It is 9 am Wednesday 11 August, when I begin writing this piece. I delay because new facts are coming to light. Because the day’s forecast is for a warm sunny day of 21 degrees that invites an early spring, one side of me wants desperately to venture into my garden. Still, the other summons the necessity of critical news.
Climate Change is now a statement of fact.
Landmark assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) has confirmed beyond doubt that human activities were overheating the planet with temperatures not seen for hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of years.
Here are some of the key points in the IPPC report:
A.1 It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land.
A.2 The scale of recent changes across the climate system as a whole and the present state of many aspects of the climate system are unprecedented over many centuries to many thousands of years.
A.3 Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe. Evidence of observed changes in extremes such as heatwaves, heavy precipitation, droughts, and tropical cyclones, and, in particular, there attribution to human influence, has strengthened since the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5).
A.4 Improved knowledge of climate processes, paleoclimate evidence and the response of the climate system to increasing radiative forcing gives a best estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity of 3°C, with a narrower range compared to AR5.
B.1 Global surface temperature will continue to increase until at least the mid-century under all emissions scenarios considered. Global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century unless deep reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions occur in the coming decades.
B.2 Many changes in the climate system become larger in direct relation to increasing global warming. They include increases in the frequency and intensity of hot extremes, marine heatwaves, and heavy precipitation, agricultural and ecological droughts in some regions, and proportion of intense tropical cyclones, as well as reductions in Arctic Sea ice, snow cover and permafrost.
B.3 Continued global warming is projected to further intensify the global water cycle, including its variability, global monsoon precipitation and the severity of wet and dry events.
B.4 Under scenarios with increasing CO2 emissions, the ocean and land carbon sinks are projected to be less effective at slowing the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere.
B.5 Many changes due to past and future greenhouse gas emissions are irreversible for centuries to millennia, especially changes in the ocean, ice sheets and global sea level.
C.1 Natural drivers and internal variability will modulate human-caused changes, especially at regional scales and in the near term, with little effect on centennial global warming. These modulations are important to consider in planning for the full range of possible changes.
C.2 With further global warming, every region is projected to increasingly experience concurrent and multiple changes in climatic impact-drivers. Changes in several climatic impact-drivers would be more widespread at 2°C compared to 1.5°C global warming and even more widespread and/or pronounced for higher warming levels.
D.1 From a physical science perspective, limiting human-induced global warming to a specific level requires limiting cumulative CO2 emissions, reaching at least net zero CO2 emissions, along with strong reductions in other greenhouse gas emissions. Strong, rapid and sustained reductions in CH4 emissions would also limit the warming effect resulting from declining aerosol pollution and would improve air quality.
D.2 Scenarios with low or very low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (SSP1-1.9 and SSP1-2.6) lead within years to discernible effects on greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations, and air quality, relative to high and very high GHG emissions scenarios (SSP3-7.0 or SSP5-8.5). Under these contrasting scenarios, discernible differences in trends of global surface temperature would begin to emerge from natural variability within around 20 years, and over longer time periods for many other climatic impact-drivers (high confidence).
And there it is in all its naked truth. In Australia, the reaction is one of apathy. The government’s reaction is a mixture of boredom, insult and sarcastic yawning. If only we had a leader with the courage to take the lead and make the right decisions.
Reinstated Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce has not changed his mind. He has rejected all calls for more vital targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions. He said that the latest United Nations report on catastrophic climate change wouldn’t change his mind without a cost of action.
In his typically incoherent mindset, the cost of doing nothing went over his head completely.
He wants some competent organisation to develop a costed plan for the government. He is part of the government responsible for putting the plan together, which has also escaped him.
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We all incur a cost for the upkeep of our health. Why then should we not be liable for the cost of a healthy planet.
Now with Joyce back in charge of the Nationals, we have a Coalition entirely at odds with each other on how to proceed with the problem. The climate lunatics who have never been able to admit that they were wrong and that Labor was right are still dictating policy in the Party Room.
The Guardian reported that Scott Morrison has already contradicted Barnaby Joyce saying that:
“His cabinet will formulate a plan to reach net zero emissions after the deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce declared climate action plans were formulated by agencies, not by politicians who lacked relevant expertise.”
