As we all know, Federal politicians spend nearly half their lives away from home. It can be a lonely life, we know that too. But should we cut them any slack because of it?
No, we should not. That’s a price they pay, and they know that going in. As the saying goes, ‘if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.’ A politician is a unique animal; self-obsessed, feisty, argumentative, prone to excessive exaggeration, ruthless and open to outright dishonesty.
They are mostly university trained where they get a grounding in the fundamentals of politics through a variety of campus clubs. They can come from the faculties of medicine or law, history or teaching, agriculture or science, anywhere really, and all of them mask their deeper ambitions with what we call, ‘a willingness to serve the public.’
So, it’s safe to say they are not illiterate. It’s safe to say they have some intelligence and have experience in something that could, at a stretch, be considered a qualification for public life. It’s also safe to say that somewhere along the public pathway, they fall into the deep, deep pit of hypocrisy.
Sooner or later, they will go on the public record as being for, or opposed, to something only to be found wanting, either professionally or privately. In this context, Barnaby Joyce’s light shines brightly.
His relationship with his staffer was no secret, at least not on social media, where it has been the subject of discussion, comment and innuendo for months and, on its own, is none of our business.
But when it spills over, into the very public arena, via stories concerning rent-free housing courtesy of a friend, back-room job creation efforts by party colleagues, that may, or may not, have required the approval of the prime minister, or suspected inappropriate use of travel entitlements, then it becomes our business.
Just ask Sam Dastyari, just ask Peter Slipper, just ask Julia Gillard.
Which brings us to the question: given the conduct of the member for New England in matters related to public purpose, does Barnaby Joyce have a future in politics?
On Insiders, this morning, panellist, Niki Savva was pretty savage.
He did not, and in her opinion, would not be leading the National party to the next election. That was a bit of a bombshell coming from a conservative journalist who, we might have thought, would have leapt to his defence.
On the previous Sunday, Insiders was all about Bill Shorten’s perceived problems, none of which were discussed today, probably none of which anyone can remember. A week is a long time in politics. Who knows what will be revealed this week?
I shall keep fighting until Barney is out of politics.
I remember the Liberal banners / plackards that Confronted PM Julia Gillard (“Juliar, Ditch the witch , Bob Brown’s Bitch”) I believe that it would be appropriate to display banners of “hypocrite” wherever Barnaby Joyce is in the public arena.
And …. adulterer!
Which is apparently what one young girl who was being driven around Tamworth was shouting.
That was the most articulate I have ever heard Niki Sava speak – usually she just dribbles out whatever the current LNP or Business lobby group spin is on any particular matter.
I will say however, having seen Darren Chester all smiles in an interview -barely disguising his delight, that the fix is in, which means that Niki Sava was yet again parroting something which looks like it’s a fait accompli.
Now underneath all of this is the PMO’s approval of the new position for Vikki Campion firstly in Canavan’s office then in Damian Drum’s office.
We know just from the affair that Joyce has appalling judgement, but we knew that before any news of the affair.
Also his election in the first place and re-election is a source of frightening bemusement for most normal people.
What’s really going to sting the LNP is the approval by Turnbull of both of those positions.
Here in the media, they are already saying there are questions to be answered
UK Daily
Which links to the Telegraph behind a paywall which I cannot access – twitter link
Joyce’s time as the billowing, bullying, braggadocio beetroot is likely coming to an end.
The BIG question is, are the hooks out for Malcolm because that’s definitely the way things are looking right now – that Murdoch article is aimed at Malcolm, Joyce is going to be collateral damage
I have one comment to make.
If it’s not finished yet, it certainly ought to be..
Good on you Nikki Sava, I never thought I’d say that… I have noticed that on the whole women have taken a stronger moral stance on this than men…
Whatever luck Turnbull had has absolutely deserted him.
Looks like “the band” won’t be staying together much longer.
“Dec 3, 2017 – “We’re getting the band back together,” Mr Turnbull said to rapturous applause at the Nationals’ election party in Tamworth on Saturday evening.”
Whether we’ve had peak oil is still debateable. But certainly we’ve had Peak Barnaby.
His apparent conversion to Islam with its multiple wives and concubines (Gina, Natalie, and Vikki as examples only) undermines Mal and Peter’s valiant efforts to beat the terrorist drum. The Jesuits are in mourning – even Frank Brennan couldn’t rescue him. He’s finished.
If Ms Campion is a media advisor ….. as she has been described throughout her govt employment …… then going by what’s going on she must have been crap at her job.
