Rome occupies Israel, the gospels record the birth and ministry of Jesus Christ, whom his followers believe is the longed-for Messiah, and much of what was written was far from being contemporaneous with the events recorded.

The writings of the disciple Paul dominate the rest of the NT, and there are question marks as to whether he actually penned all that is ascribed to him. Certainly, many of his teachings were not in harmony with those of Christ himself.

There is a degree of confusion as to whether his followers thought that Christ came to help throw off the Roman yoke or to promise a future life after death. The Jews did not accept him as their Messiah, although, later, the also monotheistic Muslims, at the time of Muhammed, accepted Christ as a great prophet.

What came through to me, loud and clear, was that Moses provided a set of rules in the 10 Commandments, which, to a group who believed in one god, formed the laws by which they were bound.

All of the teachings were based on the knowledge of the time, which was clearly very different from current knowledge derived from ever-expanding scientific research.

Some in today’s world, are taught that every word in the Bible is god’s word, to be believed implicitly.

Yet the New Testament, recording an occasion when Christ was ‘asked by one of the religious leaders to identify the greatest commandment in all of the law, Jesus replied by quoting Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.Matthew 22:37-40 (HCSB)

In many ways, Jesus’ response summarised the heart of the Ten Commandments. The first four of the Ten Commandments have to do with our relationship to God, while Commandments six through ten addresses our relationship to one another.’

So, it is clear he was changing the approach to fundamental rules governing the Jews, making clear that change was not only possible but essential, and laws are not, like those of Moses, set in stone.

A lesson that too many of those who claim to follow him fail to accept.

What was also clear throughout his ministry – at least to me (but, remember, there are many translations of the scrolls on which the Bible is based, and also many interpretations of the resulting scripts!) was that Jesus was opposed to violence and had a message of love.

And with many Christian sects, their behaviour gives the lie to their claim to be following his teachings!

This is obviously to our detriment, now that we have a collection of religious nutters in power whose behaviour gives the lie to their claims to be religious zealots!

It seems that, in some perverse way, their twisted beliefs in eternal life are leading them to encourage events that will hasten the end of the world and deliver them their weird rapture!

They should be locked up and the key thrown away!

Their failure to accept the urgent need to take action (let alone actually take that action), to massively reduce emissions and deal with all pollution, is destroying lives and livelihoods of those suffering the ravages of unprecedented bush-fires – with no end in sight.,

Scott Morrison is not remotely proactive, and delayed reactions are his trademark.

He is far from alone in stamping flawed policies on his country. Modi in India is motivated by Hindu zeal to the disadvantage of Muslins in India and Kashmir. Some Muslim countries are headed by strict and intolerant religious administrations. Other countries have authoritarian leaders for whom money appears to be the god they worship!

Meanwhile – there is no Planet B.

Yes – we are bound by a Constitution which requires us to elect our governments and makes no provision for ousting a government which is incapable of taking the actions which are essential to benefit the electorate.

Not all revolutions have been 100% successful – but this current government is a 100% failure!

Growing the economy is the only thing which interests it and its methods are systematically damaging the economy.

We have a totally incompetent – read the Auditor General’s reports – Department of Home Affairs which is steering the country into a police state (don’t start me on the Department of (IN)Human(E) Services!) and we have media baron Rupert Murdoch very effectively opposing truth and progressive politics.

The French have Juillet 14 – Bastille Day.

The USA have 4 July – Independence Day.

Here in Australia there is division over celebrating 26 Australia as Australia Day, when our First Nations regard it as Invasion Day.

So, let us unite the nation by making it Australia’s People’s Day by getting out en masse to tell the government they are doing a lousy job and we want them out!

Change is scary – but not half as scary as the current bush fires.

Our children have been pleading for action and we are letting them down.

Grit your teeth, defy the government and let your children know that you really care for their future.

Please use this Australia Day to tell the government enough is more than enough and they are leading us to destruction!

“I will do everything in my power to enable Australia to be restored to responsible government.”

Divided we fail – united we can achieve miracles!

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