Australian Political Reporting: Explained by Movies

When the Liberals do Something Dodgy

When the Public puts the pressure on and the Media actually reports on the Liberals doing something dodgy

When a rogue journalist wants to report on the Liberals but isn’t allowed to

How the media allow the Liberals to answer questions in Interviews with “serious journalists”

When news about Labor breaks and the Media joins forces

How the Media pursue Labor

The Power the Media aim to have over Labor

The Media After Party when they bring down a Labor Politician

Originally Published on Polyfeministix

About Trish Corry 110 Articles
Trish loves to discuss Australian Politics. Her key areas of interest are Welfare, Disadvantage, emotions in the workplace, organisational behaviour, stigma, leadership, women, unionism. Trish is pro-worker, anti-conservativism and anti-Liberalism. Trish is a proud member of the Australian Labor Party and her articles are written from a Laborist / Progressive perspective. Trish's blog is The Red Window (


  1. MSM nauseates me.

    I mentioned, a bit upset, the death of David Dungay on the previous thread starter, and found no mention in msm today, even the Grauniad.

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