The same edition of The Guardian also reported that Dr Jonathan Pershing, the deputy to US presidential climate envoy John Kerry, said:
“I think you can say, observing from the outside, that – as a G20 member, as a leading developed country – the commitments they made in Paris are not sufficient.”
What has been missing is a leader with the intestinal fortitude to put politics aside and tackle the crisis head-on.
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In terms of the environment I wonder what price the people of tomorrow will pay for the stupidity of today.
An often-used lie is that we are a small player, and our efforts won’t make any difference. If you combine our efforts with countries of similar emissions, then totally we are of great significance.
In another lie, the Prime Minister said that he didn’t say in 2019 that Labor policies to reduce vehicle emissions would “end the weekend” he wasn’t opposed to electric vehicles, even though he told voters they were expensive, would not tow trailers or boats, or get Australians to their favourite camping spots.
The evidence of him saying it is in black and white wherever you care to look.
So Labor’s Shadow Climate minister Chris Bowen last Tuesday asked the Prime Minister if he believed no one would match Australia’s “ambition for a technology-driven solution” – why did he claim before the last election “that electric vehicles would end the weekend?”
Yet another lie is the one that Scott Morrison repeats all the time, insisting that we are meeting our commitments. It is a lie of omission because, without the credits allocated to us at Kyoto and a pandemic called COVID-19 that has reduced our production enormously, we would not.
As reported in the Australian Financial Review:
“Australia is the only country in the world openly planning to use Kyoto carryover credits to meet its Paris agreement targets.”
They accepted the science of a pandemic so quickly, so readily. Still, in their stupidity, the government cannot take climate change seriously, yet it has the power to end the world as we know it.
Labor was right and they were wrong.
Think about this: If we fail to act and disaster results, then massive suffering will have been aggravated by stupidity.
Before Australians vote at the next election, before they move the curtain that hides their vote from view, they should ask themselves: “What exactly was the point of this decade-long government?”
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My thought for the day
At the last G7 conference the Prime Minister described himself as a “conservationist”. In Australia we know that all the evidence suggests he is an environmental vandal.
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John, Is this not the exact case for a governor general to declare a government incompetent and exercise his power to sack the government?
Nation under clear and present danger, profoundly incompetent and corrupt government savaged by a faux coalition partner infested with lunacy. Surely this is where you say, enough, YOU ARE FIRED.
“Bill Shorten wants to end the weekend when it comes to his policy on electric vehicles where you’ve got Australians who love being out there in their four-wheel drives.
Scott Morrison on Electric Vehicles – April 2019
We are going to stand by our tradies and we are going to save their utes. Because we understand choice and that is what Bill Shorten is taking away from our tradies.
Michaelia Cash – Minister for Small Business – April 2019
These two people did significant damage to the fledgling electric vehicle industry in Australia prior to the last election. They are now trying to walk away from what they said because they didn’t actually mean it, they were just adopting that position because the ALP were recognising the future of EV’s. Now, with the world moving rapidly to replace the internal combustion engine it is embarrassing for our prime minister to acknowledge that just eighteen months ago he was, purely for political reasons, temporarily killing off the EV take up in this country.
“If only we had a real leader (or even a deputy leader) with the courage to take the lead and make the right decisions”
Indeed, not too much to ask for, any sensible person would think, but then we are dealing with RW pricks, this woeful bunch of Liberal/National selfish greedy rorting uncaring unempathetic goons. So yes it is far too much to ask for, to expect goons like Morrison, besotted with his ego to step up to the plate of genuine servitude for all, as are the true demands of the office of PM.
Beholden to, kowtowing to corporate fossil fuel pirates, the L/NP will never admit they’re wrong, that climate change is real.
Australians must change government if climate change is to be taken seriously. Australians must wake up to the L/NP bullshit.
Next Federal election put the Liberal & National Parties LAST on your ballot paper. It’s that simple to get rid of the L/NP!
Thank you John.
Already years ago some scientists were warning sabot where we were heading; for example, Professor Kevin Anderson predicted just prior to 2015 Paris Accord that the 1.5C goal would not be met. Professor Anderson also stated that technological means of reducing CO2 is a pipe dream. The technology has not developed far past Professor Anderson’s comments 6 years ago.
