Damning words and how to use them to tell the story of Morrison’s downfall. On May 21, Labor won.
I continue with my observance of the downfall of the Coalition with my quotes and allow their words to tell their story. A story of the worst period in Australian political history. With the worst cabinet members and the worst leaders. The only one with any benefit of the doubt was Turnbull, who had his hands tied behind his back in an ideological sense.
Before and after thoughts
Veteran Journalist Malcolm Farr was alleged to have described a former PM as “The shallowest, most deceitful, most self-important & incompetent PM possibly ever.” An apt description, I would have thought.
“How incredible it is that people on high wages blame workers on modest and low incomes for inflation when the real cause is their company’s extraordinary profits.”
“The LNP diminished science and embarrassed Australia in the eyes of the world. What did they gain for our children? Like many policy decisions, they were not about government for the common good. It was about petty little characterless minds of little intellectual value playing politics for power’s sake. We should not forget.”
“I found it impossible to imagine that the Australian people could be so gullible as to elect a government that has performed so miserably in the first three for a fourth term.” Some of the most devious, suspicious and corrupt men and women were among its members, and they didn’t.
“Morrison believed that success, for whatever reason, depended on being seen doing everyone’s job but their own. Albanese is allowing his ministers to do their jobs.”
“You cannot buy relevancy. It doesn’t come in a box. It comes about with good policy, leaders of proven trust and saleability, and a capacity to overcome past errors.”
“We were guilty of spying on our poorest neighbour, Timor-Leste. For those who believe in the proper administration of justice and freedom of the press, Attorney General Mark Dreyfus’s decision to intervene in Bernard Collaery’s secret trial is welcome. He, along with Witness K, are heroes.”
“The task ahead for Anthony Albanese is restoring the idea that governments should seek to make the country better.”
“Do we live in the best country in the world, as we are all apt to say when we have much mental illness and far too much domestic violence? Systemic problems with aged care. A housing shortage, a crisis in homelessness, a shortage of GPs, out-of-control suicides, an emergency in the cost of living, and overpriced childcare.”
“One can hardly compare sunning oneself on a beach with accepting an invitation to visiting a country under attack by a superpower.”
“Wouldn’t you think that after a thrashing at the election, mainly because of lousy policy on energy, anyone with a scintilla of intelligence might have admitted defeat and quietly backed down? No, not this mob.”
“The public might be forgiven for thinking the chamber has descended into a hate forum – a sideshow where respect for the other’s view is seen as a weakness.”
“I have promoted the idea that only Labor can mend the many problems we face. But what a mess there is.”
“Conventional wisdom would have it that the populace will always stick with the incumbent government in times of upheaval. What was different this time?”
“It was astonishing, even laughable, to hear a man appointed to be his party’s Leader trying to blame Labor for the very policy failures the people had overwhelmingly condemned them for two weeks earlier.”
“As illustrated by its actions post-election, the Albanese Government is hell-bent on righting wrongs and implementing policy. Thus far, their attack on the issues has been impressive. They have kicked goals in foreign affairs, wages, health and human rights, to name a few. They have inherited more problems than first identified but are in an attacking mood.”
“Dutton’s worldview seems to have been formed from a series of pessimistic experiences without ever comprehending the meaning of optimism.”
“In contrast to the Prime Minister, Peter Dutton has been saying silly things like his Shadow Ministry has an enormous depth of talent when everyone knows it’s as shallow as a toddler’s wading pool.”
“I know no other leader to do such a thoughtless disservice to his faith than former Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Leaders of faith communities must have been appalled at his behaviour during his term of office. Or were they.”
“Many people have strong views, myself included. Some have listened at length to many opinions. Because of this, we are often called biased. They are called reasoned.”
“So, what could be Morrison’s motivation for staying on? Perhaps his ego is telling him to be patient for another opportunity. Maybe he believes God’s will is for him to fulfil his destiny. Maybe there is another reason.”
“News Corp in this election was at its bombastic best. Its front pages were full of dangerous, destructive insulting and harmful pictures. They savaged independent candidates with articles that knew no boundaries.”
“Usually bucketfuls of blood follow a Liberal loss. Incompetent both in or out of government. Morrison seems to have escaped any blame for this massive defeat.”
“After receiving a resounding defeat in which Australia said all that needed to be said about the Coalition’s governance, the Liberal Party chose this creepy individual as its Leader on Monday.”
“He comes across as a very intimidating former copper who you wouldn’t want to meet up with in an alley on a dark night. With Dutton as the Leader, the Liberals will remain in opposition for at least two terms.”
