The National Anti-Corruption Commission has fallen at the…

The decision by the head of the NACC not to proceed with…

I hate paying tax!

By Bert Hetebry Before my retirement my workmate Paul said he hates working…

Quixotic Regulation: Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Capitulates

It was given top billing, a near absurd show intended to rope…

Does P. Duddy think he's got it in…

A test article - is he nuts? "I thought the chance of Dutton…

Australian Futures: Bringing AUKUS Out of Stealth Mode

By Denis Bright   With both sides of the mainstream Australian political divide supporting…

Dutton's Detailed Plan...

A few days ago I was rather cynical when I read that…

Dutton to ‘force poisons’ onto the lands of…

Queensland Conservation Council Press Release Queensland Conservation Council strongly opposes the introduction of…

Dutton’s nuclear nightmare a blatant attempt to keep…

Friends of the Earth Media Release National environmental justice group Friends of the…


Acknowledge Meant Of Country…

Ok, I think that it’s time that we had a new acknowledgment of country…

Something along the lines of:

“I begin today by acknowledging the racists past and present and apologise for those who seem to think that the booing during the Welcome To Country was ‘understandable’ while ignoring the Nazi salutes from the same section of the crowd. I pay my lack of respect to the traditional rapists of our land and to racists past and present as well as emerging racists who should have been taught better by the elders who seem to think that they are above reproach and that nothing matters as long as you make money.” 

I don’t know if it’ll catch on, but because I’m a fat, old white male it can’t possibly be divisive…

Unlike the Voice or the Apology or the Uluru statement.


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  1. Phil Pryor

    Dogshit dick dangler Abbott was born in London, a closet pommy, thus a great fan of the history of murder, theft, oppression, occupation, humiliation, indigenous slaughter, slavery, posturing and posing, fantasising about imperial supremacy.., actually, filth. And, the decline of rationality, sense, logic, decency, morals, ethics, training and awareness has seen a huge downward curve into great depths of P M’s, landing the U K with Ms. Truss, a subterranean and nematodal intellect (hah) of no known performance or success. Obliteration of the pound, humiliation and impoverishment of the people, enrichment by usurping parasites, bloodsucking by Threadneedle St. Insiders, all is on now and about to get worse. As in Venice, Far Canal.

  2. Canguro

    Abbott, the failed monk, a peddler, surfer, would-be fire-fighter, a non-intellect, regressive personality, sucker-up to the siren-like attractiveness of the poisonous sybil Peta, a slave to his hormones, ranked amongst the most mediocre of political personalities, a denialist to the end of time, destined to be allotted dumpster allocation amid the past and present of this country’s leaders, cannot but fail to act according to his troglodyte mechanical psyche. A sight to behold, and a warning to the enlightened; be aware, and be very wary of the type he personifies, and the intent he inveighs.

  3. GL

    Now this is funny:

  4. Terence Mills

    Interesting to note that among the more vocal ‘Liberals’ (actually right wing conservatives) at the CPAC meeting in Sydney were Tony Abbott, Ross Cameron, Eric Abetz, Amanda Stoker and Warren Mundine.

    What they have in common is that they are all failed Liberal party candidates !

    Not a good look

  5. Terence Mills

    One more CPAC political speaker who was tossed out of office by the electorate : the one and only John Winston Howard !

  6. Michael Taylor

    Gawd. What an array.

  7. wam

    beauty, rossleigh, you are always discordant but not divisive.
    However, “fat old” have connotations that (sorry, stan) we portly venerables find distasteful.
    If anyone is in need of an emetic or a substitute for the rabbott’s suppository, they should look at this array of men and women, including an ex-labor leader, an Aborigine but no kiwis.
    All addressing the conference theme in ‘a values-based talkfest that espouses the best of Howard, Reagan and Thatcher while exploring new ideas and themes for the coming generations.’
    Haven’t seen any reports over the weekend. Perhaps the speakers found nothing ‘best’ about the trio and only blew their own horns???

  8. totaram

    wam: with all the swimming you do, are you actually portly? Cluck, cluck!! I think a HIIT protocol in your swim may be of assistance. 30 second sprints with 4&1/2 minutes recovery (slow, stopped) in between. Repeat 4 or 5 times.
    Pardon the insolence. Just a gentle suggestion. (no, I am not portly, thanks to the above and similar procedures). You may of course completely reject my suggestions, implicitly or explicitly.

    As for the luminaries speaking at CPAC, their speeches could be used in place of suppositories and emetics. Luckily, many of us are not in need of such assistance with our gastro-enteric functions. Thank Dog for our continuing health-span. 🙂

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