It is sad that a young lass such as Greta Thunberg has greater knowledge of climate change than many politicians; Greta actually talks with climate scientists and keeps abreast of latest developments. Sadly we have a number of useless politicians in the National Party.
On Q&A Canavan was on the panel last Thursday, fortunately he was made to look quite a fool by David Speers, the host.
It was very apparent that Canavan did not comprehend the IPCC Report.
Bob Henson, Meteorologist has provided a concept mentioned which highlights what a single extreme event can create.
““These compound events can often impact ecosystems and societies more strongly than when such events occur in isolation,” IPCC noted in an FAQ it prepared for the new assessment. “For example, a drought along with extreme heat will increase the risk of wildfires and agriculture damages or losses. As individual extreme events become more severe as a result of climate change, the combined occurrence of these events will create unprecedented compound events. This could exacerbate the intensity and associated impacts of these extreme events.””
The heat domes in NW Americas provides an example where people died, shell fish were cooked, heat caused roads and power lines to melt, and wildfires destroyed businesses and private properties. Surely code red events?
Meanwhile, our delaying “government”, slack as ever, says we are on target. Internationally the LNP “government” is considered to be disastrous in relation to climate change.
A lovely warming, this saturday, lord.
Greenhouse gases get a run without greenhouse effect and climate change gets a run.
Remember Koppen’s 6C and 8D classifications? Any changes?? You are a vic any climate change??
As for your labor being right is a giggle rudd was so wrong that boobby voted with the rabbott.
ps this is from a trustee of the qld nats it is bullshit but believable
A very interesting sobering analysis by actual scientists who have carried out serious scientific data sampling and analysis to reach their conclusions about global temperature variations over thousands of years. It is more believable than the hysteria around climate change dished up today by the green lobbies and activist Greta.
@JL methinks ”It’s time!! ….. again!!
@wam: I never fail to comprehend how some individuals can so easily demonstrate the old adage; ”If you think education is expensive, consider the cost of ignorance”.
I mean, any person who would value any opinion from ”a trustee of the qld nat$” obviously missed out on critical thinking lessons at school. Look at the recent evidence of their 19th century ideological bull manure, the Newman Nazional$ Liarbal Queensland misgovernment, that almost destroyed, and certainly disabled the effective Queensland Public Service for no good reason, and was swept from office, Premier & all, after one term of incompetence.
Watch the overseas television news and see the current environmental destruction across North America, Europe and Australia. There may be no change in your particular cosseted corner of the world, but in the wider real world the Earth is in painful ructions ….. as predicted over the past 30 years by climate scientists.
Albo on Morrison’s total lack and complete failure on leadership
Tony Burke telling it like it is.
Good to hear the ALP getting stuck into Morrison.
Comments below both videos well worth a read.
(an excellent long reply to Bad Wolf below the Burke video)
New England Cocky
Already 106 years ago a New Zealand paper wrote about the impact of coal on the atmosphere in a very short article.
Here is another reference more than 50 years old which was placed and then mangled on Canavan’s Facebook page so it could not be read. The site was not able to be viewed, then negative comments were made about the site referenced.
Wow NEC I am ashamed the you think my sharing a deeply held conservative opinion meant I agreed with it. Perhaps, you and lord don’t have friends and relatives who are lovely intelligent people but whose beliefs are so strong that they rationalize ‘facts’ that show the LNP is and always has been better.
Why do you not talk to workers who vote against labor and ask why?
there are millions of Australians who know the government is lousy but are frightened enough of the loonies to reject labor and elect the LNP.
There are millions of Australians who know climate change is natural.
In 2009 there was a large majority of Australians for action on climate change and for 10 years before that people like me were in the letters page on the topic. But boobby spoke and action died. For the next 10 years many here repeated the support for the loonies’ action and some still believe booby was right.