“President Barack Obama said if he could take three things from Australia, they would be our Health System, Compulsory voting and our gun laws.”
“It is obvious that Question Time in the Australian Parliament is just an excuse for mediocre minds who are unable to debate with intellect, charm or wit to act deplorably toward each other. And in doing so, debase the parliament and themselves as moronic imbecilic individuals. It needs urgent attention. Question time should be the showcase of the parliament and badly needs an independent speaker.”
“We may very well have seen the end of polling as we know it.”
“Amid the angry voices intent on doing over one’s opponent, there must be people who have a genuine desire to change our democracy for the better. There has never been a better opportunity than now.”
“As illustrated by its actions post-election, the Albanese Government is hell-bent on righting wrongs and implementing policy. Thus far, their attack on the issues has been impressive. They have kicked goals in foreign affairs, wages, health and human rights to name a few. They have inherited more problems than first identified but are in an attacking mood.”
Do we live in the best country in the world, as we are all apt to say when we have much mental illness and far too much domestic violence? A housing shortage, a crisis in homelessness, a shortage of GPs, out-of-control suicides, an emergency in the cost of living, and overpriced childcare. Systemic problems with aged care.
“Instead of uniting in the hope of tomorrow, Dutton has surprisingly chosen to reside in today. Does he not realise that the electorate has said no to the type of governance his side practised?”
“It was astonishing, even laughable, to hear a man just appointed to be his party’s Leader trying to blame Labor for the very policy failures that the people had overwhelmingly condemned them for two weeks earlier.”
“And so it came to pass that truth persisted, hope survived, and democracy will be restored.”
“Amid the angry voices intent on doing over one’s opponent, there must be people who have a genuine desire to change our democracy for the better. There has never been a better opportunity than now.”
“After receiving a resounding defeat in which Australia said all that needed to be said about the Coalition’s governance, the Liberal Party chose this creepy individual as its leader on Monday.”
In the early days of the Albanese Government, two things have become apparent. The daily evidence suggests the Morrison Government was worse than we thought. And two that we can at least have some optimism that despite the mountain it has to climb, Labor is sinking its picks into the rock.
Link to Part one.
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My thought for the day
The government’s words and actions questioned the essence of the word truth. Or they at least devalued it to the point of obsolescence.
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A brilliant piece of writing that speaks volumes about the horrendous times from which Australia has emerged. TG.
I look forward to Benito Duddo aka Boofhead occupying the position of leader of the Loyal Opposition for life with the attendance of his Deputy Vacant Space aka Airhead showing how the COALition wanted women to be treated in the late 20th century; bare-foot, pregnant & in the kitchen.
After too many years of Murdoch facilitated maladministration perhaps it is time to follow the Fiji example and remove Murdoch from all media in our country.
Now, it is time for the many intelligent thoughtful AIMN readers to turn their attention to devising policies that will build a better Australia for our grand kids.
Let the proposed feral ICAC deal with the corrupt COALition politicians who have taken Australian voters down for ideological reasons and personal pecuniary interests.
Good read, lord, not much to warm me up today, but good to see ‘truth’ gets a run to provide the giggle. I tried Martin Heidegger, the traditional conception of truth is adequation which is understood as exactness of knowledge. This idea of truth is the result of rationalistic and subjectivistic thought. Truth is, therefore, the adequation of subjective knowledge with the essence of beings. Gobbledegook to this simpleton, so I will stick with my feeling that the essence of truth is honesty. Can jews, xstians and muslims be honest in parliament(or anywhere)? Not if they can neither be questioned nor question themselves.
love it, NEC, wouldn’t it be great if Albo’s ICAC went feral and trashed the rorters of the last 9 years.
And let us not forget the culture that the opposition leader worked in before his move to politics.
