In 1789, France changed forever.
The process was bloody and was far from instantaneous and Madame Guillotine removed many heads from those who had defrauded, betrayed and damaged the peasants and their families.
In the modern world, there might be revulsion at the very thought of repeating such an event in a similarly bloody manner, yet, in Australia, we desperately need to oust the current incompetent and corrupt government, which is cocking a snook at the concept of democracy and destroying the prospect of a viable future life for our children.
Our ridiculously out-of-date Constitution provides us with no means of giving the Coalition their marching orders, and, to be honest, I doubt whether we could rake together from among those whom we have elected, in all parties, a team which could deal with the current situation, while the potential damage which will be inflicted on the people and their future is truly horrendous if we do not effect change.
We cannot wait for the next election!
Over the past few decades, government has become more secretive and more self-seeking. They pay scant attention to how we are faring, while they ensure they gain maximum benefit for themselves from the opportunities open to them.
Recent revelations of vote-buying scandals have only tickled the surface of the corruption which is becoming endemic in the halls of power.
This passionate speech details clearly what we are up against and it is rare – because it is now regular practice for a government with a very slim majority, to pass a motion that “the speaker no longer be heard” only moments after an Opposition speaker has begun to express criticism of government actions.
Please take time to watch it because we need to understand the extent to which this government is subverting the purpose of Parliament!
Ask yourself – how much business which benefits the majority of the population has been conducted by Parliament since the last election?
They have just produced yet another draft bill protecting the right to practice a religion – as though a majority of the people were crying out for such a right – and it has again been generally rubbished as ill-conceived, and inappropriate.
The man whom the Liberal Party have chosen as their leader is a hollow man.
He appears to follow a cult which believes in personal enrichment being the desired proof of living a good life. The utter hypocrisy they display in then claiming to be a branch connected to Christianity – given the reported instruction of Jesus Christ that his followers should give all they have to the poor and follow him – rings so false as to be laughable.
Like many fundamentalists, these cult followers seem to lack a moral compass in terms of genuinely caring about the good of others while they concentrate on enriching themselves.
The world we all inhabit has a growing list of problems requiring immediate action.
Foremost is the need for acceptance that mankind is contributing, on a massive scale, to climate change which is being denied by too many who have the power to take effective action.
Global over-population is an issue which requires far more effort in ensuring that women are treated as equals, educated properly, involved in decision-making and encouraged to take control of their fertility.
Are we doing enough in this context?
Rhetorical question!
Those who are disadvantaged by disability or poverty are being badly mistreated by government policies, which deny them the right to feel any dignity as a human being.
RoboDebt – designed to make money for government, however illegally – and the Indue cashless welfare card, which makes money for its distributor – destroy people’s dignity without helping them to learn how to manage money.
The methods used by Human Services, to ensure that fraud is prevented, are so inhumane that they actually destroy lives.
The country which has been responsible for releasing the Covid-19 coronavirus into the world has recently become an effective dictatorship, and its government style has not been conducive to preventing the virus escaping to become a long-term global menace.
We, as a country, have allowed ourselves to become too dependent on the economic benefits of trade with China, when we should have been using our readily available sources of renewable energy to power a growth in manufacturing and recycling.
Short-term planning has plagued us for decades, due to our electoral cycles, and when we have a Coalition, which has now been responsible for government for nearly 7 years, still blaming some of its problems on the previous Labor government, you have to wonder – how can people in power behave so immaturely.
The world praised the Labor government for adopting policies which saw Australia weather the GFC better than any other developed country. The Coalition runs against the stream on this one, because their adversarial nature will not allow them to admit that a political opponent is capable of doing a good job.
Australia is very much a sporting nation, but you do not see its sporting members rubbishing their opponents the way politicians do!
Clearly, I am not impressed with the current Coalition government!!
If you asked me what they have initiated that has helped people in ways that are proportionate to their need for help, I could not think of one single thing.
Tax cuts have benefited the already wealthy.
Help for bush fire victims in desperate circumstances has been promised. There are few voices to be heard thanking the government for prompt and generous assistance. Why? Because the delay in following up the promises has added to the misery of those who have lost everything.
Sports grants were offered, and people spent many hours preparing submissions to present before the deadline. Most of their applications were put aside in favour of those deemed more politically favourable to the Coalition, some of which were not actually eligible for a variety of reasons, or were presented after the deadline.
This is merely the latest manifestation of the arrogance of a government with an over-inflated sense of entitlement and a totally inadequate understanding of integrity.
We kid ourselves if we continue to think that government in Australia is democratic.
It is not – and it will not be until we wrench the reins from the government we so ill-advisedly elected, and insist on higher levels of integrity and transparency and a voice for the people.
Our First Nations have been denied a voice to Parliament – in the land that we have stolen from them.
We only have a shell of democracy left, when an election can be swung by a corrupt millionaire who pays millions to promote lies.
In general, the few honest voices left in Parliament belong mainly to independents.
So – if, at age 84, with a crumbling skeleton and an aching back, I were to protest government corruption and incompetence by lying down in front of a bus, I would need help to get up again!
But if my doing so were to encourage people, en masse, to come forward and chase the Coalition from Parliament, I would do it in the blink of an eye!
I end as always – this is my 2020 New Year Resolution:
“I will do everything in my power to enable Australia to be restored to responsible government.”
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