2020: The Top 5

Image from abc.net.au (Photo by AP: John Minchillo)

Welcome to our annual Top 5.

2020 had it all as far as articles on The AIMN, but it was the incompetence and distrust of the prime minister and his government that stirred the senses, dominating our Top 5 list.

There was one exception, as you will soon see.

But to cut to the chase, here are The AIMN’s five most popular posts in 2020:

(The Top 5 is based on the number of views only. It does not take into account the number of comments or the post’s popularity with other online media sites such as Facebook or Twitter).

Number One: Downfall. Bunker Boy starts his run for the big house, by Grumpy Geezer.

Grumpy came from nowhere to grab top spot – with the help of tens of thousands of Americans who Grumpy’s bite and humour appealed to. Not since Roswell’s Dear America, please don’t make Donald Trump your president in January 2016 has an article on The AIMN attracted so much interest from beyond our borders. If you haven’t read Grumpy’s post then you’re in for a New Year’s treat.

The opening sentences set the scene for a few good belly laughs.


No grace, no dignity, no humility, no magnanimity, no class, no morals, no empathy, no soul.

He has no friends, not even a dog.

His wife can’t bear his touch, his daughter can’t avoid it.

Devoid of humour he doesn’t make jokes, he doesn’t laugh. Not ever. An occasional dismal rictus, a necrotic gash in his ochre-lacquered face-bladder signifies nothing more than his satisfaction in transacting another con.

He’s a loathsome coagulation of every human failing with no compensating virtues.



Number Two: Some Of Us Owe Scott Morrison A Big Apology! by By Rossleigh.

Rossleigh can say “I woz robbed!” Holding top spot from mid-January until mid-December he would have felt quite comfortable that he’d take the crown, but he’ll have to take the issue up with Grumpy Geezer.

Rossleigh’s article proved one thing: don’t judge an article by its title. If so, you could miss out on a satirical masterpiece.


Morrison had a natural advantage in that he was boring even before he was made Treasurer. Once he was made leader after Dutton’s aborted coup, Morrison managed to keep people in their semi-hypnotic state throughout the election campaign by talking about such things as curries and a fair go. Somehow he managed to have various people think that they were back in the fifties and it was a bonza country, but he was just a little bit alternative because he embraced these curry things, while Jen could whip up a mean salad…

All of which brings me to the apology…

Given his total and absolute inability to demonstrate empathy or competence in any job he’d ever held, and his ascent has only been through bastardry and nastiness, why on earth would we expect any better once he became our PM. Really, it’s our fault for electing him to a position far beyond his capabilities. He’s possibly doing the best that he can.

And so, on behalf of the Australian people, I’d just like to say, “Sorry, Scottie. We’ve expected far too much of you.”


Number Three: What a competent government would have done …, by Michael Taylor

This article was essentially a re-post of a Bill Shorten media release (LABOR’S NATIONAL FIRE FIGHTING FLEET) just days prior to the 2019 federal election. Compared to Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s incompetence in handling the bushfires that raged in January, one was left with a feeling of “if only”.


Who said there’s no difference between Labor and the LNP? I thank Henry Johnston for pointing me to this media release by Bill Shorten (on 17 March, 2019) which provides us with one glaring difference. Read on, and be the judge:

A Shorten Labor Government will boost Australia’s firefighting capabilities with a national fleet of aircraft and dedicated smokejumper units to keep Australians safe from bushfires.

All Australians understand the devastating impact that bushfires have. Lives are lost, homes destroyed and communities shattered.

Our firefighters and emergency services personnel are among the best in the world, and they do a tremendous job, often putting their own lives at risk. But they need more support from government.


Number Four: The Liar from the Shire, caught out again, by Kaye Lee.

Kaye Lee – as only she can do – called out Scott Morrison’s “bullshit” about bushfire management. It’s a short article, but it has plenty of sting.


In May 2016, when Scott Morrison was Treasurer, the National Aerial Firefighting Centre called for a “national large air-tanker” fleet to confront a growing bushfire threat. Despite a Senate inquiry backing the proposal, the government rejected it in September 2017, “noting that bushfire responsibility is a matter for each state and territory.”

Are firetrucks or planes to come to a screeching halt at the border? Do we ignore another state’s need to keep our resources in case we need them?

Smoko has defended his decision not to meet with former fire chiefs last year, who were also calling for more aerial firefighting capability, saying he chooses to listen to those ‘in their jobs now’.

Then up pops NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons who says the federal government has sat on a business case for a boosted national aerial firefighting fleet for at least 18 months.


Number Five: Asking Peter Dutton, by John Lord.

John showed as the value of asking questions and digging for answers.


A couple of days ago I received this message from a Facebook friend:

“Hi John, Part of the bloated Dutton budget is spent on this group [AIDR]. Young Peter has been strangely silent of late so may be an appropriate time to highlight his expertise.”

A Google search and it tells me that:

The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) develops, maintains and shares knowledge and learning to support a disaster resilient Australia.

So why haven’t we heard about this institute before or during the course of this ongoing disaster? What is the reason for its existence, and why does it come under the umbrella of Peter Dutton’s department?

What is their total funding and what is it spent on? With a bit of checking I find out that it is funded by the by the Attorneys General’s Department


Special mention must go to Steve Davies, whose article Pentecostalism – The decline, infiltration and fall of Australian Democracy finished a not-too-distant sixth.

And special mention must also go to RosemaryJ36 and Dr Jennifer Wilson whose articles Scott Morrison should resign, and Where is Scott Morrison and why is it a secret? (respectively) – that were both Top 5 finishers in 2019 – also scored highly in 2020.

And a big special mention must also to every author who published articles on The AIMN in 2020. Anyone of those could have been, and deserved to be, in the Top 5.

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  1. ah The memories
    still chuckling over Grumpy
    and I see how the rest rated so highly
    Rossleigh’s scathing satire
    Michael Taylor’s research
    Kaye Lee’s insight
    John Lord’s sadness
    and thanks to all the other wonderful writers, contributors and commentators that make this site so refreshing in a sea of darkness

  2. A few seconds before the picture is the measure of the man as a swindler. “In One Sentence: Palm orientation, up, down, or even, indicates submission, dominance and equality, respectively.” Over the years I have met many Territory and canberra pollies and public servants almost to a man or woman they are palm down. If they are lnp, I go over the top with my palm. For labor I go in even and turn any palm downers to even.
    ps great finishing thought, as we all have our favourites from our own purposes..

  3. Grumpy’s great article was written in November last year and it’s interesting to see
    all the other four were written in January 2020. Must be something in the water !
    Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading all the AIMN articles.

  4. Nothing like a good purge at the end of the year, eh Michael?

    A big thanks to AIMN for publishing my rants to an audience far in excess of any i could get on my own. The reception from the US of A was particularly gratifying.

    Big thanks also to all contributors to the AIMN who get their voices heard on here – worthwhile reading across the spectrum. And also to those readers whose comments have been welcome and encouraging – happy 2021 to all of youse.

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