Bloody Eschatology: Israel and the next Big War

Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo by Roberto Schmidt/AFP via Getty Images)

The push towards an all-out war in the Middle East is moving out of its sleepwalking phase to that of conscious eschatological reckoning. A blood filled, fiery Armageddon will reveal the forces of virtue, linking the evangelicals of the United States with the right-wing Jewish nationalists in Israel. That appalling prospect is certainly not one to discount: the messianic are always a frightful bunch, thinking history and selectively pruned religions texts to be on their side.

Each week now comes with some measure of sabotage, mutilation and disruption to prospects of peace. In his July 24 address to the US Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu outlined his crude Manichean vision in routine barking fashion. In doing so, his intention, as Noa Landau pithily put it, was not to end the war in Gaza so much as prolong it.

For Netanyahu, the strained chords of civilisational rhetoric are never far away. He would like other powers to muck in, battling the fiends he calls an “axis of terror.Impediments to the Jewish state’s war efforts had to be rejected. To impose them would see other countries of similar kidney shackled. “If Israel’s hands are tied, America is next. I’ll tell you what else is next: the ability of all democracies to fight terrorism will be imperilled.”

Room was reserved to attack the International Criminal Court, whose chief prosecutor has sought warrants of arrest against himself and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, and the presidents of notable US universities. As for protesting students, they had chosen to “stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers.” With daring outrage, he blotted out any notion that Palestinian civilians were being butchered, despite a death toll in the densely populated strip hovering near 40,000. Indeed, civilian deaths had been “practically none, with Israel scrupulous in “getting civilians out of harm’s way, something people said we could never do.”

With this blood crusted Weltanschauung, acts of destabilising mayhem are automatic.Showing an utter contempt for Israeli hostages, let alone any humanity for the Palestinians they regard with expansive condescension, the Netanyahu government thought it wise to carry out two assassinations: that of Hamas’ political chief and chief negotiator Ismail Haniyeh, and Hezbollah’s top military chief Fuad Shukr, both killed within twenty-four hours in Beirut and Tehran respectively.

The response to the assassinations in Israel was one of relish – at least for those of the Itamar Ben-Gvir school of thought. As David Issacharoff, writing in Haaretz, described it, “Israel has become a Matryoshka doll of pyromaniacs.” From his skewed vantage point as National Security Minister, assassinations are staple food for the state. The killing of Hezbollah’s second in command, ostensibly for his alleged role in an attack on a Druze village in the Golan Heights, drew the gleeful response that “Every god has his day.”

Despite certain Israeli media reports claiming an order from Netanyahu that ministers were to stay silent over Haniyeh’s killing, the enthusiasts were voluble in rapture. Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu, also of Ben-Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit party, expressed his glee on social media, claiming that “this is the right way to clean the world of this filth.” There were to be “No more imaginary ‘peace’/surrender agreements, no more mercy for these sons of death.”

Other cabinet ministers also joined the gloating chorus. “Careful What You Wish For,” wrote Minister for the Diaspora Amichai Chikli over a video of Haniyeh in a conference hall while people chanted “Death to Israel.” Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi resorted to biblical verse: “So may all your enemies perish, O Lord.”

Despite no official confirmation of Israel’s role in the killing of the senior Hamas official, the Government Press Office posted, if only briefly, an image of Haniyeh which left no room for nuance: “Eliminated: Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas highest-ranking leader, was killed in a precise strike in Tehran, Iran.”

The richly violent musings of Ben-Gvir and his circle of sanctified terror have even proven indigestible for some members of the war cabinet. Defence Minister Gallant, not immune from the urge to dehumanise the residents of Gaza, accused his national security counterpart of being a “pyromaniac”. On the X platform, he declared his opposition against “any negotiations to bring him into the war cabinet – it would allow him to implement his plans.” The same Gallant, however, was also in celebratory mood about the assassinations.

Even outside the war cabinet, the views of Ben-Gvir, not to mention his overall influence, travel with toxic rapture. In the background, incandescently inspiring, is Rabbi Dov Lior, a figure of glowing nationalist fury. It was he who incited members of the Jewish Underground to conduct various terrorist attacks in the 1980s against Palestinians. (The same group also unsuccessfully plotted to blow up the Dome on the Rock.)

This, as former UK diplomat Alastair Crooke observes, is the State of Judea doing battle against the State of Israel. He quotes Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon, former Chief of Staff of the IDF, who sees such bloody eschatology as resting on a fundamental concept: “Jewish supremacy” or “Mein Kampf in reverse”. For Rabbi Lior, the next big war cannot come soon enough, one, he anticipates, that is bound to feature Gog and Magog.


