The AIM Network

A Citizen’s Manifesto (or what needs to happen but our political process is broken and cannot deliver)

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By Marcus Champ

Given our ex-Prime Minister has released his “trumpian” manifesto “To get Australia Working Again”, I thought why not provide an alternative view from someone not in the parliament, who is just an average person, and until recently has barely been involved in the political process. Just to put up an alternative of what could be but for what we loosely call our representative government.

As a disclaimer, a few weeks ago I joined the Greens and only attended my first meeting very recently. So, although there is a great deal I have proposed that is also reflected in the Greens policy platform, there is some that is not, so consider the following as what I am passionate about and NOT official party policy (yet).

As a start lets set the context for everything that will follow.

Before someone asks “but how are you going to pay for what follows”, here is the answer: Another very important piece is to understand how modern economics and Government spending actually works as opposed to the neoliberal dogma that dominates our political discourse: Neoliberal economics and austerity does NOT work, causes massive damage, and is largely responsible for reducing the middle class, and the transfer of wealth to the rich. Let’s base economics on facts NOT ideology, therefore:

Lastly, many of you will be thinking doesn’t endless spending just create inflation? No, not necesasarily.

If you want to know about the reality of how macroeconomics works, just look up Modern Monetary Theory which has also been mentioned on this site previously.

A Citizen’s Manifesto for a Better, Stronger, more Sustainable Society

Overall Vision: Transition Australian economy into one that serves the people to create a more fair, just and stable democracy that encourages and rewards participation, innovation, knowledge creation, environmentally sustainable practices, and inclusiveness.

Taking Money out of Politics

Strengthening The Social Safety Net

Health and Well-being

Public Ownership of Critical Public Infrastructure

Infrastructure and Research Investment

Implement a widespread program of infrastructure spending, linked to Jobs Guarantee, and directed to building the productive capacity of the economy.

Housing Crisis

Principle being Housing is to live, not for speculation, and policies need to ensure speculating is restricted. The single truth is housing prices rise to the level of debt allowed. Demand has a role, but is NOT the driver of process. With these policies house prices will fall, but in relative terms everyone will be better off.

Social Justice and Animal Rights Reform

Human rights, social justice and equal opportunity needs to be strengthened.

Immigration and Wages

Manufacturing and High Technology Economy

Taxation Reform

Taxation is a powerful tool to shape behaviour and direct productive capacity and focus across the economy. It should be a tool that is used to reinforce and support policy as appropriate with a broader social goal to build equity, fairness, and level playing field.

Break the Game of Mates

Rent-seekers, the politically connected, the corrupt have been siphoning off wealth from the economy in a number of key areas and every person loses thousands of dollars every year from these activities.

Other key initiatives:

Obviously there is so much more that needs to be done to transition Australia into a fair, sustainable, and socially just society where everyone can share in our collective endeavour.

Lastly, it is anticipated these policies and reforms will eliminate unemployment, extreme poverty, homelessness, greatly reduce drug dependence, and it would be expected the crime rate would significantly shift downwards.


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