The AIM Network

A view of Trump from Down Under

Cartoon by Alan Moir (

The news that former President Trump would be standing for the position again in 2024 has greeted the world with a mixture of dismay and weighty indignation.

That the American Constitution would allow such a thing suggests a lack of foresight in the founding fathers’ thinking. I’m not suggesting that former presidents shouldn’t be able to run for office again but that persons of such apparent mental derangement should not.

I am in my tenth year of writing for The AIMN, and goodness knows how many articles I have written in that time. As dreadful as it may sound, none have given me more pleasure than those describing the unfitness of Donald Trump for the position of POTUS.

It would be tempting to state the truth and describe President Trump as I did in 2016. And there have been many addons since that time, like stealing top-secret documents, inciting violence to take over Congress, and denouncing – not accepting his opponent’s victory and being impeached twice. Where to start and where to finish.

Well, why not. His performance as President left the world aghast at how inadequate the man was for the job. Ironically, around 40% of the population agree with his self-assessment that he is a genius.

Anyway, without apology, this is how I felt about the moron in 2016:

“From Down Under, we see a sick deluded man of no redeeming features, a sexual predator full of racial hatred, a narcissist in every sense of the word. A deluded, pathetic liar who was unsuitable for the highest office in the land, if not the world. He sees complex problems and impregnates them with populism and implausible black-and-white solutions.

He is a person of limited intellect and understanding, only capable of seeing the world through the prism of his wealth. The far edges of knowledge seem to have passed him by. Matters requiring deep philosophical consideration seem beyond him.

His opinions on subjects of internal and international importance are so shallow that one would think he spent the entirety of his youth in the wading pool at the local swimming pool or six years in grade 1 and never academically advanced.

He is a crash-through politician with a ubiquitous mouth. Trump remains an incoherent mess who bounces back after each disaster thinking he has been impressive while those around him are laughing their heads off. Entertaining in a uniquely American way, he might be to the hillbillies, but leadership requires worldly character.”

According to the latest reports, Trump officially intends to run again in 2024. And at a time when the US needs a steady hand, not a character reminiscent of a headless crook.

For the next two years, he will command the attention of the international press for all the wrong reasons. When the world needs rational-thinking leaders to overcome problems of immense complexity, this moronic, mentally challenged individual stands in the way, like another Putin, to world peace.

Trump is a greatly diminished figure who suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of President Biden. However, he still commands the interest of a mainly sick media who crave personalities over reality. We can only hope he doesn’t get beyond the primaries or is jailed before they take place.



People like Donald Trump believe in this thing they call “American exceptionalism.” It is a myth, of course, but they consider themselves superior to all others. Conversely, Australians might say they think their shit doesn’t stink.

In his book titled “A Brief History of American Exceptionalism,” Burton Mack (deceased) explains the truth of the phrase.

“In truth, “American exceptionalism,” a term currently making the rounds among journalists, denotes those features of American self-understanding that distinguish it from other modern societies, especially European nation-states. Most of the features of note are characteristics familiar to most Americans with some sense of our history and the history of Europe since the Industrial Revolution. Chief among these is the notion of democracy born of a revolution against monarchy, not driven by an alternative vision of society (as was the case in the European revolutions). The purpose of the American Revolution was to give the people and their colonies freedom for their pursuits without any control by the king in England and only minimal control by the other colonies in America. It was this kind of freedom that marked America as the “land of the free.”

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My thought for the day

The ability of thinking human beings to blindly embrace what they are being told without referring to evaluation and the consideration of reason never ceases to amaze me. It is tantamount to the rejection of rational explanation.



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