The Australian Government has reached yet another low point. And not just Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his freedom-hating Cabinet. Bill Shorten, while holding the position of Leader of the Opposition, has repeatedly and consistently failed to do anything of the sort, leaving the ALP complicit in yet another embarrassment to the nation.
Opposition – noun – ‘resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument. A contrast or antithesis’.
There isn’t much in Shorten’s recent actions or arguments on matters of national security or asylum seeker policy that fits that definition. Where there is a mild attempt at resistance or dissent, it is quickly over-shadowed by full support and endorsement of whatever nasty piece of legislation Abbott and his team of reprobates have conjured up.
Actions speak louder than words.
And in this respect, Shorten has demonstrated exactly what the Australian Labor Party stands for. In much the same way Abbott supporters seek to excuse his horrible policies and laws by quoting unsubstantiated claims of success proclaimed by the Murdoch media, Labor supporters point to the vilification Shorten will receive from the same if he actually opposed something.
As if this matters.
There is something unsettling about the Opposition making feeble protestations against freedom-infringing laws, before supporting them in full; seen most recently with the ALP’s endorsement of data retention and site-blocking. It takes on a sinister note when those laws don’t just infringe on basic freedoms, but endorse human rights abuse and torture.
We now see the clearest indication yet that the ALP is not prepared to challenge the Government when it really matters.
Of course the ALP will readily stand up for the rights of Australians to free healthcare and education. It will stand up against the trashing of workplace rights. But when it comes to national security and immigration, Bill Shorten is right there beside Abbott.
And why?
Shorten knows siding with Abbott to kill off universal healthcare, education and workers’ rights will be the end of the ALP.
However, destroying civil liberties under the guise of ‘fighting terrorism’? Bring it on. And supporting a regime condemned by the UN for torturing asylum seekers? Shorten now gives it a massive tick.
Naturally, the ALP wafts around a few words to appease the humane and compassionate members of the ALP who have condemned the treatment of men, women and children in detention. It makes pathetic excuses about policy positions and not endorsing the manner in which the off-shore facilities are run. All the while pledging support for legislation which authorises the expenditure of tax payer money on off-shore detention in the face of a High Court challenge.
This was the ALP’s chance to stand up for basic human rights. This was Shorten’s chance to unequivocally condemn Australia’s treatment of refugees fleeing persecution and genocide.
Yet with Abbott and Brandis a little nervous when challenged on the legality of the off-shore facilities, Shorten is right there beside Abbott.
In a totally expected, yet disappointing motion passed by the ALP caucus on Wednesday, 24 June 2015, the ALP endorsed the Migration Amendment (Regional Processing Arrangements) Bill 2015.
The motion included that support for the amendments was ‘on the basis that the legislation solely goes to enabling payments, enabling the fact of regional offshore processing and that the legislation does not change or in any way expand the current situation/policies/extent of regional offshore processing.’
The ALP knows exactly what is happening in the current situation and the human rights abuses being perpetuated under the current policies. Would it have been so difficult to only support the amendments on the proviso that all children and babies were returned to Australian territory with their families? Or provide support conditional on the Government acting on the recommendations of the Moss Review and the Australian Human Rights Commission Forgotten Children Report? Clearly too difficult: Shorten may have set himself up for a mean cartoon and subject line in the mainstream media.
The motion finished with, ‘Nor does the federal parliamentary Labor party in any way condone the manner in which the current federal government is running offshore processing’.
Of course the ALP doesn’t condone it. Apart from rushing to support legislation which ensures the whole regime is lawful. And previously supporting legislation making it unlawful for doctors, counsellors and other professionals to expose inhumane conditions and report sexual abuse and violence.
Where a person says one thing, and does another, it is the actions that show the true intentions. And not only has the ALP agreed to support the emergency legislation with no meaningful conditions, it has clearly shown that only certain people matter. Its another sign of solidarity with the Abbott Government on a matter of anything remotely contentious.
Shorten effectively states that if a person seeks asylum by boat, they do not deserve a safe haven that is actually safe.
Abbott has appealed to the lowest common denominator with his asylum seeker and border protection policies. And Shorten, too afraid to upset the misinformed masses, would rather support a torturous regime than expose the Coalition’s policy for the farce it is. Off-shore detention has not stopped the boats. It has not stopped desperate people seeking ways to get to Australia, or New Zealand, or any other place that has ratified the Refugee Convention. While no boats have been reported as successfully reaching Australian territory, hundreds of people have died at the hands of people smugglers in Thailand and Malaysia.
And Shorten has obligingly agreed to back the Government.
Abbott and Shorten bring shame to Australia. The humane treatment of asylum seekers should not be politicised. And the torture of asylum seekers should not receive bipartisan support from a cruel Government and an opposition so weak it cannot stand up for the most vulnerable of people. There is no place for institutionalised abuse of people asking for help.
It is time Bill Shorten showed leadership. And demonstrated that leadership with actions that matter.
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