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About Dr Binoy Kampmark 1443 Articles
Dr. Binoy Kampmark is a senior lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University. He was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. He is a contributing editor to CounterPunch and can be followed at @bkampmark.


  1. Tsk, the “Old Firm”, Gog and Magog.

    Orinally involves bad times for Israel and God inflicting to get them to mend their ways. Eventually stewed out of existence towards the End Times. Personally, I feel Biden is much an antichrist as Netanyahu, who is only a mad, barking dog.

    My guess is, the worst of the bunkum is not represented as the prime issue in the religions of the book but presented. in fear guilt and terror to hold the folk “in line” while the oligarchs running things are the only ones to do well- for a while.

    If you look at current events, people like Lucy Hamilton have shown us a new core or abscess of madness shown in the (directed?) collusion of fanatics across the world into a sort of radicalised nutter or brown shirt army from the US Bible-Belt, to Hansonists, Euro skin heads and the Russians, still recovering from the disastrous events of the nineteen nineties.

    We see the end product of this (Murdochite) geeing up of impressionable people in Israel…angry and aroused people out to smash the Palestinian scape goat while the City and Wall St look on with Glee, and the Lobby becomes more deranged than ever… the arms sales, fossil fuels control and isolation of Iran Russia and others. and that “righteousness” that Biden was waffling on about about a few months ago.

  2. The rot from inside to overt is covered further in the thread opened by Dr Awni Etaywe, involving the link between culture and language a couple of posting s further over , here at AIM itself.

  3. Oh yes, the olde Gog and Magog. Infused delusions from the arcane times of gods and anti-gods and their anthropomorphic spirit agents running amok from pre-biblical times right through the medieval period. A terror infused by the Kings and Queens, and pretenders and their agents – a way to scare the crap outa everyone, obtain obeisance and marshal troops and weapons for defence and to go to war. The stuff of the Old Testament, brought through to the New Testament – fear and bloodthirstiness convenient for control and extraction – “you’re either with us or agin us.”

    It was all tested via the travels of Columbus et al through the colonial era (blessed and mandated by various Popes) and journeys to the east, where all those myths were dispelled, but replaced by the finding of advanced civilizations, so the story was changed to those of the East being ruled by despots, where more travelers again dispelled the divisive story, and through into the ‘enlightenment’, where for the sake of differentiation, and justification of incursions, battles, wars, thievery and extraction, it became ‘Good Despots’ (the West) and ‘Bad Despots’ (the East – whose people required emancipation).

    A central ingredient in the wiles of the West, who after ripping the Jews to pieces, changed tack by re-implanting them as a suzerain in the Levant to smash the impenetrable north / south wedge from east of the Black and Caspian Seas, Kazakhstan down through to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Arabia. A battle well familiar to Jews (and Christians alike) since pre-biblical times.

    Whilst most of the West progressively leaned to secularism, certainly not America. America with its founding by escapee Puritans and freebooters, and over the 19th & 20th centuries escapees fleeing Europe from the ‘world’ wars, it became a new world hotbed of old biblical apprehensions, and for many, a quest centered away from their new continental refuge, far to the East / West crossroads and Armageddon – it’s deep in their xenophobic psyche.

    Now in the face of the collapse of their hegemonic realm and its white-washed history of desperation and despotism, it’s no surprise that they seek to resurrect the targets of the olde north / south ‘wedge’ via again stoking troubles in the Levant, the ‘Fertile Crescent’ and with the forever rejected Rus, hoping their Jewish suzerain, Israel, and the Russians will do it for them. Meantime the olde European participant power lords pretend disinterest. And in the face of accepting the impossibility of again trying to take on China and India, but turning their eyes again to (ignorant) Africa.

    What vain hope, as Africa looks to a population surging by 2.5 billion in the next 100 years. And what hope as China and India remain out of it, using Russia as a bulwark.

    In our times, the raising up of loose canons and hard men is a very dangerous business indeed. Across the world there are many wise heads aware and for the time being keeping matters in check. But the fearful notions of ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ despotism have not gone away, and if the horses get scared they may elect a psychopathic lunatic, and it can unravel.

    Social media and mainstream Media are slowly losing their grip, as the wise young heads prevail over the dying kaboomers. As we watch, it appears that the noisy FRWNJs are actually waning. Here’s hoping it’s Harris in Nov, and that she can turn down the heat.

    In the meantime, as Rudd advised, “Chill.”

  4. Marvelous post, Clakka.

    I agree, a lot of the clues are bound up in linguistics and we are the beneficiaries of a recent era when scholarship was, actually, scholarship.

    But Africa is gruesome. Sort of like a large version of Gaza in many parts in some ways, think of the Congo.