His career should be over but when you have a government headed up by a tax cheat and you are an accountant who help the rich avoid paying tax, so in reality old Barn fits right into the cesspool that is this anti-people proc-corporations federal government. They have a proud record announcing today that their screwing of the most vulnerable people in Australia has saved them $1.4 billion over the past 18 months.
Now there is a talking point at the next cocktail party, as they carefully sip their cocktails they can laugh about the three million and how many hundred thousands are they now who are living below the poverty line in Australia due to their tory policies. If we could only elect a government who would tax these corporations a fair share of taxation instead of turning a blind eye to obvious corruption, we could afford all the expenses that a federal government should provide for its citizens.
helvityni, I’m disgusted in Joyce, he has proven to be a liar on so many fronts, this is simply the latest, surely this treachery must come against him in some form, it has gone on for far too long. His wife and daughters must be going through hell given what he has done, and if I could have any compassion for tories I’d have plenty for them, sadly that’s an impossibility for me, because I loath people who vote to lower my living standards via their parties control of the Australian government.
There are a lot of chickens coming home to roost for this man. My compassion level is zero.
One things for sure, the “banking enquiry” ( RC ) has gone off the boil, joyce has eclipsed all other matters that were festering away. LNP might be thankful to joyce. They might even prolong this matter up until an election looms, then throw joyce under a bus, and scream how good they are, hoping to gain lost popularity. But of course joyce will have by then set in place his move to “gina”. This failed govt with the constant flow of event after event, could not have been scripted any better by those trained in “scripting”. This govt deserve a golden logey for best dismall failure in their tenure of govt.
I hope Labor let Mark Dreyfus off the leash this week. He is the one to forensically address the staffing matter, Joyce and Turnbull’s involvement and any misuse of travel allowances. That should see the demise of Joyce as Niki Savva predicted and also cause great discomfort to Turnbull and any others involved.
Although Niki is a LNP stalwart, she is also very astute and a straight shooter.
I think this is the tip of the jceburg, lots of stories coming out of rendezvous at pubs that are being billed to the taxpayer, Beetroot is gone and Turball with his trickle down fantasy like the NBN copper fantasy.
It brings back all those digusting things they did to Julia, Peter Slipper , Cheryl, Sam and everyone else that had there knives in their back.
Politician’s claim $274 a night in Canberra our Australian s who cant find work on Newstsrt get $263 a week its about time this country votes for the disadvantaged instead of the Cayman Playboy Club , free rent and tax free money because its all off shore.
245179 – your comment made me wonder what is happening in Joyce’s camp. Is the discussion just about the two adulterers now controlling damage – you know, the usual ex politician moving to the cushy mining/banking/consulting, &c job? So long as he is filthy rich and still powerful (as with all “shamed” politicians) I don’t think he’ll care. So, is the chat back at Rancho Joyce along the lines of, “weather this and if I’m sacked, I’ve got the contingencies in place”. No scruples, no conscience, no care for the job he was supposed to be doing: SERVING the public.
Helvityni – Your comment provokes the thought – do you think women are so staunch about this because we are judged more harshly than men?
How are Tony Burke and Bill Shorton going.?
Haven’t heard much lately!
Good bloke, Tony.
Bills a Bottler.
Mark Needham
Niki Savva is correct I think …..he will not be in the next parliament after 2018/2019 election
I would dearly like to say, “Yes, he’s firetrucked!” but I believe the idiots in his constituency will vote Blood Blister Beetroot Bonker Barnaby back in again.
A little more intrigue – Niki Sava is married to Vincent Woolcock, former Howard AND Turnbull advisor – things that make you go hmm
Read a little more here
Seems a factional war of sorts is underway
Most amazed at Nikki Savva, first time ever I agreed with her! And agree with her that Barnaby is finished. Certainly the Nat’s must know they need a different leader. This stench will follow BJ around, how could they use him in an election campaign? Turnbull himself not yet out of the woods on nepotism, signing off on these special jobs. Also how did he manage to keep the media at bay for so long, and including 2 by-elections? Was that $30 million gift to Murdoch hush money? I haven’t worked out the timing on that, but Ms Campions 1st “special job” started before Canavan announced his Italian mother/citizenship lie of a story, and resigned his ministry. She was then given a 2nd “.special job” in Damian Drum’s office, though he already had his 6 allowable positions filled, including a media advisor on Max salary of $80,000. Turnbull would have had to sign off on that extra position, and Ms Campion slotted in there as No. 7, still on her 6 figure salary, highest pay range being $191,000. She ended up supposedly being given a redundancy payment, but that’s not confirmed.