Bottom line speak to workers and ask about the extremists of the right and left and remember OPINIONS need no evidence.
wam…. what more evidence do these workers need ? The melting icecaps, the forest fires ravaging Europe, N Africa, Russia. the rainfall of biblical proportions in all continents, Canada which is a cold country experiencing 48 deg temps. drought affecting most food producing areas of the world, livestock perishing by their millions, the landscape changed forever and wildlife on the brink. And do not ever forget the bushfires in Australia. Do not forget !!!!!!
Steam replaced horses and the internal combustion engine replaced steam and now electric vehicles will do the same to petrol. Many ostlers and wheel rights and steam engine workers lost their jobs too. Did nature intend for the coal workers to be sacrosant and never be affected, ever ?
Scummo and Canavan and Joyce and Murdoch and his maggots know that too, but for political reasons resort to fear and dire prediction of the other kind, instead of offering rational solutions that will benefit and sustain everyone including the planet. So quit the bleating about the ‘poor’ coal workers, their time has come and is about to be gone.
It could never have been good, the results of a conservative government which has long existed to advance ego and wealth by baring the brown blot to donors and patrons, who actually have wealth, influence, power, NOW. We have had some subnormals and lazy rigged rails runs types in Howard a barely functioning below mediocre solicitor who never ran an organisation and knew little beyond exam required memorised fragments. (He’s an old classmate) Abbott contrived a scholarship and degrees, (did he get George Freeman’s help?) but failed to succeed at anything including fornicatory parenthood. BUT, Morrison takes the cake (or stole it) for being the most lazy, backstabbing, devious, conniving, cheating, non-achieving nobody to get up. He has actually done nothing positive or useful since an excruciating degree on a bunch of ignorant, illiterate old superstitious fools. Even Billy Mc Mahon, a minister over seven portfolios, is as a mighty mountain to Morrison the maggot dungdrop. He has done nothing about building needed quarantine facilities, or getting supply of vaccines (Ihe stuffed up negotiations by deep ignorance) he has done nothing to balance views in premiers meetings, leaving them to battle, successfully in some states but very badly in NSW where old Glad Legge-Zaparte is scared of her hidden past with Maguire and also of repulsive Alan Jucking-Fones and similar supersavages. Over all, actually uber alles, is the Great Mere Dog, barking out orders to stave off senility and clutch another dirty dollar or two. Just don’t ask about us the citizens and voters, threatened with virtual murder by the incompetence of others, those inferior fools of conservative crappery and criminality.
Phil thanks for that very vivid description of the fuckwits we are ruled by now, and in the past, and the trials and tribulations we are forced to endure.
(Glad Legge-Zaparte !!!! That is a gem.)
Climate change is a natural process, it has happened a number of times. The next step is not understood by conservatives, climate change occurred very slowly. Since the 1850s we have seen over 1C increase in global temperature, in Australia the IPCC Report says there has been an increase of 1.4C in Australia. Scott Denning, a climate scientist, has written:
“At the end of the last Ice Age, 18,000 years ago, the world warmed about 5 degrees Celsius (10 F) over 10,000 years. That’s a rate of 0.1 degree per century.”
A very slow process.
Another reference working backwards in time showing how temperature decreases when CO2 breaks down, something which happens over quite a time frame:
“During this time, known as the Eocene Oligocene transition, the world’s average temperature decreased by over 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius) in roughly 300,000 years.”
On climate change, the LNP since 2013 has been useless and becoming is more dangerous. The IPCC latest report says very clearly man has caused the latest climate change since 1850.
Exactly a Decade long waste of Space were the LNP.
Yes boys thanks but you didn’t clear up, do you put the holes in both ends??
It is bleeding obvious that to return CO2 to the atmosphere in a 200 years that took nature billions of years to sequester underground is going to upset the natural processes therefore changes are due to man but it is no $$##&$*& use telling me tell the deniers face to face. My reading of many here is the idea the idiot deniers are denying the obvious change but the majority are not they are denying it is man’s interference
I am asking if NEC, lord etc have LNP friends or relations and if the have ever spoken with LNP voters.
I have as many LNP friends who rationalize their support in the same way as the loonie friends rationalize the boobby efforts I have friends and relation who will NOT read anything that is liable to conflict with beliefs but at bbqs the will put opinions out that show me the biggest millstones for workers that evoke fear is the loonies about climate change the LNP people are desperate to cling onto their fossil fuel heritage but don’t believe me ask.