Once you strip away the blatant ingrained insidious and systemic corruption, the obvious and absolutely consistent poor judgement, the culpable and dangerous incompetence, the continual deception and the constant distortion, the endless creations of laws and opportunities to suppress and stifle contrary debate, the flagrant sneaky and self serving promotion of religious faith at the expense of political integrity, the erroneous attempts to hamper voting, the anger and disgust generated by cutting and running leaving our Afghani comrades in arms to their fate, the crippling of living standards, the devious and unfettered betrayal of Australias sovereignty, the culpable treachery in the ruination of good international trade and international relations, the trashing of Australias good international reputation, the shambolic and totally inept governance standards, the deceitful marketing spin and hypocritical sloganeering plus being a constant and continuous impediment to Australia and Australians reaching their true potential what does the L/NP actually stand for? What is left? What is left is a snide, sneering, sniping, selfish, smug and contemptuous ideology that nurtures, coddles and promotes corrupt to the core thugs, swindlers, chiselers, fraudsters, shysters, cheats and con artists, solicitors of anonymous brown paper bag donations, pathetic debauched degenerates and perverted misogynistic misfits, pseudo Christian cult wack jobs, fanatical religious lunatics, QAnon advocates, cowardly saber rattling war mongering hawks, sadistic and selfish economic vandals, problamatic climate skeptic fundamentalists, environmental saboteurs and desecrators, first nations people apathetic Judases, handicappers to the handicapped, oppressors of the needy and the disadvantaged, enablers of the obscenely wealthy parasitic profiteers, drunken lecherous fornicators and provocateurs plus egotistical born to rule privilaged sociopaths and psychopaths that are devoid of standards, principles, values, morals, ethics, honesty, and basic empathy always rorting, stealing, fiddling, fudging, obfuscating and basically out and out blatant lying while being protected by a maliciously biased, pathetic sycophantic and delusional media.
Influenced by professional predatory lobbyists whores and directed by crooked callous conservative think tanks whose shadowy underbelly of criminality makes Ned Kelly look like a gentleman. The L/NP not only do not represent most Australians but do not respect them.
Members of the L/NP are selfish corrupt cowardly sooks of, at best, average talent. They are defined by their privilage and family connections that explains their mediocrity. Merit and ability is always a secondary consideration when deceit and deception is considered meritorious and rat cunning and a Machiavellian character is considered ability.
The L/NP have managed to create a massive trust deficit not only domestically but internationally that has left Australias once good reputation in tatters and Australia is now bordering on pariah state status. “Private and confidential” is a misnomer to the L/NP. Diplomacy, critical thinking and cause and effect are foreign concepts to the L/NP. These failings will have or result in dire consequences and outcomes for Australia and Australians. In particular the L/NP believe that success is the ability to go from one total failure to another total failure with no loss of enthusiasm or any sign of a guilty conscience or any shame.The L/NP not only rewards lethargic sneaks, cheats and sly back stabbers but consider mediocrity as their gold standard.
The L/NP are an insult to equitable governance standards and egalitarian rule. The L/NP are not fit to hold any form of public office in a functioning, vibrant nation that is a cohesive humane society. Australia was built on the egalitarian theme of “a fair go” for all where “the greater good” is paramount to its fundamental beliefs. These values created strong and proud foundations that builds better futures for the many not just the few. These strong ethical values are an anomaly and an aberration to the L/NP. Somebody once said that Fascism comes wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.
Enough is enough.
Australians dont need “can do” capitalism they need a “can do” government.
ajogrady,what’s even more galling,we still have a remnant of those ugly fuckers sitting on the opposition front bench to remind us just how shitful they are…and with not a shred of shame or remorse.
Lets start with cutting down to size, Murdoch and his maggoty minions, then get to cleansing the people’s owned broadcasters, the ABC and SBS, both of which have been infiltrated and corroded from the inside. I refer particularly to the mealy mouthed buttered and roasted ex Packer operative, and the stacked board of ABC directors, and the arselickers at SBS. And somehow get that Stan Grant away from the cameras. At least then reform can start to happen.
One thing he is staying on for is the money. Won’t find another job where he can do nothing & get paid.
@ Henry Rodrigues: Cleaning out the Murdoch sponsored rubbish at both OUR ABS and SBS should be an early LABOR initiative. At the presenter level the early departure of David Spew and morning egotist PK would be an excellent start.
There is little doubt that Scummo was establishing the foundations for an enduring Scummo dictatorship by stealth and even the AEC would not be safe in time.
But is was he re-elected? Because the voters of the Cook electorate agree with his racist, imperialistic self-serving view of the world.
The electorate was the landing point after WWII for persons aspiring to Sydney harbour views with a back lane budget. Many residents have been hard working very successful business persons since then.
The Peninsular only got sewage mains in 1975 after the Whitlam ALP government was embarrassed into building them by a UN Development Grant.
@ Florence nee Fedup: Agreed. It looks like Australian Security Services shut down his Conspiracy Theory mate and slashed his about $40 MILLION bought link to the Hell$ingers$ Cult of Buy Your Way to Heaven. However, there is no need to work because he now has life tenancy in the spoils of being a former Prim Monster for his own benefit after three years of demeaning Australia in every possible way.