The donor of the free rent luxury townhouse in Armidale Barnabys been in since by-election, is McGuire, owns pub and will stand to benefit from Tamworth airport. He also famously allegedly tried to bribe Tony Windsor not to stand, a few years ago, offering him a diplomatic type posting! !??
Tony Windsor has tweeted that there is much more to come!
Jaquix’ comment, too true. Savva reverted to type very quickly after her Joyce comments, which makes her harder to understand than ever.
That comment and Glenn Barry, amount to proper food for thought.
It seems that “light at the end of the tunnel” Turnbull had been waiting for may turn out to be an oncoming train.
If past performance is anything to go by, once the media sharks smell blood in the water they will be falling over each other to dish out as much sensationalist dirt as possible.
It’s only a matter of time before Barnaby’s cut loose and replaced as Nats leader and quietly forgotten. Unfortunately that won’t be Turnbull’s call to make.
Karma can be a real bitch can’t it?
there were revelations today that Ms Campion attended a trip of government business with Mr Joyce when she was no longer his staffer.
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce was snapped with partner Vikki Campion in the north Queensland resort town of Palm Cove in December.
“The Eagles are circling , don’t be surprised if Joyce resigns ” for personal reasons ” before the main story claims him …he will know it’s getting close to a one way street to a job with Gina .” – Tony Windsor tweet
Employment of family members
2.23. Ministers close relatives and partners are not to be appointed to positions in their ministerial or electorate offices, and must not be employed in the offices of other members of the Executive Government without the Prime Ministers express approval.
A close relative or partner of a Minister is not to be appointed to any position in an agency in the Minister’s own portfolio if the appointment is subject to the agreement of the Minister or Cabinet.
That tends to indicate that either Malcolm DID approve the job or that Barnaby and Canavan broke the ministerial standards rule
I wonder if Barnaby claimed travel allowance and accommodation when in Canberra when staying with his new partner or was his home for parliamentary entitlements still with his wife. This could well be a new level of political hypocrisy.
It might be now maybe. This looks hard to ignore
Totally fcking up a fck up of a f*ck up….
It won’t really help the Murray-Darling though.
Who wants a Prime Minister who has nothing but bad luck ?
Who wants a Deputy Prime Minister who f#cks everything he touches ?
Off topic. We are sitting here in Brisbane in the dark as a thunderstorm rages around us. Jay Wetherall, please turn off those bloody wind turbines in SA.
Ruh roh…Canavan will ramp up his call for more coal-fired power stations
Thanks for some interesting points. Consider the article, “Federal war on news, truth”, Mike Seccombe, The Saturday Paper p1,10, 120218, (pay wall) that details the proposed legislation changes that would prevent journalists from doing their professional job by jailing them for knowing information about government matters.
Why would a News Ltd masthead suddenly release this piece of scandalmongering at this particular time after remaining silent during the 2017 Kiwi Bye-election? Could it be that Uncle Rupert now believes that journalists have a fourth estate right to reveal the truth??
We will need to look behind the story to find these reasons.
@Glen Barry … the early departure of a National Party last occurred when Ian “Sinkers: Sinclair then representative of the National Party in New England, was deposed due to extracurricular activities that scandalised Canberra while he was, and is still married. This Barnyard matter would appear to be exactly the same, but do not expect the same outcome.
More likely, the unelected political hacks who control pre-selection in the Notionals will parachute in some probably LGBTIQ candidate as the replacement, just as has happened in the NSW seats of Clarence and Northern Tablelands. It appears that the Gay Rights wing of the NSW Liarbral party has taken control of the National Party office.
@Jaquix … Mr Maguire is a local Armidale lad who is well known for his commercial dealings and his interest in sailing out of North Coast ports.
@Kaye Lee … your post suggest that Turdballmay have acted illegally … but that has never worried the NLp because only the ALP can be pilloried for abusing positions of power.
Skye Paris, photographs well.,and was hopefully promoted.
Debbie Beale also seems to be a very nice person., who deserves a good man for a husband.
But some lives ” do not seem to matter”.
Hang ‘ em high,
You say?
Mark Needham.
“You do know that Vikki Campion was also married when she got with the #BeetRooter?
She’s living rent free, on paid maternity leave, and had a big salary for no real job.
There are pregnant women everywhere who have problems NOT of their own making – save your sympathy for them.”