NEC should have no problems in NE checking with nice people who supported Windsor but not labor. Why is vital for a labor victory now that debt is exposed(another loonie gift to the LNP that is not mentioned here???)
But whatever, if we practice these simple explanations and deliver them to the deniers at our bbqs, I am sure we convert some of them to our way of thinking.
@wam: 1) “I am asking if NEC, lord etc have LNP friends or relations and if the have ever spoken with LNP voters.”
In a small country ”city”/town of 25,000 persons (when the schools & university is in session) it is very easy to converse with LNP voters. There are only a few Liarbrals in Armidale fortunately, because the Nazional$ have spent 17/21 years destroying the wonderful Armidale life style. The agricultural sector is only about 4% of the population, say 1,000 persons. The grazier ladies emerge in their Sloane Ranger outfits before every election to intimidate the shopkeepers with threats of withdrawing their patronage.
For some strange unknown reason Nazional$ lady supporters get upset when you use the political mantra ”Tamworth Ladies supporting adultery support Nazional$”, which is why Barnyard Beetrooter was elected three times, including once between destroying his marriage and spawning two bastards.. But remember, those famous ”Nazional$ Family Values” only count when you are NOT a politician, much like the unChristian ethics of Scummo and the Hell$inger$ Choru$
2) ”Perhaps, you and lord don’t have friends and relatives who are lovely intelligent people but whose beliefs are so strong that they rationalize ‘facts’ that show the LNP is and always has been better.”
This is a scurrilous allegation that barely deserves comment. I choose NOT to associate with Nazional$ in case I get contaminated with their self-entitlement, always justified, self-serving economic parasitism that requires ”a government handout to get a hand up.”
Anybody for an empty glass of MDB water for $80 MILLION??
Fortunately for the past 20 years I have counted among my friends educated people who can analyse situations, determine a solution and formulate a plan of action. These are all processes beyond the competence of the local geriatric Nazional$.
Did you know that the age for joining the Young Nazional$ has been lowered to over 65?
3) “NEC should have no problems in NE checking with nice people who supported Windsor but not [L]abor.”
Armidale had one ALP MP back about 1900, then the Country Party came to prominence promising to get public infrastructure money from the Macquarie Street Parliament until 1961. The New England New State Movement flourished until the 1934 elections when 6/10 elected NENSM MPs betrayed their electorates and gave the ALP a forty (40) year reign in the NSW Parliament up to about 1966.
The Askin COALition misgovernment was very strong on SP racing and very cunning in the1967 referendum for the New England State, that was lost after some political skullduggery about access to the Sydney Milk Zone.
But over-riding all of this was that nice Mr Menzies who told Australians from 1949 onwards that ”the ALP was putting Reds under their Beds”. Now being simple minded country yokels, this political propaganda was accepted as gospel and every night the man of the house would check under the bed for Commie intruders.
Now combined with the local history of graziers lauding it over the essential agricultural workers and town shopkeepers and publicans wanting to do business with the ”upper classes” country people were conditioned to believe that maintaining the status quo was the most important thing to do ….. even if it disadvantaged their kids.
This is why too many country people wrongly believe that Labor is a mortal sin and so vote for ”the best managers of the Australian economy” ….. until 2007 ….. the Liarbral Nazional$ COALiiton for foreign owned multinational corporations.
Well said, NEC, I asked if you HAD friends and relatives and you could have saved me reading a diatribe, akin to my rabbottians repeating the ABC is a left wing organisation so I don’t watch it’, by simply saying ‘No’!.
Happily, I am not in the situation to avoid being bombarded with right wing rubbish forwarded from septic, pommie and aussie sources because provides a comparison of interpretation.
In 2007 the lying rodent was shit but now all is forgiven and he is back to being gold
wowowoo michael
tonight is worth watching again robbie, and boaky et al
@wam: my apologies wam, but I was insulted that you would think that I associated voluntarily with Nazional$ people. Rather, I have spent over 40 years trying to hold the bastards accountable ….. without much success.
