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Critical shortage of AFP officers a grave concern

Australian Federal Police Association Media Release

The critical shortage of police officers across Australia, as reported today, is a particularly acute problem in the Australian Federal Police, where officers are relatively underpaid compared to other jurisdictions.

AFP Association President Alex Caruana:

“AFP officers are overworked and under-resourced and the situation has reached a tipping point. It’s now at a point where it is endangering public safety and jeopardizing the welfare of AFP officers.

“The pressures on our officers have never been greater, and today’s reports of police shortages only confirm what we know. The AFP is being stretched to breaking point. Officers are exhausted, and the current pay and working conditions are pushing many to consider leaving the force altogether.

“AFP officers face unique challenges compared to other public servants, yet the federal government offers them inadequate compensation in a pay-deal that was designed for desk-job public servants.

“Unlike public servants, however, AFP officers cannot work from home. They’re on the front lines every day, dealing with the worst of humanity – whether it’s international drug traffickers, paedophile rings, or terrorists. These officers work weekends, holidays, and are often called upon at a moment’s notice. They put their lives on the line every day, and in exchange they are offered a deal by the federal government that doesn’t remotely reflect the demands of the job.

“The AFPA has warned that the government’s failure to address these issues is creating a mass exodus risk. In a recent survey, 92% of AFP officers reported that they are not resourced to handle their current workload, and 79% have considered leaving the force in the past year due to the pressures they face.

“If the government continues to lump AFP officers into the same category as desk-bound public servants, we will see a large number of officers walk out the door. Six percent of our members said they would leave immediately, and another 68% are actively looking for other jobs. This deal is toxic. The AFP is a tinderbox right now, and without urgent action, the Australian public will be the ones who suffer.

“Our officers perform vital counter-terrorism work and safeguard Australia’s national security interests. We cannot allow the AFP to be hollowed out by uncompetitive wages and conditions.”


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  1. Andrew Smith

    Maybe narrow their remit back to wandering aimlessly around airport borders vs tooled up military style border security stunts vs. ‘immigrants’ for the RW MSM.

    For example several years ago the AFP threatening a sweep of the Melbourne CBD to check foreigner bona fides ‘papers please’, barely anyone in media twigged that Australians would have needed to carry ID (not a legal requirement), giving authoritarianism their blessing? Too easy….

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