Here’s some of Vikki Campions work at the Smelly Graph :
What about the $1800 bill from the rendezvous with Beetroot and his new lover back in feb 2017 at Glebe reported on ” Don’t blame me I didn’t vote Liberal “and Malcolm Turnbull lies and champagne clichés website they seem to have much more stories and photos.
Feel some sympthy for Turnbull’s media advisors and the almost impossible demands they face in the coming 24 hours – how to provide a distraction that doesn’t involve sex, trysts, marriage, children, dubious political donations and the like. These days politicians and their advisors obsess with the tactical – in particular the coming day. So what can they do? What sits in the bottom drawer (real or imagined) that they can throw on the table so the MSM will have a new headline. One that will capture the ‘morrow.
Any ideas? Maybe Trump will oblige. Perhaps Snowy 3.9 with bells and whistles with free electricity as an option? Complimentary beer? Please – the situation is desperate.
All persons, rorting the system, should be sacked/ dismissed.
No exceptions, no favouritism, sack the bastards.
Or should some be selected for special treatment, and others allowed exemption?
I reckon,
Mark Needham
some more intrigue – the page no longer exists except in googles cache, seems they didn’t cleanup properly
In 2005, a year before Barnaby Joyce bought two properties in the Pilliga near Gwabegar (described as ‘mongrel country’), Eastern Star Gas revealed that after spending $50 million exploring the area, mainly around Narrabri, the company had developed plans for 1100 coal seam gas (CSG) wells dotted across the Pilliga feeding a $150 million pipeline to the Hunter Valley.
Joyce and his then wife Natalie bought their first block in July 2006. Sale records show it was purchased from Brett and Traci Worrell for $230,000. In February 2008, the Joyces made another purchase, buying the neighbouring, slightly smaller, block. Sale documents show this purchase was more expensive, bought for $342,000 from Baradine sisters Natasha and Erin Kelley. Joyce says this purchase was to ‘square off the block’ – making a total 2400 acres.
The land bought by the Joyces lies inside the ‘petroleum exploration licence’ (PEL) areas owned by Eastern Star – before it was sold to Santos. Gwabegar is on the edge of PEL 238 and PEL 428, co-owned by Eastern Star with a company called Comet Ridge. At this time, both companies were issuing positive announcements to the stock exchange in relation to the size of the gas resource in the area. Another company, Gas Star, owned in Houston, released a statement about promising reserves in PEL 433 and 434. This meant that by 2007 – between the two purchases made by the Joyces – CSG companies were boasting of gas reserves to the east, west and south of the properties. All indications were at this time that the gas rush was coming.
In October 2007, Eastern Star appointed former National Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister, John Anderson, as its chairman to steer its proposed growth phase into a ‘major gas developer’. Mr Anderson, who left Eastern Star when it was sold to Santos, was working as the campaign manager for Mr Joyce.
Despite their close friendship, Mr Joyce said he had no idea Eastern Star had a petroleum exploration licence over the Pilliga, including his properties at Gwabegar. However, Joyce has been quoted by the Fairfax press as saying he understands the ownership could be ‘viewed as a conflict of interest’. Part, or all of the Joyce’s properties may also be subject to government acquisition should the Inland Rail project proceed on the alignment that Joyce has been advocating.
Party elders, including Anderson, have been criticised for aligning too closely with mining interests over their traditional farming constituency. Mark Vaile, who succeeded Anderson as National Party leader, became a chairman of Nathan Tinkler’s ill-fated Aston Resources when he left Parliament. Former NSW leader Ian Armstrong worked as a lobbyist for AGL. Current President of the National Party, Larry Anthony, is also head of a lobbyist company that have Santos and Shenhua as clients.
Joyce has also received substantial political donations from Santos. He received $80,000.00 on the day he argued against what was called ‘the water trigger’ which would allow Federal intervention in the approval process should water sources be compromised. He has proposed that a landowner get 1 per cent of the well head revenue of a CSG well. The best performing well in Queensland produces $1 million a day but an average CSG well is worth about $60,000 a day. At that metric, a single well would earn a landholder more than $200,000 a year, before tax – enough to completely reshape the value of land in marginal areas throughout the Pilliga – like Gwabegar.
Mr Joyce, was the Resources Minister, when the Federal Government demanded that NSW accelerate approval of the Santos project at Narrabri, to ease an alleged looming gas shortage. As Deputy Prime Minister, Joyce lists his land at Gwabegar, west of Narrabri as part of his pecuniary interests.
Accusations of a conflict of interest are primarily due to claims he could personally benefit from the Turnbull government’s push to develop coal seam gas near the land he owns.