WE have had three successes getting proper representatives of the Australian voters elected to the various Parliaments. First in 1976, Bill McCarthy (and wife Thelma) as the Member(s) for Armidale then Northern Tablelands. They dragged Northern Tablelands screaming in protest into the 20th century.
Then Richard Torbay in 2000 as an Independent because Pig Iron Bob Menzies was still held in high regard among the grazier class and his ”Reds under the beds” mantra STILL terrified the graziers who were more used to firebrand AWU organisers demanding that the graziers look after the shearers and farm workers. Torbay brought government money into the electorate with public infra-structure projects that the Nazional$ had ignored for decades.
The in 2000, Tony Windsor after an outstanding apprenticeship as Member for Tamworth. He was the first MP elected with 62% of the primary vote and grew that margin until he was retired on the orders of his wife & family in 2013..
Good read and how long can Australians avoid their responsibility to other nations and citizens by continually avoiding environmental constraints and voting in environmental and economic vandals the LNP not only owned by fossil fuels but corrupt?
Following is an abridged long read from Vice World News on Australia in ‘The World’s on Fire, Yet Australia Keeps Pumping Out the Gas’:
‘Australia ranks among the worst in the world for its climate policies. Its government still wants to expand the fossil fuel industry…..
While the rest of the world grappled with the transition to renewable energy, Australia had heavily subsidised fossil fuel producers, leaving it ranked dead last among developed nations for action on climate change. This placed it even lower than Brunei, the only country to be ranked below Australia in last year’s report.
Australia is also highly exposed to the effects of climate change. According to a report released by the Australian Academy of Science in March this year, heat stress is already warping the continent’s ecosystems…..
The Australian government’s Department of Industry, Science and Energy forecasts the combined exports from these projects will make LNG a $49 billion dollar industry this year. And this in turn, has made Australia’s biggest gas companies – Chevron, Shell, Woodside Petroleum, Santos, INPEX, and Origin – as well as their industry association, The Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) – very influential.
One way this influence is built is through the “revolving door”, a relationship with the government that works in two ways: high-profile figures from the industry move to take up jobs in politics or within the Australian government, while ex-politicians and their advisors have found lucrative positions in industry.
These include a former federal Minister, federal and state political advisors, and former industry figures who now hold jobs in government. But with few regulations about what politicians, their advisors, and public servants can do when they leave office, it is all entirely legal….
“Because of the revolving door, you’ve got state capture. Regulation is lax and industry writes the rules.”
Matto Mildenberger, an assistant political science professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara said that while the precise meaning of “state capture” can be debated, these kinds of interactions between fossil fuel companies and government representatives mean that it can certainly be applied to Australia….
Where exactly this influence began is difficult to say, though its roots can be traced at least as far back as a 1997 government white paper that hard-wired fossil fuel experts into Australia’s economy. The policy was produced under a government led by conservative prime minister John Howard, and drew on advice by a group that included figures like Harold Clough, an oil and gas industry figure, major Liberal Party donor, and climate change denier…
….this stubborn commitment to the oil and gas sector risks making Australia internationally isolated on climate change.
“You may as well go chasing fairies,” Baxter said. “At this point, it’s fossil fuels for fossil fuel’s sake. What is happening at the moment is bluff and bluster. But it’s dangerous bluff and bluster that will lead to the impacts of climate change being worse.
Good link Andrew, aye a long read but well worth it.
The fossil fuel skulduggery of deceit and cover ups knows no ends, the shit just keeps coming. Morrison is complicit in the lies.
Australia, the world burns, all that Morrison and his L/NP gang of crooks care about is the revolving door to a corporate job!
I live near Batemans bay, I’ll never forget the black raging fires, the lead photo is a reminder of that dreadful horrendous time.
I have friends in this area still waiting for bush fire relief funds, still living in make-do sheds, faced with continuing hardships.
Morrison’s bullshit financial NOTIONAL emergency funds. His disingenuous visit to Cobargo, trying to shake victims hands.
Nothing really has changed in 2021, just the bullshit veneer that somehow everything is rosy, and we should all just suck it up.
Except with Covid, the bubble has burst, things cannot go back to what was considered normal, there is no more normal.
Another interesting read, a different story, but all part of the same historical shit, the lies, the bs we all continue to live under.