If my research assistant (Rod) could let me have his surname I will acknowledge his contribution. I cannot fully vouch for the veracity of every point on the list but Rod’s work in putting the list together is considerable. What follows is the complete works of the Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison governments. Over nearly 6 years of governance look what they have achieved:
1. Climate change and its impacts on Nth Queensland, half million cattle lost, houses and business ruined.
2. Tasmanian World Heritage fires that are difficult to control.
3. The Murray Darling water fiasco and the impacts on our native wildlife as well as our farmers.
4. The housing crisis and disintegrating market.
5. The Banking Royal Commission and its future impact on regulations as well as the victims.
6. The NDIS failure in roll out.
7. The Aged Care Royal Commission.
8. The proposed Royal Commission into Disability Care.
9. The NBN failure and cost blow out.
10. Deliberate low wages growth with the World’s highest Household debt.
11. An inefficient taxation system that favours the wealthy via franking credits and superannuation contributions.
12. Allowing over 40 companies in Australia that have an annual turnover in excess of $1,500,000,000 per annum and pay zero tax.
13. The cuts to public schooling and Medicare.
14.The privatisation of essential public services, even the sewerage system, along with visas and land titles.
15. The uncontrolled expenditure to private companies of around one billion dollars covering the reef and refugee security at the gulags. The Paladin Affair… Christmas Island.
16. The PM stating that he has to spend up to $1,400,000,000 on the Christmas Island “Half Way Hotel” whilst telling graziers it will take them years to recover from floods and stock losses.
17. The need for an ICAC which the LNP wishes to avoid.
18. The failure of “Closing the Gap” for our Indigenous folk.
19. Introduction of punitive measures against the unemployed and disabled.
20. Failure to take responsibility for the increased suicide rate with our Indigenous children, our farmers and those that suffered under the Robodebt’s “guilty until proven innocent” attitude.
21. Failure to restore the positions of our public servants that dispense essential services with the dignity and respect that always accompanied their services.
22. The failure to restore the Aged Pension fully without penalty to those retired and whose partners continue to work. You allow pensions for yourselves that are not means tested and yet you can earn further Income without any penalty to your guaranteed tax-funded pension.
23. The failure to retrieve over-payments by politicians that were in breach of the constitution, yet you insist on repayment by citizens.
24. Deliberate lack of media ownership laws to suit your evil agenda.
25. The reduction of Indigenous housing budgets.
26. Entering into $50B contracts with a foreign State which involved nuclear to diesel conversion.
27. Continuation with fighter planes that after 10 years are still not functional.
28. The failure to take action with ministers and assistants for their disregard of proper protocols.
29. The failure to protect this nation from being a dumping ground of elicit funds while destroying the housing market.
30. The insistence that housing is an investment and not a basic right.
31. Failure of Mathias Corman in his role and receiving gifts from the travel company that received a $1B contract from the LNP. Such Company reportedly owned by LNP members and executive.
32. Allowing Ministers and MPs supporting business ventures where they have a direct or pecuniary interest therein.
33. Entering into defence contracts for paper submarines and flightless Kiwi planes exceeding hundreds of $billions.
34. Expanding the part-time casual gig jobs network causing disparity in inequality and essential basic incomes.
35. Entering into the Arms Race and contracting with Saudi Arabia, a known place of evil intent.
36. Following the US with its aggressive behaviour with other nations including involvement in wars that have caused the world’s greatest refugee crisis. There were never any weapons of mass destruction.
37. Failure to report the true state of unemployment and underemployment on a monthly basis.
38. Continuation of false reports and deliberate misleading reports on security scares with terrorism and boat people.
39. Allowing Department Heads to approve contracts without appropriate tender processes and due diligence.
40. Failure of ministers to account to our AFP (Cash/Keenan).
41. Continuous” stacking” of Regulatory Boards, with known political allies.
42. Cancelling parliamentary sitting times to avoid defeat by the opposition.
43. Filibustering in the Senate and running the clock down in both houses.
44. Failure to explain why Malcolm Turnbull was dismissed.
45. Failure to control energy supplier’s “price gouging” with the “Big Stick” policy.
46. Failure to address the effects of climate change, while playing with coal as the only source of power generation.
47. Failure to acknowledge that the SA Battery Storage System also feeds into the ageing Victorian grid.
48. Glencore, the world’s largest thermal coal exporter acknowledges the effects coal has on climate change while Ministers Canavan and Taylor still blame Labor. Glencore to Cap output.
49. The loss of manufacturing in Australia has left Australia vulnerable to trade deficits as coal is withdrawn internationally as a means of power generation. Coal is Australia’s second largest export.
50. Certain MP’s past and present have gained substantial benefit from insider trading in travel agency grants. HelloWorld, anybody?
51. “Jewellery” Bishop resigns in the hope of a new appointment that will continue at a huge cost to the remaining taxpayers in this nation.
52. China reduces Australian coal imports over climate change concern. Does Huawei have influence over this as NZ banned them and now is told expect fewer tourists?
53. Price of milk to rise proves insufficient to maintain viable dairy farmers, but it becomes a political football as big corporations dictate unfair terms and government dilly dallies with excuses.
54. We are now into the absurd spending of the LNP. Captain Cook Memorial and trans-Australian tribute costing over $67M. Just how much will we have to spend when Howard and Costello finally depart?
55. $600 million on war memorials to honour our dead in France and expansion for the future in Canberra.
56. Government stacking ABC and departs from protocol.
57. Morrison visits NZ and declines NZ assistance with refugee intake. NZ PM states corrosive policy in place by LNP.
58. Nauruan Government bans medical Medivac to Australia.
59. ABC bans Sally McManus from attending a meeting at ABC premises. Battle lines now drawn.
60. Government shells out $825 Million on lawyers during 2016/17. Waiting on 2018 figures.
61. Court order government to pay men on Manus $70 Million plus costs.
62. Minister Cash’s legal costs exceed $288,000 so far and still hides and does not confess.
63. Home Affairs Office spends $500,000 in legal fees (3 months) responding to court applications for urgent medical treatments of refugees.
64. George Brandis spent over $168,000 in legal fees to keep his ministerial diary a secret.
65. Sexual allegations surfacing by prominent mouthed TAS LNP member.
Added to each day, or hour-by-hour.
I will allow the aforementioned words to speak for themselves. Please add to our list should you so desire.
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My thought for the day
Governments who demand the people’s trust need to govern transparently to acquire it.
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