  5. Yes paul walter,

    It’s all happening full bore in Africa. The Americans are shifting their focus from Central / South America to Africa to counter Putin’s mercenaries and proxy wars from north / central Africa from west to east. It’s ripe for it, with those Africans rejecting the old European colonials. They geed it up of course by niggling and arming the Arab Spring catastrophes.

    Those old colonial days of extraction by the horrendous Boers (and British and Germans) in the south and east, and Belgian Leopold, Germans and Portuguese across the middle, the British and Italians in the west. All bloated and fighting with one another on their home turf, they left it pillaged and in a disarray of inter-tribal wars and end-to-end death and famines, that remain in febrile disrepair to today.

    Not to worry. China’s in there ‘helping’. And Uncle Sam via corporations like Glencore (once US) and Microsoft (Gates Foundation) and others are in there ‘helping’. And today I read that Oz Woodside Energy CEO Meg O’Neill is in there ‘helping’, and has been awarded “Energy Person of the Year” by the African Energy Chamber (AEC) for her “unwavering commitment to harnessing Africa’s oil and gas resources for inclusive growth” in climate destroying fossil fuels.

    Mind you, I’m not sure just who is ‘helping’ the Sudanese and Ethiopians / Eritreans.

    It must be so difficult to wrangle the linguistics roots and mythologies of the Christian Latin, English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, the Hebrew overlays, and the Muslim Arab Berbers, and the animist tribal lingoes and voodoo all in the one storyline of emancipation and future freedom.

    Please excuse my cynicism. Perhaps they’ll master it with AI?

  6. Yes, Clakka. There’s the thing. Just how far can they penetrate the mind. Can’t fathom how the public reacts like the drones in a dystopian fiction novel.

    These legions of folk “helping”. Why, they might be even “reaching out” like some of the drones in the dystopian novels. Why, they “reach out” to an extent that their hands even fit round a victim’s neck.

  7. Dutton has returned from his Israel trip, paid for by the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, with a renewed vigour for the ongoing war in Gaza and the suppression of the people of Palestine.

    Dutton said that in his discussion with Netanyahu, “I sent a very clear message on behalf of the Coalition that should we win the next election, we look forward to the relationship becoming stronger and making sure that we can build off the platform of previous prime ministers, where the relationship has been close and has been strong and to our mutual benefit”.

    At no stage did Dutton use his trip and presence in Israel to call for a ceasefire.

  8. Dutton “sent a very clear message” to a Zionist regime. Great. What was unsaid by anyone is that the Gaza demolition derby and democide agenda is proof of concept that ‘might is right’. I want nothing to do with Israel under its current governance. Maybe if the Zionists would let slip power and retire to the hills, leave govt to humans, that’d be good.

  9. Dutton has always, always, been a friend and devotee of stupidity, egofixated wankery, aggressive confrontation, as befits a born and trained bumkicker, apprehender, and incarcerator. having fled from public police service duties, under more than a load of suspicion, he has retreated into a fantasy land of self valuation, quite inflated, as his family has accrued wealth without his sludgy input. Now, Dutton is a friend of devoted killers, the murderous zionist wilful ones, whose eternal mission has been to take back a mythical invention, no more honest than Disneyland is real estate to be acquired. The zionists have no paperwork, no deeds, no legality, no rights at all, but have embraced murder and theft in grabbing slabs of a legal Palestine of 1948, which was betrayed by Britain and the world at large, mainly to get rid of a jewish “problem” of the centuries. What filth this is, to literally honour the racists, especially nazi types, in actions of sidelining a problem as if it has gone away. Nobody relevant has ever accepted the partial loss in a two state solution, but, it remains the only obvious hope, if there is hope. Meanwhile Dutton embraces murderous criminality while people, ordinary people like us, innocent of any charge, are being crushed. If anyone with expert and genuine views on international law could comment, assess, refine any of this, I and surely we would be grateful, for all material and history available suggests that the establishment of Israel was and should have been illegal, unlawful, was superstion drenched, fantasy fuelled, fiction defying lying posturing murderous ERROR., and that in May, 1948, the world’s relevant powers allowed a crme to be perpetrated. Remember, the regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Peron, Pinochet, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mao, Saddam, Gaddafi, ALL were legal, because they and we “agreed” on that. Who can thus agree on “Law” as honest? Dutton never does. He is a supreme ego, above sense, logic, reason. Never ever vote for a supersaturated idiot like Sheisskerl Dutton…

  10. four letter word encapsulates everything that Dutton is,and it takes little imagination to nail the answer.

  11. Actually Leefe,see you next Tuesday applies to most of those smirking imbeciles that sit behind him, nodding like car rear window dogs.

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