By 1petermcc
I understand that Warren Entsch wants to take action on the Great Barrier Reef, and of course he is miles ahead of the appalling Melissa Price, but listening to him on RN this morning he seems to want to downplay the serious impact a rising temperature is having on the GBR.
Now you can blame shift all you want on plastic waste, but if the temperature continues to rise and the water pH continues to change, you will just end up with a plastic-free memorial to Queensland’s once great tourist attraction.
What is always missing from Coalition environmental solutions is hard scientific data. It’s always about spin doctoring. Until they actually read the science, understand the science, and produce scientific data to explain their position, it looks like they feel they have a PR problem not an environmental one.
You only need to look as far as Angus Taylor to see deliberate misinformation and apparently he is well regarded in Coalition ranks. When you celebrate a good bullshit artist expressly because he is shameless at bullshitting, then you are not taking the science seriously and have no chance of relieving the problem.
I understand why Warren is blaming other countries. We Aussies like to think we are environmentally responsible and love to blame shift to anyone but ourselves, but that’s a cynical exercise designed to distract from the irresponsible attitude the Coalition has towards our Environment.
Until Warren gets into the data and accepts we HAVE to take action, and stops playing the spin doctor’s favoured blame game, all we have in reality is a kindly grandfatherly figure who cares a bit about our environment.
By running a smoke screen for Scott Morrison, he is actually making matters worse by relieving the pressure and allowing inaction to continue.
Until Morrison fears the voters, nothing will get sorted out. He simply doesn’t care.
New reef envoy Warren Entsch takes aim at ‘coaching’ of kids over climate change – SBS News
Ocean acidification is already harming the Great Barrier Reef’s growth – The Conversation
This article was originally published on Advances in Renewables.
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