CSG drilling in the Pilliga contaminates and de-pressures the sandstone aquifers from which I draw my spring-fed drinking water. Santos have already been fined for several contamination events and clearly demonstrated that the company cannot manage the risks associated with extracting coal seam gas.
The normal processes that should safeguard our water and the environmental values of the Pilliga have been comprehensively compromised by politicians acting in their own interests. Public disgrace and even jailing of Barnaby Joyce for misconduct while in public office (like Eddie OBeid) could possibly lead to some reform and perhaps rethinking of the wisdom of drilling for CSG in the Pilliga where the Great Artesian Basin is recharged.
Such morally reprehensible behaviour by such a prominent Federal Politician deserves retribution. A Federal ICAC (which Joyce opposes) would surely declare a conflict of interest and misconduct while in public office. Calls for Joyce to resign are mounting!
Still off topic. Jay we are still sitting in the dark in western Brisbane. Had to cook the dinner on the gas barbie. Please turn off those SA wind turbines so that Mal, Josh, Barnaby, and Canavans dependant, reliable coal fired power can be restored. We desperately need to fire up the TV to watch the crap on commercial TV. Maybe you can direct that bloody big.battery our way
@ Simon Pockley – wonderful summary of the malfeasance of Joyce and the Nationals, much has been published on Michael West’s site also
I would really make my decade if Joyce and the other Nationals ended up in prison
Simon Pockley: that’s a really great post. And needs a much wider readership. Surely some journalist from the MSM will oblige and acknowledge the source..
Note also:
So the PM is not aware! He claims ignorance as a defence while controversy rages around him. Pathetic! One wonders what steps he took then and now to address his lack of knowledge.. Clearly he is not on top of things. (Like Barnaby once was.)
Both the PM and the Deputy PM look like they aren’t on the job. Or at least – the job they are paid to do.
In matters of this nature a woman’s opinion carries little weight. Barnaby is a valuable man in the system and will be safe until a critical mass of women object. Perhaps Glenn’s link may contain a chance of social redress??
Clearly the boys of shorten/di natale seem to have kept their girls quiet. Well almost, it was great to hear plibersek on double standards and the gov cash paid to barnaby via her job.
welcome mark,
what do you think of the relentless pursuit of a dole rorter to get %1.4 billion the pricks could chase a couple of top rorters to get $10billion plus. Still that part of the low end doesn’t vote libs???
Given his insistence that the entire nation had a right to vote on the civil rights, which in turn inspired many quite nasty comments about the private relationships of gay Australians, and his suggestions that the gays would destroy the sanctity of marriage (whilst at the same have an adulterous relationship with his at least one staffer, I hope his hypocrisy comes back to him and gives him a dose of the ‘karma’ he so rightly deserves.
Expose on the Nats, Barnaby and CSG
As a point of interest … the P.M’s staff were recently awarded a handsome pay rise , perhaps to act as a conscience salve – encouraging them to hold the line in this climate of utter contempt for truth … keep that whistle deep in the pocket … under the money !
As for the Murdoch owned msm : the hacks will write according to orders. Sleuthing in any form is forbidden – long dead.
Rothchild famously extolled the ‘ Three M ‘ theory … control the Money – Military – Media & Control the World.
Thank you John Kelly, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this article & comments arising. Looking forward to hearing about Murdoch plan B , and the machinations to spring from Murdoch ( & overseers ) during the ensuing days / weeks..
On a lighter (yet appropriate) note does anyone here remember the comic strip titled ” The Wizard of Oz ” – featuring the King, Lancelot and the ‘horde’ / population ? Maybe there is someone clever enough to provide a link ?
A song for Baaarnaby ‘Guys Are Not Proud’
I’m going to be a bit crude here but Turnbull should be called “Passion Fingers” as everything he touches is f—-d! It is not bad luck by the way. He is just hopeless.
The accusations of a (potential) conflict of interest were raised and reported through the media long ago and Joyce declared he would sell the property as a result – yet I believe it’s still listed on his assets register.
It seems the Real Estate Agents in that area are pretty hopeless. Five years and still no sale?
It resurfaced again last year –
Meanwhile the proposed inland railway conveniently seems to go quite close to that land, potentially increasing it’s value.
It’s quite apparent he never intended to sell the land but typically lied about it to throw off the media.
Although less sensational, I think it’s a far more serious charge than the current one but has been brushed aside.
Thanks for the excellent summary.
But what I want to know, is when will the Fed election be? I need to organise my year!